Memo-Spiel "PhonoFit: Anfang gleich?...das reicht!", 40-tlg.
Wie bei einem Memo-Spiel werden zwei Karten einander zugeordnet. Dabei sind die Karten nicht gleich, sondern durch phonologische/metaphonologische Merkmale einander paarig zuzuordnen. Ziel ist es, Wörter mit gleichem Anlaut zu finden. Je zwei Wörter mit gleichem Anlaut bilden ein Paar. Wer kombiniert sie richtig miteinander? Und wer kann erklären, warum? Aus der Spielereihe mit dem idealen...
- je zwei Wörter mit gleichem Anlaut bilden ein Paar
- fördert die auditive Wahrnehmung und phonologische Bewusstheit
- für 2-4 Spieler ab 5 Jahren
Bildkarten "Wo ist der Fehler?", 54-tlg.
Die 54 Fotografien zeigen Menschen, die Situationen nachstellen, in denen irgendeine Art Fehler begangen wird: der falsche Gebrauch eines Werkzeugs, die ungeeignete Kleidung oder der unpassende Gegenstand in einem bestimmten Kontext. Alle Karten geben somit einen guten Gesprächsanlass für Kinder, die mit viel Spaß die Fehler kommentieren. Neben der Wortschatzerweiterung und dem freien Erzählen...
- 54 große Fotokarten zur Wortschatzerweiterung
- fördert die Satzbildung und das freie Erzählen
- regt die Beobachtungsgabe und das logische Denken an
Memo-Spiel "PhonoFit: Reim dich, oder…!", 40-tlg.
Sprechen, hören, Reime finden anhand von 40 lustig dargestellten Bildkarten (20 Reimpaare). Wie bei einem Memo-Spiel werden zwei Karten einander zugeordnet. Dabei sind die Karten nicht gleich, sondern durch phonologische/metaphonologische Merkmale einander paarig zuzuordnen. Jede Schachtel der PhonoFit-Serie bietet dabei einen anderen Übungsinhalt an. Aus der Spielereihe mit dem idealen...
- Reime finden anhand von 40 Bildkarten
- fördert die auditive Wahrnehmung und phonologische Bewusstheit
- für 2-4 Spieler ab 5 Jahren
Bildkarten "Rate, was ich denke", 76-tlg.
Die 54 Fotografien zeigen Menschen (und auch Tiere) in unterschiedlichen Situationen. Dazu gibt es Sprechblasen, die dazu auffordern, mündlich auszudrücken, was die Person wohl denkt und vor allem fühlt. Kinder müssen somit nicht nur die Situation erfassen, sondern sollen erkennen, welche Emotionen und Gedanken die Situation auslöst und diese sprachlich formulieren. Dies fördert nicht nur die...
- 54 große Fotokarten zur Sprachentwicklung
- fördert die Satzbildung und das freie Erzählen
- regt die Beobachtungsgabe an
- unterstützt die Fähigkeit, Empathie zu entwickeln
Bildkarten "Rate, was ich bin", 41-tlg.
Würfeln und die entsprechende Farbkarte nehmen. Verdeckt anschauen, die Sanduhr umdrehen und pantomimisch das auf der Fotokarte Abgebildete darstellen. Sofort geht eine schnelle Fragerunde los und ganz nebenbei und sehr spielerisch üben die Kinder Fragesätze zu formulieren und durch schnelles Kombinieren, den richtigen Begriff zu ermitteln. Das Kind, das vor Ablauf der Zeit erraten kann, was...
- übt Fragesätze zu formulieren
- schult die schnelle Begriffsfindung
- trainiert die Kombinationsgabe
- fördert pantomimisches Talent
Lernspiel "Leg an!", 70-tlg.
Ein Domino und Memo-Spiel, das zum Erzählen anregt und nebenher Sachwissen vermittelt. Reihum legen die Kinder die Motivkärtchen aneinander. Dabei entstehen lustige Quatschgeschichten, denn der Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Eine andere Variante richtet sich an ältere Kinder. Sie sollen den sachlichen Zusammenhang begründen. Sie diskutieren zum Beispiel über die Zusammenhänge zwischen...
- Domino und Memo-Spiel, das zum Erzählen anregt
- vermittelt Sachwissen
- 70 Motivtafeln aus Holz
"Apropos Sprache" Aufbauset 2
Konzentrations- und Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen stellen bei Kindern ein besonderes Problem dar, weil der Lernzuwachs in diesem Alter am größten ist. Klappt es nicht mit der Konzentration, können sich enorme Wissenslücken bilden. Konzentration ist die Fähigkeit, die ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit auf eine bestimmte Sache auszurichten. Diese Ausrichtung ist ein aktiver Steuerungsprozess und das Ergebnis...
- ganzheitliche Sprachförderung mit allen Sinnen
- Material aus der Lebenswelt der Kinder
- fördert die Wortschatzerweiterung und phonologische Bewusstheit
Buch "Sommer-Wimmelbuch", 16 Seiten
Der erfolgreiche Bilderbuchklassiker führt uns durch den Wimmlinger Jahreszeitenverlauf. In diese textlosen Geschichten kann man sich stundenlang vertiefen! Die Sonne scheint, vereinzelt sind kleine Wolken am Himmel zu sehen, in der Stadt und drumherum herrscht reges Sommer Treiben. Viele Bekannte aus den ersten beiden Wimmelbüchern treffen wir wieder: Der Bauer fährt die Ernte ein, Thomas und...
- Wimmelbilder zur Wortschatzerweiterung
- textlose Geschichten entdecken
- Bilder die zum Erzählen animieren
- haltbares, großes Pappbilderbuch
Buch "Sprachliche Bildung in Kindertageseinrichtungen", 336 Seiten
Sprachliche Bildung stellt die Basis aller Bildungsprozesse dar. Anliegen des interdisziplinären Autorinnenteams ist die Verankerung der sprachlichen Bildung in Kitas als durchgängiges Prinzip im pädagogischen Alltag. Die Leser erschließen sich fundiertes Fachwissen, um sprachliche Bildung im Sinne von Partizipation, Ko-Konstruktion und Inklusion zu verstehen und zu gestalten. Mit Beiträgen von...
- sprachliche Bildung als durchgängiges Prinzip im pädagogischen Alltag
- mit Beiträgen eines interdisziplinären Autorinnenteams
- vermittelt fundiertes Fachwissen
"Apropos Sprache" Aufbauset 1
Die phonologische Bewusstheit geht dem Lesen, Schreiben und Rechtschreiben voraus. Hörbare Elemente (Laute) der gesprochenen Sprache werden erkannt und mit sichtbaren Elementen (Buchstaben) in Verbindung gebracht. Das bedeutet Wörter als Teile von Sätzen und Silben als Teile von Wörtern zu erkennen oder einzelne Laute heraushören zu können. Der Begriff umfasst somit Fertigkeiten wie das Hören...
- ganzheitliche Sprachförderung mit allen Sinnen
- Material aus der Lebenswelt der Kinder
- fördert die Wortschatzerweiterung und phonologische Bewusstheit
Buch "Die Piraten", 14 Seiten, Kniebuch mit Musik-CD
Was sind das doch für schusselige Piraten! Eigentlich ist ja alles ganz einfach: Pirat Hein soll Kanonen- und Pistolenkugeln kaufen. Aber auf dem Markt angekommen, kann Hein sich leider nicht mehr erinnern, was er einkaufen sollte und erwirbt stattdessen Obst und Gemüse. In Folge seiner Vergesslichkeit wird der nächste Piratenangriff zu einem amüsanten Abenteuer, bei dem augenscheinliche...
- Kniebuch mit Audio-CD
- 20 Lieder
- Video zum Buch
- Mal- und Bastelvorlagen
- Wortschatzerweiterung, Mehrsprachigkeit, musikalische Förderung
Laute und Reime entdecken mit der Erzählschiene
Rose – Hose, Hase – Nase: Kasperl liebt es, in Reimen zu sprechen. Doch manchmal will ihm einfach kein Reim einfallen! Dann müssen ihm die Kinder weiterhelfen. Mit dem Reimwörter-Spiel für die Erzählschiene üben Kinder in Kita und Grundschule Laute zu erkennen, Reimpaare zu finden und eigene Reime zu erfinden. Mit dem Kasperl und den 48 Bild- und Wortkarten können die Kinder ganz spielerisch...
- Laute erkennen und Reimpaare finden
- fördert die phonologische Bewusstheit
- für Vorschule und Anfangsunterricht
- 10 Spielvarianten mit verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden
- 48 vorperforierte Karten aus stabiler Pappe
Silben begreifen mit der Erzählschiene
Mit einer bunten Eisenbahn reisen Kinder in Kita, Vorschule und Grundschule bei diesem Lernspiel Deutsch in die abenteuerliche Welt der Wörter und Silben. Wie viele Silben hat das Wort Ba-na-ne? Welche Wörter bestehen nur aus zwei Silben? Silben klatschen und Wörter trennen mit 48 Bild- und Wortkarten. Die Leseanfänger befüllen die Waggons mit den passenden Karten und üben so spielerisch Lesen...
- Silben klatschen – Wörter trennen
- für Vorschule und Grundschule
- 48 vorperforierte Karten aus stabiler Pappe
- Silbeneinheiten in zwei Farbtönen und mit Silbenbögen
- Spielanleitung mit 10 Spielvorschlägen und Varianten
Buchstaben lernen mit der Erzählschiene
Das Alphabet spielerisch kennenlernen mit Anlautbildern und 60 Buchstabenkarten zum ABC. Buchstaben und Anlaute erkennen und benennen – so gelingt es! Von A wie Apfel bis Z wie Zitrone: Aus Zippos Zauberhut zaubern die Kinder immer neue Buchstaben! Mit dem Buchstaben-Lernspiel für die Erzählschiene können Kinder das ABC entdecken und mit dem Lesen lernen beginnen. Jede Karte zeigt ein...
- Verbesserung der phonologischen Bewusstheit und Laut-Buchstabe-Zuordnung
- für Vorschule, Leseanfänger und Förderunterricht
- 60 Karten und methodische Spielanleitung
- 10 Spielvarianten mit verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden
Buch "Praxisbuch Erzählschiene", 120 Seiten
Wie funktioniert die Erzählschiene? Das umfangreiche Praxisbuch dazu gibt alle wichtigen Tipps und viele Ideen von der Erfinderin der Erzählschiene Gabi Scherzer. Ein vielseitiger Begleiter, der unerlässlich ist für die Arbeit mit der Erzählschiene. Erzählen schafft Beziehung: Geschichten machen Kindern noch mehr Spaß, wenn sie sich selbst mit einbringen können. Genau hier punktet die...
- kreative Methoden zum Einsatz der Erzählschiene in KiTa und Grundschule
- Figuren- und Kulissenwerkstatt mit Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen
- Praxisangebote zu Begriffsbildung und Wortschatzerweiterung
- Ideen für die Kombination mit einem Kamishibai Theater
Buch "Eine kleine Ballgrammatik. Spielerische Zugänge zur Sprache", 112 Seiten
Der Ball als Spiel- und Sprachanlass ermöglicht einen Zugang zum Kind und dem Kind einen Zugang zur Sprache. Das Buch liefert Spielanregungen zur Sprachbildung mit dem Ball, die ganz einfach in den pädagogischen Alltag integriert werden können. Für Kleinkinder, aber auch für ältere mehrsprachige Kinder und Jugendliche, die Deutsch als Zweitsprache erwerben. Zugang zur Sprache über den Ball...
- Zugang zur Sprache über den Ball
- Spielanregungen für den pädagogischen Alltag
- für Kleinkinder - aber auch für ältere mehrsprachige Kinder
Buch "Frühlings-Wimmelbuch", 16 Seiten
Der erfolgreiche Bilderbuchklassiker führt uns durch den Wimmlinger Jahreszeitenverlauf. In diese textlosen Geschichten kann man sich stundenlang vertiefen! Die ganze Stadt und ihre Umgebung stehen im Zeichen des Frühlings. Allmählich werden Bäume und Felder grün, die ersten Blumen blühen, an anderer Stelle wird gesät. Der Bauer hat alle Hände voll zu tun und Thomas plant eine Fahrradtour mit...
- Wimmelbilder zur Wortschatzerweiterung
- textlose Geschichten entdecken
- Bilder die zum Erzählen animieren
- haltbares, großes Pappbilderbuch
"Apropos Sprache" Basis Set
Als Einsteigerset geeignet! Ein Anlautschrank mit Wortbildkarten und vielen Stoffteilchen bietet unzählige Spiel-, Lern- und Fördermöglichkeiten. Die bunten, schönen und kindgerechten Stoffteile laden zum spielerischen Umgang und zur sinnlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Sprache ein. Kinder können über das Greifen die Sprache begreifen. Die Sprachkompetenz wird erweitert, gefördert und gefestigt....
- ganzheitliche Sprachförderung mit allen Sinnen
- Material aus der Lebenswelt der Kinder
- fördert die Wortschatzerweiterung und phonologische Bewusstheit
Buch "Das Rhythmical Buch", 96 Seiten, mit Audio-CD
Rhythmicals – das sind superkurze und supereinfache Verse, bei denen der Sprechtext durch Gestik, Mimik, Bewegungen und Bodypercussion unterstützt wird. Es ist also voller Körpereinsatz gefragt! Die spielerische Verknüpfung von Sprach- und Bewegungsebene fördert die motorische Koordination und das Rhythmusempfinden. Gemeinsam in der Gruppe auf den Boden stampfen, in die Hände klatschen und...
- mit Rhythmus zu mehr Sprachgefühl
- kein Notenlesen und wenig Vorbereitung nötig
- Downloadcode für Videos und MP3-Versionen der Lieder und Reime
- abgestimmt auf Kinder von 3 bis 8 Jahren
Buch "Die 50 besten Spiele zur Sprachförderung", 72 Seiten
Spielend sprechen üben: Die 50 Spielideen machen Spaß und helfen Kindern, auch schwierige Laute zu meistern! Maria Monschein, Sprachheilpädagogin, Montessori- und Motopädagogin, hat eine Sammlung einfacher Spiele ohne Material zusammengestellt, die Erzieherinnen und Kinder gleichermaßen lieben werden. Affenkreischen, Kitzelspiel oder Fischgeplapper – Ratespiele, Gruppenspiele und Pantomine: Mit...
- Sätze bilden, Laute formen und genau hinhören
- von der Mundmotorik über Satzbildung bis zur Hörübung
- 50 schnell umsetzbare Ideen zur Sprachförderung
- für Kinder von 3 bis 10 Jahren
Buch "Leichter Deutsch lernen mit Musik", 136 Seiten, mit Audio CD und...
Lieder, Spiele und Reime zur Sprachförderung in Kita und Schule. Mit Musik geht alles leichter! Für die Sprachförderung von Kindern, deren Muttersprache nicht Deutsch ist, legt Liedermacher Wolfgang Hering heute Swing und Rock ’n’ Roll, Reggae, Pop und Jazz auf - und vermittelt damit Kindern ganz spielerisch, bewegt und unverkrampft einen grundlegenden Wortschatz zu diesen Themen: Begrüßung und...
- perfekt zum Deutschlernen als Zweitsprache
- mit Praxis- und Liederbuch, Audio-CD und Playbackversionen
- 60 Begriffskärtchen zur Wortschatzerweiterung
- Fingerspiele, Spielgedichte, Bewegungs- und Ratespiele
Buch "52 Blitzideen: Sprache. Praxisimpulse für Kitas und...
52 Ideen für ein ganzes Jahr im kompakten Kalenderformat – rund um das Thema „Sprache“. Großformatige Fotos und kurze Anleitungen sorgen für einen einfachen Einsatz im Kita-Alltag: Die Ideen erfordern keine langen Vorbereitungszeiten, sind schnell zu erfassen und umzusetzen. Die vorgestellten Impulse unterstützen Kita-Kinder ab 3 Jahren in ihrer Sprachentwicklung und ermuntern sie zu einem...
- 52 Ideen für ein ganzes Jahr rund um die Sprache
- im kompakten Kalenderformat
- für Kita-Kinder ab 3 Jahren
- zur Schulkindbetreuung
Buch "Winter-Wimmelbuch", 16 Seiten
Der erfolgreiche Bilderbuchklassiker führt uns durch den Wimmlinger Jahreszeitenverlauf. In diese textlosen Geschichten kann man sich stundenlang vertiefen! Was gibt es Schöneres für ein Kind, als bäuchlings auf dem Boden zu liegen, vor sich ein großes Bilderbuch, in dem es hunderte von bekannten und unbekannten Dingen zu entdecken gibt? Ein stabiles Pappbilderbuch mit sieben großformatigen...
- Wimmelbilder zur Wortschatzerweiterung
- textlose Geschichten entdecken
- Bilder die zum Erzählen animieren
- haltbares, großes Pappbilderbuch
"Apropos Sprache" Komplettset
Das Material aus der Lebenswelt der Kinder unterstützt die gesamte Sprachentwicklung und sensibilisiert diese für Buchstaben und Schriftsprache. Es weckt das Interesse und motiviert gleichsam zum spielerischen und experimentellen Umgang mit der Sprache. Das Komplett-Set beinhaltet das Basis-Set, sowie alle drei Aufbau-Sets. Förderung: Wortschatzerweiterung, Sprachförderung, Konzentration,...
- ganzheitliche Sprachförderung mit allen Sinnen
- Material aus der Lebenswelt der Kinder
- fördert die Wortschatzerweiterung und phonologische Bewusstheit
- beinhaltet das Basis-Set, sowie alle drei Aufbau-Sets
Kartenspiel "Laschwappen & Kiezematze", 32-tlg.
Kartenspiel mit vertauschten Buchstaben zur Sprachförderung. Hinsehen, genau zuhören und schnell reagieren: Wer weiß, wie Laschwappen, Kiezematze und Karete wirklich heißen? Und wer findet das passende Bild dazu? In diesem witzigen Buchstaben-Spiel gilt es, dem Kauderwelsch die korrekte Bildkarte und das richtige Wort zuzuordnen. Nur wer aufmerksam ist, kann die verdrehten Begriffe schnell...
- fördert die phonologische Bewusstheit
- inkl. Begleitheft mit Spielanleitung und methodischen Hinweisen
- mit Spielvarianten von einfach bis schwer
- Kartenspiel für Kinder von 5 bis 8 Jahren
Buch "Komm mit ins Buchstabenland", 80 Seiten
Eine spielerische Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Buchstaben von Gerhard Friedrich und Viola de Galgóczy. Wie Kinder durch ganzheitliche und kreative Sprachförderung schon früh einen spielerischen Einstieg in die Welt der Buchstaben und der Sprache finden, zeigt dieses Buch: Im fantastischen "Buchstabenland" erleben die Buchstaben die spannendsten Abenteuer. Gemeinsam mit ihnen spielen, singen...
- spielerische Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Buchstaben
- ganzheitliche und kreative Sprachförderung
- Musik-CD mit Buchstaben-Liedern
Buch "Herbst-Wimmelbuch", 16 Seiten
Der erfolgreiche Bilderbuchklassiker führt uns durch den Wimmlinger Jahreszeitenverlauf. In diese textlosen Geschichten kann man sich stundenlang vertiefen! Wirbelndes Herbstlaub, leuchtende Kürbisse und ein stimmungsvoller Laternenumzug. Das und noch viel mehr gibt es im Herbst-Wimmelbuch zu entdecken. Friedrich erntet seinen gigantischen Kürbis. Ina ist mit einem Esel unterwegs. Was hat sie...
- Wimmelbilder zur Wortschatzerweiterung
- textlose Geschichten entdecken
- Bilder die zum Erzählen animieren
- haltbares, großes Pappbilderbuch
gratis-Artikel zu Ihrer Bestellung je Bestellung nur 1x erhältlich Bitte wählen Sie das Geschenk selbstständig im Warenkorb aus und fügen es so zu Ihrer Bestellung gratis hinzu.
- gratis-Artikel zu Ihrer Bestellung
- je Bestellung nur 1x erhältlich
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Blooming bee buffet
With this set, you can create a blooming paradise for wild bees in just a few minutes and actively protect nature! While lots of the plants in our gardens might look pretty, not all are particularly bee-friendly. The seed mixture contained here includes over 25 varieties that have been specially compiled to provide bees with a balanced source of food to support the population. These include...
- Supporting bee populations
- With seed mixture for 1-2 m²
- Observing wild bees together
Blooming butterfly buffet
With this set, you can create a blooming paradise for butterflies in just a few minutes and actively protect nature! While lots of the plants in our gardens might look pretty, not all are particularly insect-friendly. The seed mixture contained here has been specially compiled to provide butterflies with a balanced source of food to support the population. The wooden sign included is imprinted...
- Supporting butterfly populations
- With seed mixture for 1-2 m²
- Observe butterflies together
Book "Wo kommst du her, kleiner Schmetterling? Mein Pop-up-Buch zum Staunen",...
This lovingly designed non-fiction picture book combines 2 things that children absolutely love — butterflies and pop-up books. The picture book provides a memorable illustration of the development of the butterfly. The transformation from egg to caterpillar and from chrysalis to butterfly is accompanied by beautiful rhymes and artistically designed, three-dimensional pop-ups and flaps....
- Non-fiction picture book with pop-ups and flaps
- Follow the development cycle of the butterfly with rhymes
- Made of sturdy cardboard, for small children's hands
Activity pyramid, magnetic, 42 pcs.
We all know that exercise is important. For children in particular, it is essential for sensory, physical, motor, mental, cognitive and social development. This activity pyramid clearly shows children the different types of physical activity and illustrates how much exercise is needed to stay healthy. Use the pyramid to motivate children to get more exercise. The activity pyramid is divided...
- Learn about different types of activity
- Reflect on own behaviour
- Increase movement in everyday life
Zuchtset "Schmetterlinge", Starter-Set, 5-tlg.
Erleben Sie die spannende Entwicklung von der Raupe zum Schmetterling! Alle Hagemann Aufzucht-Sets enthalten Raupen aus deutscher Zucht sowie umfangreiches Zusatzmaterial (Arbeitsblätter, Aufzuchtnetz etc.). So wird Schmetterlinge züchten ganz einfach! Mit diesem Schmetterlings-Zucht-Set wird das Naturerlebnis zum AHA-Erlebnis. Züchten Sie mit Ihrer Kindergarten-Gruppe, mit Ihrer Schulklasse...
- Starter-Set mit 5 bis 7 Raupen aus deutscher Zucht
- heimische Schmetterlinge
- praktisch für den Einstieg mit allem, was für die Aufzucht notwendig ist
- faszinierendes Naturerlebnis
- heimische Schmetterlinge
- inklusive Online-Zugang zu digitalen Übungen
- Die neue Schmetterlings-Saison beginnt im März 2025.
Sie können aber jetzt schon planen und vorbestellen.
Book "Wie wird die Raupe zum Schmetterling?", 18 pages
This unique non-fiction picture book combines 2 things that children absolutely love — butterflies and lift-the-flap books. The picture book provides a memorable illustration of the life and development cycle of the butterfly. Detailed photos and illustrations encourage observation skills. Lots of short, child-friendly information makes the book a reference work for young naturalists. The flaps...
- Non-fiction picture book with flaps, photos and illustrations
- Short, child-friendly information about the life of the butterfly
- Made of sturdy cardboard, for small children's hands
Food pyramid with food, vegetarian and classic, magnetic, 127 pcs.
More and more people are opting for a vegetarian diet. But what do you need to bear in mind to ensure that you still supply your body with all the important nutrients? This vegetarian food pyramid offers an easy way to show children how to eat a balanced diet without meat. The pyramid was designed according to the recommendations of the German Centre for Nutrition (Bundeszentrum für Ernährung)....
- Comprehensive set for teaching a healthy vegetarian diet
- Designed according to recommendations from the German Centre for Nutrition (Bundeszentrum für Ernährung)
- Detailed instructions with factual information and access to worksheets and digital exercises
Zuchtset "Schmetterlinge", groß mit XXL-Voliere, 12-tlg.
Erleben Sie die spannende Entwicklung von der Raupe zum Schmetterling! Unsere praktischen Aufzucht-Set enthalten die Raupen aus deutscher Zucht sowie umfangreiches Material (Arbeitsblätter, Aufzuchtnetz etc.). Schmetterlinge züchten – ganz einfach! Mit diesem Schmetterlings-Zucht-Set wird das Naturerlebnis zum AHA-Erlebnis . Züchten Sie mit Ihren Kindern zu Hause, Ihrer Kindergarten-Gruppe oder...
- Komplett-Set mit 10 Raupen aus deutscher Zucht
- mit allem, was für die Aufzucht notwendig ist
- mit toller, großer XXL-Schmetterlingsvoliere, Schmetterlinge etwas länger beobachten
- Materialpaket (Lebenszyklusmodell Distelfalter, Film, 4 digitale Übungen, 12 Arbeitsblätter, 2 Bestimmungstafeln Schmetterlinge, 2 Facettenlinsen, tolle Aufkleber, pädagogische Anleitung)
- inklusive Online-Zugang zu digitalen Übungen
- Die neue Schmetterlings-Saison beginnt im März 2025.
Sie können aber jetzt schon planen und vorbestellen.
Vegetarian & vegan nutrition, magnetic, 57 pcs.
These magnetic foods are the ideal addition to our food pyramid. This offers a clear illustration of how a healthy diet can be put together. You can also turn the familiar food pyramid into a vegetarian food pyramid and give children a simple overview of how to eat a balanced, purely plant-based diet. The detailed information material will help you to teach children about the different food...
- Vegetarian foods to supplement the food pyramid
- Get to know new foods and plant-based alternatives
- With detailed instructions, factual information, worksheets and digital exercises
Befestigungs-Stock, 40 cm lang
Runder, geschälter 40 cm langer Holzstock mit 2 kleinen 3 mm großen Metallösen zum Aufhängen. Der Stock ist 15-20 mm ø und ist für Wandbehänge und Makramee-Knüpfkunst geeignet. runder geschälter Holzstock, 40 cm lang mit 2 Metallösen zum Aufhängen für Wandbehänge und Makramee-Knüpfkunst Maße: ca. 40 cm lang, 15-20 mm ø Inhalt : 1 Stück
- runder geschälter Holzstock, 40 cm lang
- mit 2 Metallösen zum Aufhängen
- für Wandbehänge und Makramee-Knüpfkunst
Experiment Set "Water Purification", 9 pcs.
Water filtering made easy! The set provides the optimal basis for introducing children to the topic of water conservation and water treatment. The children playfully learn about two different ways of purifying water and conduct exciting experiments to explore how water can be purified, for example, by assembling a water filter from different filter layers and learning about the different...
- find out how water is purified
- understand water reuse
- learn about filtration, distillation and how wastewater treatment plants work
- educational guide with information, 3 experiment instructions,
4 worksheets and access code for 3 digital exercises
Experimentation Set "Power and Renewable Energy", 47 pcs.
What is electricity? How do I build an electric circuit? What materials conduct electricity or what is renewable energy? Pupils will work through these and many other questions with the 12 experiments in "Power and renewable energy". The experimental topics 1. Electric circuits 2. Switches 3. Series and parallel circuits 4. Conductors / non-conductors 5. Electricity generation and transmission...
- 12 exciting experiments
- makes it easier to understand electricity, electric circuits etc.
- with video instructions for the experiments
Experiment Set "Skeleton", 17 pcs.
A detailed and accurate model of the human skeleton to touch and discover! The skeleton forms the fundamental structure for our body. It comprises around 206 bones and is separated into the skull, torso and limbs. This detailed model kit teaches children step by step about the structure and key bone groups of the human skeleton . They build the individual skeleton groups based on the...
- detailed and accurate model of the human skeleton
- learn about the structure of the skeleton
- carry out exciting experiments on the skeleton, muscles and joints
- learning guide with factual information, 8 worksheets and access to 4 interactive exercises
Experiment Box "Bacteria and Viruses", 12 pcs.
Research bacteria and viruses! Bacteria and viruses have a bad reputation as they often cause illnesses. However, up to 100 billion useful bacteria live inside each of us. Are bacteria and viruses harmful or essential? Children can use this experiment box to learn background information about bacteria and viruses and how they propagate. Using exciting, child-friendly experiments and more, they...
- learn about the world of bacteria and viruses
- perform exciting experiments, including bacteria propogation
- lots of experiment materials included
- educational guide with information, 7 experiment instructions,
3 worksheets and access to 3 interactive exercises
Activity Softball "Confetti", approx. 8 cm ø
This softball with PU centre is suitable for catching games to liven up lessons and to boost children's concentration through movement . This makes it ideal for lesson changeovers or between topics or simply as occasional entertainment. In addition, the softball is useful for vocabulary games and other games . The ball is particularly lightweight and weighs just 110g. So nothing can go wrong if...
- for vocabulary or other games
- to add a bit of fun to lessons
- really light and very quiet
Variant selection
Abacus for the numbers 1-20, red/blue, upright stand
The frame is made of RE-Wood® (recycled wood) and very stable thanks to a special casting process. The RE-Wood® beads are nice and big and easy to grasp thanks to the 11 mm diameter. The beads run along stainless steel bars. This abacus helps children become confident counting in the number range up to 20 and familiarises them with the transition across into the tens. Thanks to its compact size...
- For the 20 number range
- In groups of 5 red/blue, optionally with or without colour change
- Upright frame for compact dimensions
Choice of models Demonstration video
From €3.95
Variant selection
A4 paper bags, 20 pieces
These practical paper bags are always handy when you need to pack up small items, group or circus learning materials up to A4 size. Whether you choose white bags or a colour-coordinated system to differentiate between the contents, the paper bags are very versatile. The bags can be labelled allowing the contents to be identified at a glance. Sturdy paper makes these bags suitable for a variety...
- 20 bags, each 24 x 12 x 31 cm
- For storing small items, group or circus learning materials
- For decorating and colouring as a gift bag
Colour selection
From €24.90
Nikitin material: N7 ABC cubes
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. This set is a fun way for...
- A fun way to learn the alphabet
- Blocks printed with letters and initial sounds
- Accompanying booklet with lots of instructions for games and exercises
Individual stamp "Your things", rectangular 40 x 15 mm
This stamp can be used for quickly labelling clothing, shoes and paper. The letters, numbers and motifs can be rearranged each time as required. Ideal for labelling your teaching materials and for stamping recurring corrections when marking. We recommend using the enclosed labels for labelling plastic objects. For darker textiles, 1 metre of white iron-on fleece is included with delivery, which...
- Ideal for labelling your teaching materials
- The letters can be reset again and again
- Can also be used as an organisation stamp
Card set "50 games for the playground"
This set of cards offers ideas for indoors and outdoors, for short or long breaks, and is ideal for free time or for a break between activities. Under supervision, most games can also be played by pre-school age children. The 50 cards made from FSC®-certified paper contain a range of classic school playground games including Chinese skipping, ball and catching games, and scavenger hunts. But...
- 50 cards with games for indoors and outdoors
- Ideal for free periods or as a fun breakout activity
- Games, counting rhymes, clapping and singing games and much more
Memory game "Emotions", 80 pcs.
This memory game helps children to recognise, distinguish and articulate feelings. 20 feelings are shown on 80 sturdy cards. There are 2 different facial expressions on 2 picture cards for each emotion. The cards are labelled with the depicted emotion in English and a matching emoji. The border colours divide the cards into 5 main groups of emotions. The aim of the game is to find pairs, i.e....
- Trains attention, concentration and memory
- Promotes social-emotional skills
- See and understand feelings
- Expands vocabulary
Multiplication cards "1x1", 100 pcs.
This game with 100 cards made of sturdy, high-quality cardboard really gets children up to speed with their times tables 1-10. The front of each card shows a calculation task from the times tables 1-10, with the multiplier always in blue and the multiplicand in black. The product is written in red on the back. There are countless ways to play with these materials: students can work on their...
- For practising times tables 1-10
- For individual work or in teams
- Children can check their own answers
Nikitin material: Basic box
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. With these coloured wooden...
- Promotes dexterity, fine motor skills and concentration as well as logical thinking
- With 32 templates in ascending difficulty from easy to difficult
- Also suitable for free design and construction
Whiteboard signs, magnetic, 9,3x29,5 cm, 5 pcs.
This set of 5 large whiteboard signs can be used in a variety of ways. Whether you need moderation materials or additional name tags for the magnetic behaviour traffic lights, there is always a task for these practical labels. They can also easily be cut to the required size with scissors. The labels can be written on using dry-wipe marker pens, then repeatedly cleaned and reused. Thanks to the...
- Can be cut to size with scissors if necessary
- Can be written on with whiteboard markers then wiped clean
- Magnetic, sticks to magnetic boards and info boards
From €9.95
Ink pad set "neon", 6 colours
These ink pads come in 6 different neon colours and are suitable for rubber stamps, our wooden stamps and also for fingerprinting. The bright colours make each reward stamp stand out, so they look very special. The ink pads can also be used for handicrafts and to embellish self-designed greetings cards or other handicrafts. The inks are lignin and acid-free. The set contains one ink pad in the...
- 6 bright neon colours, a highlight for reward stamps
- For rubber and wooden stamps
- For designing greeting cards and other handicrafts
Educational game "Mathemino Plus & Minus", 37 pieces.
This maths domino set contains 37 beechwood dominoes from sustainable forestry and is ideal as a fun way to consolidate understanding of addition and subtraction tasks for numbers up to 20. The dominoes feature rounded edges and are the perfect size for children's hands. Each domino shows an addition or subtraction task and a solution number. Following the rules of the familiar domino game,...
- A fun way to practise addition and subtraction for numbers up to 20
- Link task and solution together
- Made of wood, pleasant feel
Cardboard filing boxes, white, 3 different sizes with hinged lids
This set contains 3 cardboard filing boxes with hinged lids that can be used anywhere. Thanks to the white cardboard surface, these sturdy cardboard boxes also offer endless possibilities for creative crafts and learning in the classroom. Teachers looking for inspiring materials should definitely get their hands on these versatile craft boxes to open up a world of imagination for their pupils....
- Cardboard filing boxes in three sizes with folding lid
- Sturdy cardboard, white surface for customised design
- Ideal for learning, crafts or storage
Maths dominoes "Addition problems", 66 pieces In a fabric bag
Explore the number range up to 10 and have fun mastering the addition tasks in this range — nothing could be easier with these wooden maths dominoes. The wooden playing pieces cover all the addition problems for totals between 0 and 10, as well as the solutions. The pupils' task is to match them up. Not only do they have to find the right solution for each calculation, they also need to select...
- 2 sequences of dominoes in 2 different colours
- With all the addition problems for totals 0-10
- Made of wood, pleasant feel
Cardboard pencil box, 19 x 6.8 cm
This sturdy white cardboard box is the ideal size to hold your writing utensils. The surface is unprinted, so the pencil box can be painted, labelled and decorated as you wish. With a colour base coat then decorated with our gemstones or sequins, you can create a unique item that is not only practical, but also a visual highlight on your desk. The box is also very suitable as a self-designed...
- Made of sturdy white cardboard
- For individual customisation
- For pens, pencils, small items or as a gift box
Number blocks 1-12 for comparing and calculating, made of wood, 41 pcs. In...
Number blocks are an indispensable tool in maths lessons, especially when it comes to understanding numerical values and for comparing different numbers. Our number blocks are supplied in a set of 41 pieces and contain all the numbers from 1-12. By using the wooden number blocks, teachers can make abstract concepts tangible and help pupils to compare numbers and recognise their values. This...
- Robust material with a pleasant wood feel
- Wide range of different size pieces, 12 different subdivisions
- Versatile and easy to handle
Nikitin material: N2 uni cubes
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. Even little children can...
- Building on N1 pattern cubes
- Develops three-dimensional imagination
- Promotes powers of observation and concentration
Spinning pointer set for decimal values, 4 pcs.
This spinning pointer set consists of 4 panels (each with 2 spinning pointers) for the ones (yellow), tens (green), hundreds (blue) and thousands (red). This offers an exciting alternative to dice, which children can use during quiet time or free work to spin their own numbers for maths exercises. The design with white and black rotating pointers means the panels can also be used by 2 children...
- Spinning pointers for ones, tens, hundreds and thousands
- Can be used by 2 children at the same time thanks to 2 spinning pointers on each panel
- Can be combined with number flipchart and place value cubes
Educational game "Ubongo! School Edition"
This version of the popular board game Ubongo has been specially developed for schools and contains enough material for the whole class. Up to 28 pupils can compete against each other in up to 7 groups. It offers a playful introduction to geometric shapes and spatial thinking and is particularly suitable for Years 2-7. The enclosed educational guide clearly shows how this game with shapes to...
- Specially developed for schools
- Enough material for the whole class
- With detailed educational guide
- Trains spatial thinking, awareness of rules and increases motivation
Educational game "Historical eras compared", 58 pieces.
This sorting game is made using high-quality, robust cardboard and helps familiarise children with the history of mankind and developments in different eras. Children can work together or individually to explore history, finding out about the 5 major eras: the Stone Age, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modernity, and more recent events in contemporary history. Each historical era contains 8 photo...
- Learn about the most important developments in human history
- Promotes attention and concentration, vocabulary and fluency
- Develops the perception of time
- With extensive information guide for download
Tray for Diene decimal calculation set
This hard-wearing tray is the ideal supplementary accessory for our Dienes arithmetic products with 1x1 cm cubes. It contains one compartment each for the ones blocks, tens rods and hundreds squares. The value can be specified by or worked out from the number dials. The hundreds compartment has a flap, so pupils can stack up to 10 rows of hundreds squares and count them easily. This makes...
- For visualising calculations for numbers up to 1,000
- With rotating numeric discs
- Support for calculations using the Dienes decimal arithmetic set (available separately)
Maths dominoes "Subtraction tasks", 65 pcs. In a fabric bag
Explore the number range up to 10 and have fun mastering the subtraction tasks in this range — nothing could be easier with these wooden maths dominoes. The wooden pieces cover almost all the subtraction tasks that are possible with minuends 10 to 0, as well as the solutions. The pupils' task is to match them up. Not only do they have to find the right solution for each calculation, they also...
- 2 sequences of dominoes in 2 different colours
- With almost all subtraction tasks that are possible with minuends 10 to 0
- Made of wood, pleasant feel
Maths flashcards "Addition problems", 249 pcs. In cardboard box
With this maths card set, children can master all addition tasks in the number range up to 30 in no time at all. The double-sided cards contain all the addition problems that can add up to numbers between 0 and 30 — none are left out. The solution is displayed on the other side along with a new task. This allows children to check their solutions themselves. Alternatively, children can also play...
- Practise addition in the number range up to 30
- Contains each addition task for sums from 0 to 30
- On double-sided printed cards, for checking your own work
Maths flashcards "Subtraction problems", 249 pcs. In cardboard box
With this maths card set, children can master all subtraction tasks in the number range up to 30 in no time at all. The double-sided cards contain all the subtraction problems that can be created using the minuends 30 to 0 — none are left out. The solution is displayed on the other side along with a new task. This allows children to check their solutions themselves. Alternatively, children can...
- Practise subtractions in the number range up to 30
- Contains each subtraction task for the minuends 0 to 30
- On double-sided printed cards, for checking your own work
Percentage calculation strip, magnetic, 32 pcs.
Working out percentages is child's play with this calculation strip. This is a clear and simple method for demonstrating calculations using percentages to pupils. Thanks to the magnetic back, the strip can be attached to any magnetic surface, such as blackboards, whiteboards etc. Different areas (50%, 25%, 20%, 10%, 5%) can be inserted into the 100% frames. Each subdivision is in a different...
- For illustrating percentage calculations
- Magnetic, for use on the blackboard etc.
- 100% frame with different subdivisions
Number clips number range up to 100, 101 pcs. In a wooden box
With these plastic number clips, children can explore the number range up to 100 in a playful, tactile and visual way. When lined up on the cord (included in the scope of delivery), the numbers can be displayed so they are constantly visibly in the classroom to help pupils with their mathematical orientation. Each number clip is printed with a number up to 100, the zero is also included in the...
- Number clips for the numbers 0-100, with text in two colours
- Can be used for hanging on the cord or free-standing
- For exploration and familiarisation with numbers 0-100
Set of wooden geometry shapes, 12 pcs. With bag
This set of 12 wooden geometric shapes teaches children the names, appearance and properties of these basic forms. The geometric shapes (cones, spheres, pyramids, prisms, cuboids, cubes, cylinders, hemispheres) are also ideal for tasks involving area, perimeter, shape and size. They are also perfect for identifying, analysing and comparing the geometric shapes with each other. With practical...
- 12 wooden geometric shapes
- Learn the names and properties of the basic geometric forms
- For illustrating three-dimensional geometric shapes
Magnetic Time Period Traffic Lights, 17.5 cm long
These traffic lights with magnets on the rear are easy for all pupils to see in the middle of the steel enamel board. The green/yellow/red time periods can be individually programmed, the change of time zones is displayed visually (light flashes) and acoustically (beep), and the volume of the beep can be regulated or adjusted. With remaining time display. The integrated folding tripod on the...
- Time periods individually programmable
- Changing the time zone acoustically and visually
- fold-out tripod and rear magnet
Advisory video
Dienes basic Montessori set, with number cards, 170 pieces, plastic
This comprehensive set is designed to visually represent number ranges up to 1,000. This allows the number scale to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10s and 100s to be displayed. It helps pupils explore basic calculation operations and introduces decimal numbers. Includes 38 number cards made of sturdy, high-quality cardboard, 7 arithmetic symbol cards and 125 items of Dienes...
- Visual representation of the number range up to 1,000
- With Dienes material and number cards
- In Montessori colours
Educational game "Mathemino multiplication", 37 pieces.
This maths domino set contains 37 beech wood pieces from sustainable forestry and is an ideal way to reinforce understanding of the times tables 1-10 through play. The dominoes are designed with rounded edges and are the perfect size for children's hands. Each domino shows a multiplication problem and a solution number. Following the rules of the familiar domino game, children match the tasks...
- Practise times tables from 1-10 through playing
- Link task and solution together
- Made of wood, pleasant feel
Demo teaching clock 1-24 analogue/digital, manual, made of wood
This wooden teaching clock is a great tool for children to learn and practise telling the time. As well as a 24-hour dial in red, the minutes are displayed in blue. A digital time can also be set using the rotating dials on top of the clock. As with most teaching clocks, the minute hand is in blue, the hour hand in red. The hands are also made of wood and are fully adjustable, making them...
- Caterpillar counting chain as a mathematical aid for the number range up to 20
- 20 wooden beads on tear-resistant cord
- With blocks of 5, red/blue
Gear game "Machines", 60 pcs.
With this cogwheel set, children aged 5 and over can design, construct and test 9 simple machines. You can also use the various parts to implement your own ideas. The set helps children recognise what cause and effect are all about, while simultaneously developing skills such as logical thinking, problem-solving and concentration. 50 components (gears, pulleys, belt drives, connectors ...), 9...
- With instructions for 9 different assemblies
- For endless, imaginative constructions
- Develops motor skills
- Promotes problem-solving skills and power of concentration
Learning board "Addition and subtraction with carry over", 45 pcs.
In this educational game, the funny frog helps children practise adding and subtracting with carry over. The set includes 4 calculation boards each for addition and subtraction. A number line up to 20 is printed at the bottom of each board to help. The boards are made from coated cardboard and can be written on repeatedly with non-permanent marker pens then wiped clean again. 8 suitable marker...
- For practising addition and subtraction with carry over
- Promotes attention and concentration
- Funny frog motif illustrates the carry over
Set of letter cards "ABC", 216 pcs. In a case
This comprehensive set with 216 letters on sturdy cardboard is ideal for learning the alphabet and creating first sentences and words. Each letter is included at least twice, vowels and frequently used letters up to 10 times. The set also includes cards with umlauts and characters used in foreign alphabets. So these letter cards are also ideal for use in foreign language lessons. The front of...
- 216 letters, including umlauts and other diacritics/accents
- Learn the alphabet and form your first words and sentences
- Also ideal for foreign language classes
- In a handy cardboard case
Learning Game ABC Calculation
This maths game makes it easy for the teacher to cater to a variety of different learning abilities among their pupils. Each solution corresponds to a solution letter. After four tasks, a solution word is revealed that is the same for each child and only differs by task difficulty level, e.g. 2+5 or 9-2 or 15-8, etc. The teacher tells the children result 7, the pupils find the right solution on...
- complete set for 1st and 2nd year of school
- 100 calculation cards for numbers up to 100 in different levels of difficulty
- 40 display cards with the tasks/solutions for work in pairs or alone
Demonstration video
Nikitin material: N3 squares
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. This set consists of 68 wooden...
- 2 games in one with 68 colourful wooden pieces
- For laying out different squares
- For tangram games with 100 templates
- Promotes concentration, observation and combination skills
Nikitin material: N4 building blocks
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. These 8 identical,...
- Build different structures from 8 identical building blocks
- Construction plans with different perspectives of each structure
- With 48 templates
- Promotes spatial thinking and creativity
Nikitin material: N5 geo cubes
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. This set of 7 colourful wooden...
- Assemble 7 colourful wooden building blocks following templates or in a free design
- Promotes spatial thinking, concentration and creativity
- Template booklet with 76 pages
Nikitin material: N8 logical lines
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. This set of 24 colourfully...
- Continue a given logical sequence
- Promotes logical thinking
- Develops shape and colour matching
Nikitin material: N9 Creativo
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. This game for 2-5 players...
- Describe, draw, mime or recreate terms
- Promotes expression, imagination and creativity
- For 2-5 players
Glow-in-the-dark stars and moon, self-adhesive, various sizes, 111 pcs.
Children often dream of the infinite vastness of the universe, of twinkling stars and the mysterious moon. Now you can bring the magic of the night sky directly into the classroom or use this set to decorate a recreation room. This fascinating set contains a shining moon and 111 twinkling stars and star dots, which can also be used for motivation and praise. Children will be particularly...
- Clean and precise adhesion
- Rechargeable under natural or artificial light
- As a reward or special commendation
Desk organiser "Flexible", plastic, 5 pcs
This mobile and flexible table organiser is made of plastic and ensures everything on the desk stays neat and tidy, e.g. for group, team or circus work. The 5 modules in 3 sizes can be rotated on the hinges as required, adapting perfectly for any purpose. The possibilities are endless, whether you align them compactly together, arranged in a row or around a corner. This means that the organiser...
- Can be arranged flexibly using hinges
- 5 compartments in 3 sizes, with 1 flexible divider
- Ideal for group, team or circus work
Radio-controlled school clock with plastic frame, black, 24.5 cm ø
This radio-controlled wall clock has a high-contrast clock face, and the large numbers are visible from afar. With a frame made of robust, black plastic and a glass cover for the clock face, this clock is also really eye-catching. The black digits on a white background are easy to read. The black hands are wide enough to be seen from anywhere in the room. The second hand is designed in a highly...
- Precision radio-controlled time at any time of the year
- High-contrast dial is clearly visible
- Coloured second hand
Radio-controlled school clock with aluminium frame, silver, 25 cm ø
This radio-controlled wall clock has a high-contrast clock face, and the large numbers are visible from afar. With a brushed aluminium frame and a glass cover for the clock face, this clock is also really eye-catching. The black digits on a white background are easy to read. The black hands are wide enough to be seen from anywhere in the room. Thanks to the radio signal, you can always see the...
- Precision radio-controlled time at any time of the year
- High-contrast dial is clearly visible
- Silent operation
- Long battery life
Picture story cards "Der Grolltroll", 15 pcs.
An impressive picture story about frustration, anger and conflict, which is also suitable for the Kamishibai storytelling theatre. Sometimes everything goes wrong: the little blue troll wants to build a hut, but it always collapses. Then he doesn't manage to harvest the delicious apple. His stomach is grumbling noisily. When he takes his anger out on his friends, they have had enough: they...
- Picture story about anger and apologising
- A creative approach to language development in daycare centres, nurseries and primary schools
- 15 picture cards and text template
Picture story cards "Es klopft bei Wanja in der Nacht", 12-pcs.
Helpfulness and peaceful coexistence are the main themes of this picture story, which is also suitable for the Kamishibai storytelling theatre. On a bitterly cold winter's night, a little rabbit knocks on Vanya's door and asks for asylum. Vanya grants him permission, but when the fox and the bear ask to be let in shortly afterwards, things become critical: will the animals keep their promise...
- Picture story about helpfulness and peaceful coexistence
- A creative approach to language development in daycare centres, nurseries and primary schools
- 12 picture cards and text template
Hundred board, made of wood, 29.5 x 29.5 cm
This hundred board is made of varnished beech wood and is designed to make children familiar with the number range up to 100. It is suitable for laying out or sorting counting items and for addition, subtraction and multiplication maths tasks. The board has 10x10 recesses that can be filled with felt balls, beads or glass gems, for example. Felt balls with a diameter of 2 cm are particularly...
- Beech wood playing board with 10 x 10 indentations
- For familiarisation with the 100 number range and for arithmetic tasks
- Can be filled with felt balls, beads, glass gems etc.
Fraction calculation blocks, linear, made of wood, 78 pcs. In the frame
Fraction blocks are an indispensable tool in maths lessons, especially when it comes to understanding fractions. Our fraction blocks come in a set of 78 pieces that can represent a variety of fractions. With the wide range of fractions, teachers can create different exercises and tasks to challenge their students and improve their fraction skills. By using the wooden fraction blocks, teachers...
- Robust material with a pleasant wood feel
- Wide range of different size pieces, 12 different subdivisions
- Versatile and easy to handle
Kamishibai wooden theatre
The Kamishibai storytelling theatre is also affectionately known as "cinema without electricity". Laminated picture cards in formats up to A3 are inserted into a box-shaped wooden frame with hinged doors, where they are displayed one after the other. The sturdy, black wooden frame with side wings automatically draws the eye to the picture cards in the centre section. You can keep an eye on your...
- A hugely fun way to promote a culture of storytelling and enhance language skills
- High-quality workmanship, made of 1.2 cm thick veneer wood
- For picture cards in formats up to A3 (also laminated) or picture books
- Vivid way to convey knowledge
Number cards number range up to 100, 108 pcs. With wooden frame
With these wooden number cards, children can not only explore the number range up to 100 but also reconstruct different arithmetic operations. Every number from 1 to 100 is on the number cards, and there is also the number zero. Students can lay out the entire number range up to one hundred or just part of the number range. The back of the cards is blank, so games where you leave gaps are also...
- Wooden number cards for the numbers 0-100
- Cards printed on the front, blank on the back
- For exploration and familiarisation with numbers 0-100
- 7 wooden arithmetic symbols for first arithmetic operations
Student learning clock 1-24 analogue/digital, manual, made of wood
This wooden teaching clock is a great tool for children to learn and practise telling the time. As well as a 24-hour dial in red, the minutes are displayed in blue. The top of the clock is designed with a removable wooden strip with a whiteboard surface, which can be used to enter a digital time using wipe-clean whiteboard pens. As with most teaching clocks, the minute hand is in blue, the hour...
- Teaching clock for children, with freely adjustable hands
- 24-hour dial and minute indications to match the colours of the hands
- Digital clock with whiteboard bar at the top edge
Spatial building "From 2D to 3D", 47 pcs. In a wooden box
With this set, children learn how to transition from two-dimensional pictures to three-dimensional shapes. They build the figures depicted on the task cards using the wooden pieces provided thus developing their spatial awareness. At the same time, they are training their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. When they work on this as a team, it also develops their language skills. The...
- Transition from 2D image to 3D figure
- With task cards offering varying levels of difficulty
- Promotes spatial awareness, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination
Set of plug-in cubes red/blue, 1.7 cm, 100 pieces in box
A wide range of uses include: counting, comparing, sorting, weighing, calculating, laying, number ranges and teaching spatial reasoning as well as design. The cubes can be freely combined, meaning that flat and 3D structures can be created. They can be used to illustrate basic arithmetic operations, geometric shapes, symmetry and mirroring. The cubes are made of environmentally friendly,...
- Can be used for lots of mathematical tasks, including spatial representations
- Can be slotted together freely
- With stackable plastic box for storage
Nikitin material: N1 pattern cubes
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. The set consists of 16 wooden...
- Copy patterns from a template or invent your own
- With 2 template booklets and 16 wooden cubes
- Promotes awareness and concentration
- Helps with recognition of positional relationships and symmetrical shapes