Whirlpool in a Bottle, 6 pcs.
Create your own whirlpool effect (tornado) in a bottle. All you will need in addition is two water bottles (1 empty bottle and 1 filled with tap water) and you can get started. The set contains a plastic whirlpool connector and 5 colour tablets (red, yellow and blue). The whirlpool effect works best with 1.5 or 2 litre plastic bottles made from PET. It is best not to use glass bottles because...
- create your own whirlpool in a bottle
- for right and left rotating swirl effects
- with colour tablets to dye the water
Demonstration video
Experiment Set "Light and Colour", 69 pcs.
The 57-part "light and colour" experiment kit comes with detailed instructions to stimulate lots of different experiments and observations. Some are fairly everyday, although not well-known, others will even surprise adults. Conducting these experiments offers interesting insights about colours, how they are produced and how they are perceived in light and shadow. 19 exciting experiments, e.g....
- 19 exciting experiments with detailed instructions
- emergence of colours and perception in light and shadow
- suitable from age 10
Kit "Electric Motor"
How does an electric motor actually work? With this kit, children can have fun finding out how an electric motor is constructed. How excited they will be when it then purrs into action and starts turning! Complete kit for children from age 10. kit for an electric motor have fun finding out how an electric motor is constructed for children from age 10 Please note: Battery/electronic device disposal
- kit for an electric motor
- have fun finding out how an electric motor is constructed
- for children from age 10
Transparent Magnetic Field Board, 23x13 cm
This board is an impressive way to show your students how magnetic fields are created. It contains iron filings in water which, in conjunction with a magnet, arrange themselves into lines corresponding to the magnetic fields. Since the iron filings move more slowly in liquid than in the air, they are ideal for observation. This design also avoids the need to scatter and then dispose of iron...
- makes magnetic fields visible
- transparent and suitable for OHP
- includes 4 magnets
Miracle Fish
Marvel at the incredible miracle fish! Scientific relationships can be explained using simple items and with lots of fun. Like with this little red, 9 cm long fish, which is also known as the fortune teller fish. Take the fish out of the packaging and place it in the palm of your outstretched hand. The fish moves voluntarily with varying degrees of intensity, without you doing anything. How...
- moves on the palm of your hand
- for research in group work or for entertainment
- also could be a party trick or an eye-catching item during teaching
Demonstration video
From €0.89
Researcher Case "Weather", 138 pcs.
Have fun experimenting! Build a greenhouse, measure air pressure, create clouds and a rainbow, produce steam, build your own water circuit, identify clouds, create a whirlwind etc. Learn everything you need to know about the weather with these and many other fantastic experiments! Nursery children and school children love trying out new things. These little researchers will model, mix, try...
- easy to use thanks to the many pre-prepared experiments on the topic of weather
- guaranteed success thanks to video experiment instructions
- experiment cards for every experiment for pupils and teacher
- ideal for nursery, primary school, curriculum related
Bottle Diver, 5 cm
This version of the Cartesian diver is a colourful octopus made of plastic. Press the plastic bottle and the bottle diver will sink. As soon as you release the pressure, it rises again. If you press and release repeatedly the bottle diver will even dance. Its moving tentacles swing around as it does so. Children and adults will immediately want to know how it works. The instructions explain how...
- cartesian diver in the shape of a colourful octopus
- for understanding the connection between density and buoyancy
- with instructions
Demonstration video
Mobile Phone Microscope, 3 cm ø
The mobile phone microscope - small, practical and surprisingly high quality! With this microscope, you will suddenly be able to see things that were previously invisible, and you can design your lessons to take advantage of modern, digital technology. The mobile microscope is incredibly easy to attach to the camera on any smartphone or tablet . Encourage children to use the digital microscope...
- for fixing to a smartphone or tablet camera
- with integrated LED light
- up to 30 x magnification
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
North-South Bar Magnet, 40 mm long
This robust bar magnet is ideal for teaching children the basics of magnetism. The poles are coloured and marked with embossed letters. Thanks to its handy size, the magnet is easy for children to grasp and ideal for their first magnetic experiments and tests. The principle of attraction and repulsion can be clearly demonstrated and various objects can be tested for their magnetic properties....
- easy to handle
- with north-south labels
- demonstrates the principles of magnetism
From €0.95
Stable Soap Bubbles, 20 ml
Soap bubbles to stack and play with? This is possible with our sturdy soap bubbles! They look like conventional soap bubbles, but after being allowed to harden for a few seconds, they can be touched, stacked and observed for a long time without bursting. They fly through the air, bounce off objects, or stick to them. This makes them perfect for experiments on the subject of surface tension ....
- soap bubbles to touch, stack and play with
- for experiments on surface tension
- for occasional entertainment
Demonstration video
0.032 l
(€123.44 * / 1 l)
Kompass aus Holz, 45 mm ø, 2 Stück
Der Kompass ist bei Wanderungen, Schatzkarten- oder Geländespielen ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter. So lernen die Kinder die Himmelsrichtungen kennen und sich in der freien Natur zu orientieren. Dank der robusten Schlaufe lässt sich dieser Kompass einfach am Schlüsselbund befestigen und ist so immer einsatzbereit zur Hand. Der massive Holzring kann sogar individuell gestaltet werden – so sind...
- Himmelsrichtungen kennenlernen
- mit Schlaufe zur Befestigung
- massiver Holzring lässt sich individuell gestalten
Bastelset "Segelboot", 3-tlg.
Ab nach Draußen mit diesem Upcycling-Segelboot! Dieses Upcycling-Bastelset enthält alles, was du brauchst, um aus verschiedenen Gegenständen Segelboot zu bauen. Befestige die Kiel, Mast und Segel mit einer Schnur oder mit Gummibändern an beliebigen schwimmenden Gegenständen, zum Beispiel an Holzstücken oder leeren Flaschen. Das upgecyclete Segelboot wird an der Schnur gehalten, damit es nicht...
- Upcycling-Bastelset mit Segel mit Mast und Kiel
- aus verschiedenen Gegenständen ein Segelboot bauen
- spannend und kinderleicht
- aus FSC®-zertifiziertes Buchenholz
- durch Upcycling weitere Nachhaltigkeitsideen entdecken
- spielerischer Einstieg in MINT, MINKT und BNE
Becher-Lupe für 2 Augen
Einzigartige 2-Augen-Becherlupe mit 2 Vergrößerungsokularen Diese Becherlupe ist eine geniale Innovation. Durch die beiden Okulare im Deckel können Objekte wie Pflanzen, Pflanzenteile oder kleine Tiere mit beiden Augen untersucht und räumlich wahrgenommen werden. Die beiden Okulare haben eine dreifache Vergrößerung. Zusätzlich sind im Behälter zwei Lupen mit zweifacher Vergrößerung integriert....
- mit beiden Augen Details entdecken
- einzigartige binokulare Becherlupe
- ermöglicht räumliche Beobachtung von Objekten
- 3-fache Vergrößerung
- Behälter mit zusätzlichen Lupen
Bastelset "Solarhaus mit Speicher", 13-tlg.
Dieser Bausatz bietet einen hervorragenden Einstieg in das Thema Solartechnik. Die Kinder bauen das Häuschen zusammen und beleuchten es anschließend mit Solarenergie. Alles Notwendige zum Aufbau ist enthalten und mit der bebilderten Anleitung setzen die Kinder die Teile problemlos zusammen. Die Einzelteile können sogar individuell bemalt und gestaltet werden. Das Solarpanel auf dem Dach...
- Solarenergie kennen lernen und „be-greifen“
- Strom erzeugen und das Haus beleuchten
- kompletter Bausatz mit Holzteilen, Solarmodul, Schalter, LED und Akku
Bastelset "Windrad und Windenergie", 10-tlg.
Mit diesem spannenden Set können Kinder ein eigenes Haus bauen und dieses mit Windenergie beleuchten. Alles Notwendige zum Aufbau ist enthalten und mit der Anleitung setzen die Kinder die Teile problemlos zusammen. Die Holzteile können sogar individuell bemalt und gestaltet werden. Wie bei den großen Vorbildern kann das Windrad durch Wind (Anpusten) in Bewegung gesetzt werden und erzeugt Strom....
- Windenergie kennen lernen und „be-greifen“
- selbst Strom erzeugen und das Haus erleuchten
- mit Aufbauanleitung und spannendem Sachwissen
Teleskop, 90-fach, 55x35x28 cm
Das Top-Teleskop für den Einstieg in die Astronomie! Mit diesem Teleskop kann man Krater auf dem Mond entdecken, Planeten und Sternschnuppen beobachten. Dieses hochwertige Teleskop macht einfach viel Spaß, denn die Beobachtung des Nachthimmels fasziniert alle Astronomie-Fans und die, die es werden wollen. Man kann damit aber auch tagsüber die Natur aus nächster Nähe zu beobachten. Ideal für...
- 27x- bis 90x-fache Vergrößerung
- Krater auf dem Mond, Planeten und Galaxien entdecken
- die Natur aus nächster Nähe beobachten
- Stativ, Linsen und Anleitung
- mit Anleitung
- Must-Have für Natur- und Astronomie-Fans
Becher-Lupe mit Licht
Das Must-Have bei allen Outdoor-Expeditionen! Die Becherlupe mit Licht eignet sich ideal zum Beobachten von Insekten und kleinen Objekten wie Blätter oder Blüten draußen in der Natur. Mit der beweglichen Lupe und dem LED-Licht können Kinder noch genauer hinschauen und winzige Details entdecken, denn die Lupe hat eine 8-fache Vergrößerung. Die Lupe ist praktisch, handlich und lässt sich in jeden...
- 8-fache Vergrößerung
- ideal zum Beobachten von Insekten, Blättern und Blüten
- bewegliche Lupe mit Licht
- ideal für Wanderungen und Expeditionen in Natur und Wildnis
- passt in jeden Rucksack
Lupen-Dose mit Holzdeckel "Natur & Digital"
Mit dieser Lupendose erforschen die Kinder beim nächsten Ausflug in die Natur ihre gesammelten Tierchen und Pflanzenteile. Diese lassen sich so wunderbar von allen Seiten betrachten, ohne dabei verletzt zu werden. Die integrierte 5 cm ø Linse mit 2-facher Vergrößerung bringt unentdeckte Details zum Vorschein, mit der Mess-Skala im Boden werden die gesammelten Objekte gleich noch vermessen. Der...
- kleine Tiere und Pflanzenteile erforschen
- Konzentration und Beobachtungsfähigkeit fördern
- Interesse an Natur und Umwelt steigern
Flüssigkeits-Sanduhr "Lava"
Entspannung für Klein und Groß Mit dem entspannenden Liquid Timer Lava kann man Lernstress und Nervosität rasch abbauen. Und das geht ganz einfach. Mann dreht den Becher um und schaut zu, wie das bunte Öl durch die Öffnung tropft. Das fließende Öl erinnert an zähflüssige und warme Lava hat dadurch eine sehr entspannende Wirkung. Die kräftigen Farben sind zudem auch ein echter Hingucker. Der...
- Entspannung für Klein und Groß
- Lernstress und Nervosität abbauen
- ideales Hilfsmittel für die Ruheregel oder im Trainingsraum
- entspannende Wirkung dank kräftiger Farben
- tolle Geschenkidee
- Farbe unverbindlich (pink, rot, blau oder grün)
Bastelset "Salzwasserauto"
Faszinierender Bausatz zum Entdecken des Salzwasserantriebs Der Salzwasserauto-Bausatz ermöglicht es Kindern, ein Auto zu konstruieren, das durch Salzwasser betrieben wird. Kinder lernen dabei auf einfache Weise, wie chemische Energie durch eine galvanische Zelle in elektrische und schließlich in kinetische Energie umgewandelt wird. Mit diesem Die beiliegenden Informationen unterstützen dies...
- Bausatz für ein Salzwasser-Auto
- faszinierenden Salzwasserantrieb entdecken
- aktives Erleben und Experimentieren mit AHA-Effekt
- Galvanische Zelle, Stromkreis und Elektromotor erforschen
- chemische Energie in elektrische und kinetische Energie umwandeln
- spielerischer Einstieg in MINT
Experimentier-Set "Akustik", 3-tlg.
Großes Experimentier-Set rund um Töne und Geräusche Wie entstehen Geräusche? Was sind Schallwellen? Und wie nehmen Ohren und Gehirn Musik wahr? Diese große Sound-Box liefert die Antworten auf diese und viele weitere Fragen sowie zahlreiche spannende Entdeckungen rund um Töne und Geräusche. Wissbegierige Kinder können mit den enthaltenen Akustikspielzeugen, wie einem Kazoo, einem Heulrohr oder...
- akustische Phänomene spielerisch entdecken
- aktives Erleben und Experimentieren mit AHA-Effekt
- Geräusche, Schallwellen und Schallwahrnehmung erforschen
- Spielspaß mit Kazoo, Heulrohr und Dosentelefon
- spielerischer Einstieg in MINT
Experimentier-Set "Licht & Schatten", 19-tlg.
Optische Phänomene spielerisch erforschen Mit diesem Experimentierset können Kinder auf faszinierende Weise in die Welt der optischen Phänomene eintauchen. In vier Experimenten können Kinder verborgene Geheimnisse entdecken und sich damit wesentliche physikalische Grundkompetenzen aneignen. Experimente: Reflexionsgesetz : Entdecken, wie Licht von Oberflächen reflektiert wird. Brechungsgesetz...
- optische Phänomene spielerisch entdecken und erforschen
- spannende Experimente: Reflexionsgesetz, verkehrtes Bild, Magische 3D-Brillen, Gitteranimation
- verborgene Geheimnisse der Licht- und Schattenwelt erforschen
- Ideal für den spielerischen Einstieg in MINT Optische Phänomene spielerisch entdecken und erforschen
Experiment Box "Hygiene and Disease Transmission", 6 pcs.
Become a hygiene expert! Sniffles, coughs, sneezing, hoarseness, and even diarrhoea and vomiting are all contagious and make life difficult. But prevention is actually simple: 85 percent of all infections occur through shaking hands or touching a contaminated handle, e.g. doorknob etc. If you want to protect yourself and others from infection, you should wash your hands several times a day to...
- exciting experiments to visualise the transmission of germs
- learning correct hand washing technique and understanding why it makes sense
- with instructions and information
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
Adventskalender "Forscherwerkstatt"
Der Forscherwerkstatt-Adventskalender mit vielen neuen Produkten zum Staunen, Tüfteln und Experimentieren. Diese 24 interessanten Produkte verkürzen die Adventszeit und die Kinder werden von den abwechslungsreichen Versuchen aus dem MINT-Bereich absolut begeistert sein. Dadurch lernen sie naturwissenschaftliche Phänomene kennen und verstehen wie beispielsweise Magnetismus, Energieerhaltung,...
- 24 tolle Forscherprodukte zum Befüllen eines Adventskalenders
- jeden Tag eine neue Überraschung für eine spielerisch lehrreiche und spannende Adventszeit
- mit Anregungen für umwelt- und klimabewusstes Handeln und Bildung für Nachhaltigkeit (BNE)
- begrenzte Anzahl! Nur solange Vorrat reicht!
Superknete, 50g SO.
Hüpfknete zum Staunen Dieser Knetgummi zeigt erstaunliche Eigenschaften. Er lässt sich formen und hüpft wie ein Gummiball, er zerfließt, wenn er auf einer glatten Oberfläche liegt und splittert, wenn extreme Kräfte auf ihn einwirken. Hüpfknete springt wie ein Ball, dehnt sich wie Kaugummi, lässt sich reißen wie Papier, zersplittert wie Porzellan und krümelt nicht. Folgende Farbvarianten sind...
- eine von 4 verschiedenen Hüpfkneten (nachtleuchtend oder farbwechselnd oder metallicfarben oder irisierend), Auswahl nicht möglich
- verblüffende Eigenschaften
- jede Hüpfknete hüpft wie ein Gummiball,
- zerfließt wenn sie auf einer glatten Oberfläche liegt
- splittert, wenn extreme Kräfte auf ihn einwirken
- Sonderposten
0.05 kg
(€298.00 * / 1 kg)
Gruppen-Set Handy-Mikroskope "Super" 200-fach
Machen Sie Verborgenes sichtbar und entdecken Sie mit den Kindern die faszinierende Mikrowelt! Dazu einfach das Handy-Mikroskop auf die Hauptkamera Ihres Smartphones aufstecken und schon kann es losgehen. Eine zusätzliche App wird nicht benötigt. Die Fotos werden in Kombination mit der Kamerafunktion des Smartphones erstellt. Das Handy-Mikroskop „Super“ ist ideal geeignet, um auf Ausflügen und...
- Gruppenset mit 15 Stück (aufladbar)
- 2 passende USB-Ladegeräte mit insges. 8 Ladeplätzen (Ports)
- in praktischer Box mit Tragegriff
- bis zu 200-fache Vergrößerung
- zum Aufstecken auf die Smartphone-Kamera
- handlich und leicht – ideal für unterwegs
- keine App oder Installation erforderlich
Photo solar paper with fixing pane, 40 sheets
Pupils can use this special paper for one of the oldest photographic printing processes, cyanotype . This allows you to make your own greetings cards, bookmarks or calendar pages. In science lessons, you can use the paper to explain reactions under the influence of light, and in higher-level classes you can even carry out energy analyses following the particle model . A particularly practical...
- Set with practical fixing pane
- Take photographs using sunlight
- Create special artworks
- Also works in winter
0.9 m²
(€36.56 * / 1 m²)
Photo solar paper medium, 27.9 x 21.6 cm, 25 sheets
Pupils can use this special paper for one of the oldest photographic printing processes, cyanotype . This allows you to make your own greetings cards, bookmarks or calendar pages. In science lessons, you can use the paper to explain reactions under the influence of light, and in higher-level classes you can even carry out energy analyses following the particle model . It is ideal for trying out...
- Take photographs using sunlight
- Create special artworks
- Also works in winter
1.6038 m²
(€18.64 * / 1 m²)
Fernglas für Kinder, vorfokussiert
Das vorfokussierte Fernglas für Kinder ist eine äußerst praktische und vielseitige Ausrüstung, die Lehrkräften dabei hilft, den Unterricht zu bereichern und das Lernen spannender zu gestalten. Mit seinem scharfen Sichtfeld ermöglicht das Fernglas den Schülern eine herausragende Beobachtungsfähigkeit und eröffnet ihnen völlig neue Perspektiven auf die Welt um sie herum. Besonders hervorzuheben...
- vorfokussiertes Fernglas für ein scharfes Sichtfeld
- ideal für Kinder – kein Scharfstellen nötig
- leichtes Gewicht, mit Trageriemen
Experimentier-Set "Körbchen-Seilbahn", 23-tlg.
Dieses Set besteht aus einem Bausatz, der es ermöglicht, sowohl drinnen als auch draußen Seilbahnen und Aufzüge zu bauen. Mit seinen zwei Stationen eröffnet es den Schülern die Welt der Mechanik und Physik. Ein einzigartiges Merkmal dieses Sets sind die frei beweglichen Körbchen, die mit verschiedenen Kleinigkeiten befüllt werden können. Diese Körbchen lassen sich mithilfe von Zwingen einfach...
- Sessellift mit zwei Stationen
- spielerisch technisches Verständnis aufbauen
- Feinmotorik fördern
- Spiel-Gut-Siegel
Buch "Mein erstes Becherlupen-Buch", 48 Seiten
Dieses durchgehend farbig illustrierte Buch für neugierige Naturentdecker steckt voller Abenteuer und machen den nächsten Ausflug mit der Becherlupe zum unvergesslichen Erlebnis! Die Kapitel sind nach unseren heimischen Gartenbewohnern unterteilt. So lernen die Kinder schon vor ihrer Erkundungstour einiges über Marienkäfer, Raupen, Regenwürmer, Schnecken, Spinnen, Asseln und Wassertiere. Dabei...
- spannende Abenteuer mit der Becherlupe erleben
- kindgerechte Geschichten und Fakten über unsere Gartenbewohner
- mit lustigen Spielen und interessanten Experimenten
Experimentier-Set "Fallschirme", 13-tlg.
Dieser Experimentierkasten bietet nicht nur eine umfassende Sammlung von Materialien, sondern auch eine detaillierte Anleitung, um Lehrkräfte bei der Durchführung der Experimente zu unterstützen. Mit dem Set lassen sich verschiedene Fallschirme aus Seidenpapier bauen. Durch das Bauen und Testen verschiedener Fallschirmmodelle können Schüler grundlegende Prinzipien der Aerodynamik und Physik...
- verschiedene Arten von Fallschirmen entdecken
- physikalisches Experimentieren mit Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung
- mit Seidenpapier und Körbchen
Buch "Komm, wir gehen raus!", 48 Seiten
Dieses außergewöhnliche Buch ermuntert sogar den eingefleischsten Stubenhocker dazu, hinauszugehen und die Natur mit allen Sinnen zu entdecken. Die liebevolle Gestaltung mit wunderschönen Illustrationen und Fotos sprechen die Kinder sofort an. Für jeden ist hier etwas Spannendes dabei – kleine Künstler freuen sich über kreative Ideen zum Basteln mit selbst gesammelten Naturmaterialien....
- rund 40 spannende Natur-Projekte
- spielerisch und mit allen Sinnen die Natur erkunden
- liebevoll gestaltet mit vielen Illustrationen und Fotos
Handpumpen-Rakete, 69,5 cm
Die Handpumpen-Rakete kombiniert ein Spielzeug mit einem Lehrmittel. Mit ihrem Druckluftantrieb vermittelt sie spielerisch die Grundlagen der Pneumatik und fördert die Feinmotorik. Für Lehrkräfte bietet die Handpumpen-Rakete den Vorteil, komplexe Konzepte auf verständliche und unterhaltsame Weise zu erklären. Indem die Schüler lernen, wie das Zusammendrücken von Hülse und Rohr Druckluft...
- Rakete mit weicher Schaumstoffspitze
- spielerisch physikalische Grundlagen entdecken
- Druckluftantrieb und Grundkenntnisse der Pneumatik kennenlernen
- Förderung der Feinmotorik
Experimentier-Set "Flaschenzüge", 29-tlg.
Dieser Experimentierkasten enthält alles, um verschiedene Arten von Flaschenzügen zu erkunden. Von einfachen Flaschenzügen bis hin zu komplexeren Varianten wie dem Potenz- und dem Differenzialflaschenzug bietet das Set eine Vielzahl von Lernmöglichkeiten. Dank der kindgerechten Gestaltung und der sehr ausführlichen, bebilderten Anleitung können die Schülerinnen und Schüler das Prinzip des...
- 3 verschiedene Flaschenzugarten bauen
- physikalische Hintergründe verstehen
- schwere Gewichte einfach heben
- ausgezeichnet mit Spiel-Gut-Siegel
Experiment Box "Bacteria and Viruses", 12 pcs.
Research bacteria and viruses! Bacteria and viruses have a bad reputation as they often cause illnesses. However, up to 100 billion useful bacteria live inside each of us. Are bacteria and viruses harmful or essential? Children can use this experiment box to learn background information about bacteria and viruses and how they propagate. Using exciting, child-friendly experiments and more, they...
- learn about the world of bacteria and viruses
- perform exciting experiments, including bacteria propogation
- lots of experiment materials included
- educational guide with information, 7 experiment instructions,
3 worksheets and access to 3 interactive exercises
Experimentation Set "Power and Renewable Energy", 47 pcs.
What is electricity? How do I build an electric circuit? What materials conduct electricity or what is renewable energy? Pupils will work through these and many other questions with the 12 experiments in "Power and renewable energy". The experimental topics 1. Electric circuits 2. Switches 3. Series and parallel circuits 4. Conductors / non-conductors 5. Electricity generation and transmission...
- 12 exciting experiments
- makes it easier to understand electricity, electric circuits etc.
- with video instructions for the experiments
Insect observation box, plastic
This large insect observation box is a must-have for your next trip into nature. The spacious box is ideal for observing insects, small animals and aquatic life. An easy-to-open viewing window is integrated in the lid, as well as sufficient ventilation slots. It can be taken anywhere thanks to the practical carrying handle. Dimensions : approx. 21 x 14.4 x 13 cm Spacious transparent box For...
- Spacious transparent box
- For observing insects, small animals and aquatic life
- With practical carrying handle
Bird water whistles, 2 pieces
Children can chirp like little birds with these lovingly designed clay whistles. Just pour some water into the bird whistles and blow. The pitch of the chirping can be varied depending on how high the water is filled. Ideal for your next outdoor excursion to imitate various bird melodies and learn more about our native birdlife. Dimensions: approx. 5.5 x 7 cm Lovingly crafted from clay Imitate...
- Lovingly crafted from clay
- Imitate bird melodies
- Variable pitch depending on water level
Acrobatic monkey, 23 x 6.5 cm
This funny monkey made of FSC®-certified wood is always performing new tricks. When the two wooden sticks are squeezed together, the monkey swings on the trapeze, does somersaults and kicks out with its legs. This lovely child-friendly design attracts everyone's attention and the wooden material feels good to hold. For children, this traditional toy offers huge entertainment value, while also...
- Strengthen fine motor skills through play
- Appealing design
- Made from FSC®-certified wood
Coordination game "Jumbo string maze", 15 pcs.
A wonderful wooden game to promote social skills, coordination and communication. Four to eight children have to work together to try to get the ball in the right hole or through the maze. This will only work if everyone works together, comes to an agreement and has a common goal. Depending on how many children are playing, each player is given one or two strings to hold. With 3 game boards...
- Game for boosting social skills
- Only succeeds through teamwork
- Helping each other, agreeing and achieving a goal
- With 3 levels of difficulty
Professional insect catcher with magnifying glass, wooden
This insect catcher allows children to gently collect insects and other creepy crawlies and examine them in detail with the integrated magnifying glass. Its compact size and handle make it easy to use with just a single hand, even for the smallest explorers. Just push the orange-coloured slider up towards the handle with your thumb to open the flap and down again to close it. This allows the...
- Gently collect and observe insects
- Release again at the touch of a button, without touching the insect
- Handy design and easy to use
- Integrated magnifying glass with 5x magnification
Insect magnifying glass, large, 10.7 cm ø
This magnifying glass is ideal for finding out exciting things on excursions into nature. Insects and plant parts can be viewed wonderfully without being damaged. Just place the magnifying glass over the insect and lift it up again after observation to release the creature. With the pre-focussed magnifying glass made of polished acrylic glass integrated in the lid, the contents can be magnified...
- Examine insects and plant parts up close
- Just slip the device over insects etc.
- Integrated magnifying glass with 4.5x magnification
Research magnifying glass, with light
This magnifying glass is ideal for discovering exciting things on excursions into nature. Just place it over the object to be observed and the children can examine fine details such as insects, leaf veins and much more. The sturdy plastic frame holds the magnifying glass securely in place and the magnifying glass lens magnifies the contents up to 10 times. The integrated LED lighting means you...
- Just slip the device over insects, leaves etc.
- Magnifier with 10x magnification
- With integrated LED lighting
Underwater magnifying glass, made of wood
This magnifying glass is waterproof and thus ideal for exploring the vast underwater world. It enables children to observe fascinating aquatic animals and plants directly in their habitat. The effects of water pollution can also be observed at close quarters. This promotes environmental awareness and helps strengthen our commitment to protecting our waters. The magnifying glass housing is made...
- Find out about underwater habitats
- Observe fascinating aquatic animals and plants
- Made from water-resistant, 100% FSC®-certified wood
Luminescent bottle diver, 5 cm
This bottle diver in the shape of a jellyfish introduces children to the concepts of density and buoyancy in a playful way. Just put in inside a plastic bottle filled with water, screw the top shut, and gently squeeze and release the bottle. When squeezed, the bottle diver sinks to the bottom, then when released it rises again. The diver even performs funny pirouettes. The night glow effect is...
- Cartesian diver in the shape of a jellyfish
- For understanding the connection between density and buoyancy
- Glows in the dark
Professional binoculars for children, 8x magnification
These high-quality binoculars fit perfectly in children's hands and provide completely new insights into nature. Whether it's for birdwatching, nature observation, animal identification or hiking, binoculars are a must for every excursion. With a lens diameter of 21 mm, these binoculars offer 8x magnification and provide sharp images. The focus is easy to adjust using the central zoom wheel....
- High-quality binoculars with 8x magnification
- Ideal for children's hands
- With lanyard and belt pouch
Splash Egg, 70x55 mm
The entertaining Splash egg encourages investigation of the physical relationships involved in impacts It might look like a wobbly toy, but this egg is a really fun way to encourage investigation and research into the physical relationships involved in inelastic collision . If you throw the egg against a windowpane, the force of the impact causes it to change shape so it resembles a fried egg...
- throw the egg at a smooth surface and watch how it turns into a fried egg
- returns to its original shape
- explain inelastic collision, elasticity and adhesion in a fun way with this Splash egg
Baking powder rocket, 8 cm long
An exciting combination of fun and scientific learning: just add baking powder and vinegar to the rocket as fuel and quickly take a step back as it shoots up into the air! The key behind this is the recoil principle, which children can easily understand and remember through this experiment. Thanks to the sturdy plastic, the 8 cm mini rockets can withstand lots of launches and landings and can...
- exciting experiment
- just requires baking powder and vinegar
- with age-appropriate information about the recoil principle
Hydrophobic sand, 50 g
This unusual sand offers fascinating experiments for kids! Hydrophobic sand is normal sand that has been coated with a substance to make it hydrophobic (water repellent). This prevents water molecules getting through the outer surface layer. Under water the sand can be firmly moulded. Once it is back in the air it dries instantly, regaining its loose, fine-grained texture. By contrast, the sand...
- fascinating sand with a water-repellent coating
- can be firmly moulded under water, dries immediately again in the air
- for exciting experiments on material properties
0.05 kg
(€99.00 * / 1 kg)
Mobile phone telescope, 8x magnification, 76x56 mm
This mobile phone telescope enables you to observe objects that are far off in the distance. For example, you can observe and even photograph birds in the sky or wild animals that are far away. There is no need for a special app, just attach the lens to the main camera on your smartphone and you can get started. This mobile phone telescope is very lightweight, which makes it an ideal accessory...
- for mounting on a smartphone camera
- handy and lightweight – ideal when out and about
- no app required
Giant compass, 10 cm diameter
This gigantic compass helps even the youngest children with navigation. Specially designed for children's small hands, it is very easy to read and operate. Thanks to the practical cord to hang it round your neck or attach it to your rucksack, you can make sure it is always to hand when needed. Children can have fun while learning about compass directions and finding their way in the great...
- learn the compass directions
- robust and easy to hold
- teach about orientation and spatial awareness
- demonstrate magnetic phenomena
Storage box "My insect and natural treasure museum", 10.6 x 11.5 cm
This researcher museum made from beech wood is a display box and observation box combined! The 7 compartments have integrated magnifying glasses that enlarge the content by a factor of 2x, 5x and 7x. This lets you examine and investigate your collection of natural materials and insects in close detail. The materials used are beech, plywood and acrylic glass, which make this display case very...
- display case with integrated magnifying glasses
- observe natural materials and insects up close
- robust and sustainable
Experiment set "Breed an underwater world", 6 pcs
Children will be enchanted by this experiment set! The colourful growing stones and the solution produce wonderful aquatic plants that you can observe as they grow. Just spread the decorative stones over the base of the container and put the growing stones on top. Mix the cultivation solution and a couple of drops of pigment with hot water and pour this over the top. With a bit of patience, the...
- grow fascinating underwater plants
- exciting experiment
- promotes interest in science
Compressed air rockets, 3 pcs
Science really can be full of suspense! With this set, consisting of 3 colourful rockets and one launch pad with foot pump, children can have fun while learning about physical principles. The individual parts are incredibly easy to put together. As you tread on the foot pump, you can observe very easily how air pressure enables the rockets to take off. This allows children to experience for...
- 3 colourful rockets with launch pad and foot pump
- catapult rockets high into the air using air pressure
- a fun way to promote scientific curiosity
Starter set "fire steel", 9 cm long
Children can use this set to spark a fire themselves. All without matches, firelighters or similar. It is incredibly easy to use this fire steel - just strike the flint vigorously across the steel to create sparks. The set is resistant to wet and cold and will give you over 7,000 strikes. It also comes with an integrated bottle opener and Allen key The accompanying fire guide contains further...
- incredibly easy way to spark a fire by hand
- fire guide with fascinating information
- with integrated bottle opener and Allen key
Experiment set "Stable soap bubbles", 10 pcs
Everyone loves blowing bubbles. These colourful shimmering spheres are simply huge fun. Children can discover the science behind bubbles with this soap bubble lab and carry out their own experiments. Which mixture is the most suitable? Which mixture can be used to make particularly large bubbles? Should you blow slowly or quickly? Why are the bubbles always round, regardless of the shape you...
- experiment with soap bubbles
- create different solutions
- a fun way to explore physical phenomena
Hydraulic robot arm made of wood
Build your own robot arm from wood and move it entirely without electricity? Hydraulic technology makes this possible! This set gives children a fun way to learn about the hydraulic principle , which uses liquid to create pressure that is converted into mechanical energy. The set includes everything you need to get started immediately. Thanks to the detailed instructions, assembly is incredibly...
- hydraulic robot arm made of wood
- includes everything you need for assembly
- promotes technical understanding and fine motor skills
Photosensitive paper maxi, 43x27 cm, 20 sheets
Pupils can use this special paper to carry out one of the oldest photographic printing processes, cyanotype . This allows you to make your own greetings cards, bookmarks or calendar pages. In science lessons, you can use the paper to explain reactions under the influence of light, and in higher-level classes you can even carry out energy analyses following the particle model . It is ideal for...
- take photographs using sunlight
- create special artworks
- also works in winter
- extra-large paper
Demonstration video
2.322 m²
(€21.49 * / 1 m²)
Blade of grass flute, 10 cm
Use this blade of grass flute to transform your next trip outdoors into a musical journey. Just place a blade of grass between the FSC®-certified bamboo panels and start whistling. It is incredibly easy to play, the integrated magnets hold the blade of grass securely in place. A walk in the meadow becomes an unforgettable garden concert. musical instrument for whistling with a blade of grass...
- musical instrument for whistling with a blade of grass
- made from sturdy bamboo
- integrated magnets hold the blade of grass in position
Set of party candles with colourful flame, 12 pcs
Whether it's on a birthday cake at nursery or pre-school or for a chemistry lesson, children will be absolutely amazed by these candles. The colourful flames seem to be magic as they light up in the same shade as the relevant candle colour . The candles are made from candle wax and a mixture of salts and minerals . When they burn, the heat is converted into radiant energy, and light with a...
- colourful flames in the same shade as the candle
- fascinating science experiment
- a highlight at children's parties
Card game "My beaker magnifier scientist quiz"
Grab your beaker magnifier and turn the next trip outdoors into a fascinating quiz show! 100 questions on 50 quiz cards test your knowledge about animals, plants and how to treat the natural world. Numerous photos and realistic illustrations help visualise the topics and make the quiz particularly appealing. Each card includes 2 questions with detailed answers on the back that are formulated in...
- 100 quiz questions on 50 cards
- investigate insects, spiders etc.
- make trips with the beaker magnifier more exciting
Experiment box "Future cell truck: discover innovative fuel cell technology"
Power a 4-wheel drive off-road vehicle with just a couple of drops of water and discover how exciting pioneering technology can be. This futuristic vehicle is assembled from over 80 components with an innovative magnesium saltwater air cell as the key part. A full tank will power the truck for approx. 10-15 minutes, entirely without electricity, over rough terrain and with the ability to handle...
- assemble an off-road vehicle from over 80 components
- emission-free drive using saltwater
- promotes technical understanding and fine motor skills
- with comprehensive instructions
Mobile phone microscope "Super" 200x, 35x65 mm
Make hidden items visible and discover the fascinating microscopic world with children! Just attach the mobile phone microscope to the main camera on your smartphone and you can get started. There is no need for an additional app. The photos are created in combination with the camera function on your smartphone. The "Super" mobile phone microscope is ideal for exploring nature in more detail...
- up to 200 x magnification
- for mounting on a smartphone camera
- handy and lightweight – ideal when out and about
- no app required
Thermometer made of plastic, 19x4 cm
The thermometer – a perfect tool for measurements and experiments! This thermometer is ideal for lots of experiments in nursery and school. Your pupils can document temperature variations, measure the temperature in sun or shade, collect data then compare the results. What temperature is the classroom? How cold is it in the freezer? How many degrees does the temperature go down at night time?...
- robust and ideal for children's hands
- perfect tool for measurements and experiments
- the large scale is designed in attractive colours
From €2.65
Set 3Doodler Start+, 75 pcs.
With the award-winning 3Doodler, children from the age of 6 can let their creativity run free – and in 3D! Simply insert a plastic rod (filament) into the pen and you're ready to go. The filament is heated in the pen and thus becomes mouldable, within a few seconds in the air it hardens. Use the pen to create great 3D artworks freehand or with the help of the templates . Neither the pen nor the...
- Create 3D artworks yourself
- Promotes spatial understanding and fine motor skills
- With 72 filaments in different colours
This product is expected to be available again on 3 February
Refill Pack for 3Doodler Start+, 75 pcs.
This refill pack is the perfect addition to the 3Doodler Start+ pen. Many creative ideas can be realised with these great colours. The filament is heated in the pen and thus becomes mouldable, within a few seconds in the air it hardens. The pen can be used to create great 3D artworks freehand or with the help of templates . Neither the pen nor the creations get hot, so there is no risk of...
- 75 filaments in 3 bright colours
- Suitable for the 3Doodler Start+ pen
- Non-toxic and compostable
Mini Microscope 2-in-1
Small but powerful - and always to hand! Seeing the world with a different pair of eyes (or more accurately, through the lens of probably the world's smallest microscope) is fascinating, exciting and educational . See leaves, flowers, insects or clothing fabric like you've never seen them before. If you place the lens over a mobile phone camera , you can also photograph or film what you see....
- pocket microscope, can also be used as a mobile microscope
- up to 55 x magnification
- observe, film and photograph details
Demonstration video
Insect catcher with magnifying glass, made of plastic
This insect catcher allows children to gently collect insects and other creepy crawlies and explore them in detail with the integrated magnifying glass. Its compact size and handle make it easy to use even for the smallest explorers. At the touch of a button, the two-part base opens and the insect can be collected without touching it. The 3 transparent sides allow the little creature to be...
- Gently collect and observe insects
- Release again at the touch of a button and without touching it
- Handy and easy to use
- Magnifier with 5x magnification
Splash Tomato, 7 cm ø
Astonishing! This splash tomato is a really fun way to encourage investigation and research into the physical relationships involved in inelastic collision. If you throw the splash tomato against a windowpane, the force of the impact causes it to change shape into a flat tomato, and it stays stuck on the window (adhesion). Ultimately the flattened tomato will resume its original shape thanks to...
- throw the splash tomato at a smooth surface and watch how it spreads out
- returns to its original shape
- wobbly, fun, amazing!
- a fun way to explain inelastic collision, elasticity and adhesion
Shadow Building Game "Cubicolour", colourful, made of wood, 32 pcs. in a...
The colourful version of the popular shadow building game ! The cubes are positioned so that the coloured faces match the relevant template colour from the front, side and top. The more cubes that come into play, the more difficult it becomes to match up the relevant coloured surfaces. The templates are graded by level of difficulty and offer a step-by-step introduction to the colourful world...
- assign the matching colour areas
- as a breakout activity, for independent work, individually or in a team
- promotes spatial awareness
Colour-Changing Lizard, 12x5 cm
With this stretchy lizard, children discover the secret of thermochromism . If it is exposed to a heat source, it changes colour and the effect is visible immediately. After a short time, the lizard cools down and returns to its original colour. Children can have fun carrying out a wide variety of experiments . You can immerse the lizard in glasses of water at different temperatures and observe...
- changes colour when exposed to heat
- soft lizard made from safe silicone
- a fun way to discover thermochromism
Butterfly Aviary XXL, 40x40x60 cm
Observe and feed many butterflies with the Hagemann Butterfly Aviary XXL! The spacious butterfly aviary is the optimum addition to our butterfly breeding kits. Place the creatures in the aviary after breeding or, alternatively, observe the exciting development of the native painted lady from caterpillar directly in the aviary. Other butterflies can naturally be placed in the aviary and...
- complementary accessory for the butterfly breeding kits
- observe and feed many butterflies
- with two high-quality panoramic windows and carry handles
- lovingly illustrated floor graphic on the life cycle of the butterfly
- folds up small
Insect Collection Net
easily collect and observe insects and other creepy-crawlies! Lots of fascinating insects and other creepy-crawlies can be found in our environment. Many of them are endangered. That is why it's important for children to learn about these little creatures and their needs and take responsibility for them. The practical Hagemann insect collection net gives children the optimum basis for...
- collect and observe insects
- as an optimum companion for excursions and nature projects
- practical and easily folded up
- with carry handle and lovingly illustrated floor graphic
Insect Trap
Collect, observe and learn about insects and other crawling animals! Lots of different insects and other creepy-crawlies can be found in our environment. They all prefer different environments - some animals love sunny places in fields or forest borders while others prefer shaded locations, e.g. under stones. The insect net offers children a great way of collecting and observing local insects...
- carefully collect and observe insects and other creepy-crawlies
- harmless collection, observation and release of insects
- allows observation of nature up close
- exciting nature experience and discovery fun
Window Crawler "Starfish", approx. 10 cm
What´s wobbling and crawling on the window? It´s the "Starfish" window crawler! Throw it and see it crawl! Amazing! It's not crazy, it's pure bionics in action! These starfish window crawlers show how a natural biomechanical phenomenon is transferred to technology. The crawler is quite heavy, yet adhesive forces on the starfish´ arms allow it to move down a smooth surface vertically using...
- throw on to the window or a smooth surface and
- see how the starfish crawls down and wobbles
- easy for children to use, lots of fun
- motivational and an introduction to bionics
- colour not guaranteed
Demonstration video
Mal-Kreisel aus Holz, 58 mm ø
Mit dem Malkreisel entstehen scheinbar zufällige Muster aus Kreisen. Tatsächlich folgt er den Gesetzmäßigkeiten der drei Kreiselbewegungen. In die Kreiselspitze wird ein austauschbarer Stift eingesetzt, wodurch die Kreiselbewegung zeichnerisch festgehalten wird. Der Stift kann ausgetauscht werden. Schwierigkeitsgrad 5 (1 = leicht, 6 = schwer) Wissenswertes: Der Kreisel ist ursprünglich ein...
- mit austauschbarem Stift
- angenehme Haptik
- fördert Geschicklichkeit und Kreativität
Magnifying Glass with Lanyard
Hang it round your neck, explore, and examine things you've found in nature up close The world consists of huge numbers of living creatures. Some can be detected at a glance, but others are so small you will need to look a bit more closely. This magnifying glass works like a really powerful eye. So young researchers can collect their findings from the natural world in the magnifier box to...
- collect things you find in nature and examine them up close
- with a practical lanyard so it is always handy
Set UV Beads, purple, 60 pcs.
The UV beads in this set react to sunlight and change colour immediately! This makes it easier for children to understand the concept of UV radiation. A fantastic visual effect combined with an aha moment! Although dermatologists have been warning us about excessive sunbathing and the associated skin-related risks, many people do not adequately protect themselves against UV radiation. These...
- turn purple in sunlight (UV radiation)
- test whether shade protects against UV radiation and how well different sun-protection factors work
- promote awareness of UV radiation
- lots of exciting experiments
- creative craft idea: make a UV warning bracelet
Set of Magnifying Glasses, coloured, 8 pcs.
With these magnifying glasses, exploring nature becomes really fun! The world consists of huge numbers of living creatures. Some can be detected at a glance, but others are so small you will need to look a bit more closely. That is incredibly easy with these magnifying glasses. The magnifying glasses offer 5x magnification for all sorts of objects, such as plants, small animals, and plenty...
- with 5x magnification
- handy and ready for immediate use
- examine things you find in nature and other items up close
Liquid Sand Timer "Contra Mini"
An amazing sand timer: because the sand, which normally falls down, does not do this at all. Only when you invert the sand timer does it begin to move, but in an upward direction! How is that even possible? The density of the "sand" pellets is lower than that of the surrounding liquid. The specific weight of this artificial sand is lower than the liquid. This beautifully designed sand timer is...
- sand moves upwards
- approx. 1 minute running time
- red or yellow, colours cannot be chosen
UV Bead Set, 50 pcs.
These beads react to sunlight and change colour instantly! Although dermatologists have been warning us about excessive sunbathing and the associated skin-related risks, many people think that sun cream offers sufficient protection. These plastic beads change colour when exposed to UV light and can be used to explore the topic of sun protection using simple experiments in biology or social...
- change colour in sunlight
- for experiments on the subject of sun protection
- create a UV warning bracelet
Demonstration video
Experiment Set "Fascinating Material Properties 1", 31 pcs.
The experiment set "Fascinating material properties 1" enables astonishing science: dough that bounces, balls that grow in water, beads that change colour in the sunlight, metal that jumps when it cools down, artificial snow that feels cold and authentic and plenty more. A real goodie bag full of exciting and accessible experiments. The set is designed for learning and testing for teachers and...
- contains fascinating experiments and other projects
- set for familiarisation and testing
- enables natural science to amaze
Plastic Pipettes, 15 pcs.
The set contains 15 high-quality, robust pipettes made of plastic. Students can use these to dispense precise quantities and achieve accurate measurement results. These pipettes are ideal for testing, experiments, and measurements in chemistry or biology lessons, but are also great for initial scientific experimentation in primary school. For example, children can use the pipettes to collect...
- 15 high-quality pipettes made of plastic
- suitable for testing, experiments and measurements
- capacity 1 ml each
Calcit (Doppelspat)
Der Calcit weist eine doppelte Lichtbrechung aus. An ihm können außerdem Gesteinsbestimmungen gut durchgeführt werden. Kalk war bereits in der Antike bekannt; viele Straßen sind heute noch erhalten. Auch heute kommen wir täglich mit diesem Mineral in Berührung, meist ohne es zu wissen. Im Haus in der Keramikglasur bei Fliesen, in der Kosmetik in Zahnpasta, Seifen, Hautcremes etc. Die...
- Mineral mit doppelter Lichtbrechung
- für Gesteinsbestimmungen
- Farbe variiert
Wasserlöslicher Kunststoff
Der faszinierende Kunststoff löst sich beinahe sofort auf, wenn er mit Wasser in Berührung kommt. Die Dichte dieses Kunststoffes beträgt 75 Mikrometer. Die praktischen Anwendungen beinhalten einfache, wasseraktivierte Alarmsysteme (z.B. Schalter werden geschlossen oder Timer beginnen zu laufen, wenn Wasser die Folie aufgelöst hat.), wasseraktivierte Eindämmungssysteme (z.B. ein gefederter...
- löst sich bei Berührung mit Wasser fast sofort auf
- die Dichte des Kunststoffes beträgt 75 Mikrometer
- vielfältige praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
Recyclingkreislauf Holz
Holz ist der älteste und wichtigste nachwachsende Rohstoff, der auch heute vielfältig nutzbar gemacht wird. Wie wird Holz produziert? Lässt sich Holz recyceln und was wird dann daraus verarbeitet? Das Set besteht aus 13 Karten, welche in die richtige Reihenfolge zu bringen sind. Die auf der Karte dargestellte Grafik kann im Textfeld unten auf der Karte eingetragen werden (bitte nur mit trocken...
- 13 Produktzyklus-Karten
- von der Rohstoffgewinnung und Verarbeitung bis zum Recyclingprozess
- mit trocken abwischbaren Stiften beschreibbar
Small Experiment Set "Air", 9 pcs.
Exciting experiments on air Save with this air experiment set! Four (4) fascinating experiments in one. You will get the balloon car, stable soap bubbles, Bernoulli ball and balloon helicopter experiments. These items are also available individually. Let the little racing car speed along quickly powered by the air, marvel at the floating, non-popping soap bubbles or the Bernoulli balls that do...
- one each of the following: balloon car, stable soap bubbles, Bernoulli ball and balloon helicopter!
- fascinating air experiments at a special price
First Research Laboratory "Water", 18 pcs.
Investigate volume, buoyancy, flow characteristics, and plenty more! This first research laboratory gives you a fun way to teach important content in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Let a boat glide over the waves or spray parabola-shaped arcs of water. What is the volume of a soap bubble? Scientific, crazy water fun for young and old. supports guided learning...
- supports guided learning and free play and teaches children about the topic of water.
- 7 exciting experiments
- set made from durable plastic
Bernoulli Ball, 3 pcs.
The ball hovers and dances in the air. This phenomenon is explained by the Bernoulli effect. The current of air lifts the ball and flows around it, which keeps the ball in place. If you gradually reduce the air flow, the ball can land safely again. Even if you alter the angle by tilting it, the ball stays in the current of air. Interesting information about the Bernoulli effect We can observe...
- to demonstrate the Bernoulli effect
- ball hovers and dances due to air flow
- ball set with 2 polystyrene balls
Demonstration video
Experiment Set "Water Beads", 9 pcs.
These slippery water beads will help young researchers learn about the properties of gases, liquids and solids through playful experimentation. Make your own stress ball, a calming mood tube or a fragrant mood lamp. Sensory fun through play! 10 exciting experiments with accessories illustrated experiment book with introduction to scientific methodology designed for STEM lessons Scope of...
- 10 exciting experiments with accessories
- illustrated experiment book with introduction to scientific methodology
- designed for STEM lessons
Researcher Case "Water", 48 pcs.
Have fun experimenting! Make gas from water, power a water wheel, test a dough boat, produce real artificial snow with water, watch how a crocodile grows and grows in water ... Learn about water and its characteristics with these and many other fantastic experiments! Nursery children and school children love trying out new things. These little researchers will model, mix, try things out,...
- easy to use thanks to the many pre-prepared experiments on the topic of water
- guaranteed success thanks to video experiment instructions
- experiment cards for every experiment for pupils and teacher
- ideal for nursery, primary school, curriculum related
Children's Microscope "My First Microscope"
Children can use this sturdy microscope to get their first experience of microscopic observation without having to screw up their eyes. It has two large eye-pieces with 8 x magnification. The object lens is height adjustable, and the specimen plate can be lit up with the integrated LED lamp. Dimensions: 18 cm high Scope of delivery: Microscope without batteries (AAA) easy to use large...
- easy to use
- large eye-pieces with 8 x magnification
- height-adjustable lens
Set Moulds "Fossils", 5 pcs.
Make models of five different fossils : ammonite, Chirostenotes claw (narrow-handed dinosaur), trilobite, triops and gyrodus (ray-finned fish). Fill the moulds with papier-mâché then paint the finished models. Younger children can also get involved with this project. Fun for prehistoric-themed children's parties or school projects . The plastic moulds can also be used with soap or chocolate. 5...
- 5 different fossil casting moulds
- suitable for papier-mâché, soap or chocolate
- for art lessons, home economics or school parties
Researcher Case, "Air", 123 pcs.
Let students immerse themselves in the impressive world of air experiments with our "Air" research kit and experience how easy it is to enrich lessons with exciting and educational activities. With 123 parts, the kit offers a comprehensive set of different teaching materials. The experiments are specially designed so that pupils can carry them out independently as far as possible. Each...
- Easy to use thanks to the many curriculum-related experiments on the topic of air
- Guaranteed success thanks to video experiment instructions
- Experiment cards for every experiment for pupils and teacher
Construction Kit "Solar Model 6-in-1", 44 pcs.
This exciting kit teaches children and young people more about how solar modules function. The set consists of 44 parts, allowing you to build the following 6 different solar models with a motor and solar cell: Solar robot Solar aeroplane Solar vehicle Solar helicopter Solar wind turbine Solar propeller boat Includes instructions; batteries are not required understanding the function of solar...
- understanding the function of solar modules
- 6 models can be replicated
- with motor and solar cell