Suitable gifts for teachers

Suitable gifts for teachers

Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, promotions or farewells - there are always special occasions in a teacher's everyday life for which suitable gifts for fellow teachers are needed. Whether it's a personalised gift for a friend who is a teacher or gifts for teachers in the teaching staff - you'll find the best gift ideas at TimeTEX. Read on…

Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, promotions or farewells - there are always special occasions in a teacher's everyday life for which suitable gifts for fellow teachers are needed. Whether... read more »
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Suitable gifts for teachers

Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, promotions or farewells - there are always special occasions in a teacher's everyday life for which suitable gifts for fellow teachers are needed. Whether it's a personalised gift for a friend who is a teacher or gifts for teachers in the teaching staff - you'll find the best gift ideas at TimeTEX. Read on…

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Block Organisation Stickers XXL "Everyday School Life", 1,442 pcs. Block Organisation Stickers XXL "Everyday School Life", 1,442 pcs.
These handy and compact organisation stamps let you highlight the important things in your school planner. The organisation stickers which are specially designed for everyday school life come in a sticker block, don't take up much space and can be carried around anywhere. The block contains terms used in everyday teaching life with which break supervisions, discussions or delegations can be...
  • for individual planner entries and wall calendars
  • quick, clear labels for important items, meetings etc.
  • 748 text stickers, rectangular, in bright colours
  • 694 motif stickers, round, in bright colours


TimeTEX Innovation

€3.95 *
Custom Silkscreen Stamp, round, 25 mm ø, red Custom Silkscreen Stamp, round, 25 mm ø, red
Can't find the right stamp motif or want a motif of your own? No problem! Our custom silkscreen stamps leave nothing to be desired. With stamp motifs (line motifs/text) sent as an image file in the correct size, we can produce screen printing stamps according to individual specifications. In quantities of one and more! Available in red, green and black ink colours. All common image formats...
  • custom stamps available in quantities of 1 or more
  • size: 25 mm ø, round
  • stamp ink: red


TimeTEX Innovation


€12.90 *
Custom Silkscreen Stamp, round, 25 mm ø, green Custom Silkscreen Stamp, round, 25 mm ø, green
Can't find the right stamp motif or want a motif of your own? No problem! Our custom silkscreen stamps leave nothing to be desired. With stamp motifs (line motifs/text) sent as an image file in the correct size, we can produce screen printing stamps according to individual specifications. In quantities of one and more! Available in red, green and black ink colours. All common image formats...
  • custom stamps available in quantities of 1 or more
  • size: 25 mm ø, round
  • stamp ink: green

TimeTEX Innovation

€12.90 *
Variant selection
Pencil Loop, self-adhesive Pencil Loop, self-adhesive
With this self-adhesive pen loop, which can be attached everywhere, the writing instrument is always available where it is needed most frequently - there will be no more misplacing it. The flexible elastic band adapts to all standard pencil sizes. An invaluably helpful accessory. Size: base approx. 46 x 27 mm pencil always to hand made of flexible elastic band fits standard size pencils
  • pencil always to hand
  • made of flexible elastic band
  • fits standard size pencils
From €2.95 *
Drück-mich-Raupe "Molly" Drück-mich-Raupe "Molly"
Entspannung und Erholung finden durch Dehnen, Knautschen und Drücken der lustig-süßen Raupe Molly. Besonders nach langen Konzentrationsphasen oder Schreibarbeiten entspannt die Anti-Stress-Raupe den Geist und die Fingergelenke. 4 coole Farben und eine angenehme Form und Haptik laden förmlich dazu ein, sie in die Hand zu nehmen. Ganz nebenbei wird die Finger- und Handmuskulatur trainiert. Ein...
  • angenehme Haptik und Form
  • coole Farben laden zum Knautschen ein
  • zum Stressabbau, Spielen und Spaß haben
  • als Geschenk für den nächsten Geburtstag
€4.95 *
Buch "Das Lehrer Kochbuch - Zur Tafel, bitte!", 93 Seiten Buch "Das Lehrer Kochbuch - Zur Tafel, bitte!", 93 Seiten
Wie wäre es mit „Schichtsalat“ zum Erdkundeunterricht, eine „Gerichtsinterpretation“ für Deutsch oder „die leckere Koalition“ zur Politikstunde? 40 sehr unterhaltsame Rezeptideen , für jedes Fach 2 Rezepte zum Lesen, Schmunzeln und natürlich zum Nachkochen. Das Buch unterhält mit witzigen Anekdoten und wunderschönen Illustrationen . Ein Muss in der Küche jeden Lehrers oder angehenden Lehrers....
  • 40 Rezeptideen, 2 zu jedem Fach
  • mit viel Liebe zum Detail illustriert
  • unterhaltsam geschrieben
  • 93 Seiten und extra Seiten für Notizen
€16.99 *
Flüssigkeits-Sanduhr "Lava" Flüssigkeits-Sanduhr "Lava"
Entspannung für Klein und Groß Mit dem entspannenden Liquid Timer Lava kann man Lernstress und Nervosität rasch abbauen. Und das geht ganz einfach. Mann dreht den Becher um und schaut zu, wie das bunte Öl durch die Öffnung tropft. Das fließende Öl erinnert an zähflüssige und warme Lava hat dadurch eine sehr entspannende Wirkung. Die kräftigen Farben sind zudem auch ein echter Hingucker. Der...
  • Entspannung für Klein und Groß
  • Lernstress und Nervosität abbauen
  • ideales Hilfsmittel für die Ruheregel oder im Trainingsraum
  • entspannende Wirkung dank kräftiger Farben
  • tolle Geschenkidee
  • Farbe unverbindlich (pink, rot, blau oder grün)
€8.95 *
Adventskalender "Forscherwerkstatt" Adventskalender "Forscherwerkstatt"
Der Forscherwerkstatt-Adventskalender mit vielen neuen Produkten zum Staunen, Tüfteln und Experimentieren. Diese 24 interessanten Produkte verkürzen die Adventszeit und die Kinder werden von den abwechslungsreichen Versuchen aus dem MINT-Bereich absolut begeistert sein. Dadurch lernen sie naturwissenschaftliche Phänomene kennen und verstehen wie beispielsweise Magnetismus, Energieerhaltung,...
  • 24 tolle Forscherprodukte zum Befüllen eines Adventskalenders
  • jeden Tag eine neue Überraschung für eine spielerisch lehrreiche und spannende Adventszeit
  • mit Anregungen für umwelt- und klimabewusstes Handeln und Bildung für Nachhaltigkeit (BNE)
  • begrenzte Anzahl! Nur solange Vorrat reicht!
€49.90 *
Variant selection
TimeTEX "Ufficio" Document Case TimeTEX "Ufficio" Document Case
Document case made from soft buffalo leather for transporting documents in style. Full-length zip along the short and long sides for safe and convenient access to contents. This practical and elegant leather case is suitable for documents in A4 format as well as for a teacher's planner in A4 Plus format. The inside of the case is made from non-slip nylon and is therefore very durable . Two...
  • 1 main compartment in A4/A4 Plus format
  • 2 internal compartments
  • 1 zip pocket on the front
  • Full-length zip along short and long sides
  • Made from soft buffalo leather, nylon interior

Colour selection

From €139.00 *
Adventskalender-Boxen aus Pappe, zum Befüllen Adventskalender-Boxen aus Pappe, zum Befüllen
Dieser wunderschöne DIY-Adventskalender ist vom Design her neutral gehalten, so dass er für Kinder und Erwachsende gleichermaßen ansprechend ist. Auf jedem der 24 kleinen Geschenkboxen ist neben der Zahl auch ein kleiner liebevoller Kommentar versehen. Die kleinen Pappschachteln müssen nur noch zusammengefaltet und mit kleinen Überraschungen befüllt werden. Individuell kann jeder selbst...
  • 24 Pappschachteln zum Zusammenfalten
  • liebevoll gestaltet mit neutralem Design
  • individuell befüllbar
  • jedes Jahr wiederverwendbar
€9.95 *
Superknete, 50g SO. Superknete, 50g SO.
Hüpfknete zum Staunen Dieser Knetgummi zeigt erstaunliche Eigenschaften. Er lässt sich formen und hüpft wie ein Gummiball, er zerfließt, wenn er auf einer glatten Oberfläche liegt und splittert, wenn extreme Kräfte auf ihn einwirken. Hüpfknete springt wie ein Ball, dehnt sich wie Kaugummi, lässt sich reißen wie Papier, zersplittert wie Porzellan und krümelt nicht. Folgende Farbvarianten sind...
  • eine von 4 verschiedenen Hüpfkneten (nachtleuchtend oder farbwechselnd oder metallicfarben oder irisierend), Auswahl nicht möglich
  • verblüffende Eigenschaften
  • jede Hüpfknete hüpft wie ein Gummiball,
  • zerfließt wenn sie auf einer glatten Oberfläche liegt
  • splittert, wenn extreme Kräfte auf ihn einwirken
  • Sonderposten
Content 0.05 kg (€298.00 * / 1 kg)
€14.90 *
TimeTEX organiser starter set for trainee teachers, 19 pcs. TimeTEX organiser starter set for trainee teachers, 19 pcs.
This organiser starter set for trainee teachers is a useful tool for prospective trainee teachers as an introduction to school life. The comprehensive set was developed to make starting training easier and to organise the everyday life of trainee teachers. The starter set not only offers practical support for everyday school life, but also serves as a valuable orientation aid for the various...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Useful tools for the start of school life
  • The most important items in one set
  • Helps with trainee teacher organisation
€17.90 *
Gratis-Artikel Gratis-Artikel
gratis-Artikel zu Ihrer Bestellung je Bestellung nur 1x erhältlich Bitte wählen Sie das Geschenk selbstständig im Warenkorb aus und fügen es so zu Ihrer Bestellung gratis hinzu.
  • gratis-Artikel zu Ihrer Bestellung
  • je Bestellung nur 1x erhältlich
  • Bitte wählen Sie das Geschenk selbstständig im Warenkorb aus und fügen es so zu Ihrer Bestellung gratis hinzu.
€0.00 *
Jumping figure, approx. 8.5 cm Jumping figure, approx. 8.5 cm
Who wants to jump? Launch this funny jumping man into the air and get your pupils' attention or help with your own relaxation. How it works: just press down, release, and up it jumps. The little figure has a soft head and soft arms attached to a moveable plastic net body (PET and EVA), which means it is also suitable for use as a shuttlecock in badminton. Or let the children try to catch the...
  • For occasional entertainment
  • Also suitable as a badminton shuttlecock and for catching games
  • Provides relaxation and a good mood when needed
€1.95 *
Natura-Notizbuch A4-Plus, 160 Seiten Natura-Notizbuch A4-Plus, 160 Seiten
Dieses schöne gebundene Natura-Notizbuch mit naturbelassenem Kraftpapierenband ist praktisch in der Handhabung und verzichtet auf Schnick-Schnack und ist somit individuell nutzbar. Die elfenbeinfarbigen Seiten wirken besonders edel. Der Inhalt verfügt über karierte Seiten zum angenehmen Schreiben. Ein Verschluss-Gummi hält die Notizen und eingelegte Zettel beisammen. Nicht nur optisch ist das...
  • 160 karierte Seiten, gut beschreibbares Papier
  • naturbelassener Kraftpapiereinband, mit Verschluss-Gummi
  • Sonderposten
€12.90 *
Katalog KiGa 2024/2025 Katalog KiGa 2024/2025
Fordern Sie direkt Ihren TimeTEX Kindergarten-Katalog kostenlos an. Einfach in den Warenkorb legen und (mit-) bestellen. So können Sie bequem stöbern und die aktuellsten TimeTEX Neuheiten entdecken.
  • TimeTEX Kindergarten-Katalog kostenlos und unkompliziert anfordern
  • einfach in den Warenkorb legen und (mit-) bestellen
  • bequem zu Hause stöbern
  • aktuelle Neuheiten entdecken
€0.01 * €0.00 *
Variant selection
Chair cushion SITZFIX Chair cushion SITZFIX
Whether you need a cushion for your chair during lessons, something to sit on during morning circle time, a sports event, or for picnicking in the garden - this cushion is the ideal accessory! The internal metal frame means you can incrementally fold up the back support . This ensures ergonomic comfort and reduces strain on your back. When folded out completely, the cushion offers space for 2...
  • suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • wipe-clean, durable cover
  • can be used with back support or folded out
From €69.90 *
Variant selection
Desk pad two-sided, 43x90 cm Desk pad two-sided, 43x90 cm
This tear-resistant and wipeable desk pad made of PU is durable, anti-slip and offers something special: 2 writing pads in 1 ! As the front and back are in different, bright colours so that you can use one side or the other depending on your mood, desire and whim. If you get bored with your desk pad, simply turn it over. The workplace looks fresh again and working is more fun. The desk pad is...
  • soft, wipeable surface, anti-slip underside
  • can be used on 2 sides, in bright colours
  • suitable up to A3 format


Colour selection


This article is expected to be available again in the colours turquoise/petrol and sky blue/navy as of 27 January


From €19.90 *
Starter Pack for Trainee Teachers, 15 pcs. Starter Pack for Trainee Teachers, 15 pcs.
When the teacher traineeship marks the start of a teacher's life, it is important to keep an overview. So that trainees do not have to deal with their initial equipment , TimeTEX has put together a starter package that includes everything important : Starting with the trainee teacher planner and the trainee teacher book with tips and tricks on all kinds of useful information regarding...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Everything you need to know to start your teacher traineeship
  • With the trainee teacher planner and trainee teacher book with many tips
  • All kinds of useful things for organisation, presentation and time management
  • Everything in a practical and light felt shoulder bag
€97.75 * €59.90 *
Book "Das große Buch der Mathematik - Abenteuer in der Welt der Formen und Zahlen", 96 pages Book "Das große Buch der Mathematik - Abenteuer in der Welt der Formen und...
With this book, children can embark on an exciting adventure into the world of shapes and colours. It's packed with interesting maths facts , special numbers, bizarre shapes and clever maths tricks. Thanks to the vivid examples and the child-friendly explanations with colourful illustrations, children will realise that maths is more than just school lessons. Whether it's a honeycomb, peacock...
  • recognising maths in everyday life
  • exciting information about mathematics
  • explained in a child-friendly way, colourfully illustrated
  • content in German language
€16.95 *
Motor Skills Modelling Clay Soft, 15 g Motor Skills Modelling Clay Soft, 15 g
Children who have problems concentrating often create difficult situations in the class room. If motor restlessness is added to this, such as fidgeting or tilting the chair, the rest of the class is also disturbed. For this we have a small but effective tool : our Motor Skills Modelling Clay. Playing with the modelling clay keeps the fidgety fingers busy and frees the mind to follow the lessons...
  • Promote attention + concentration
  • Small, practical tin – fits in every school bag
  • Increase hand and finger strength, promote muscle development
  • Vegan + antimicrobial
Content 0.015 kg (€163.33 * / 1 kg)
From €2.45 *
Book "Yoga macht Kinder stark", 45 pages Book "Yoga macht Kinder stark", 45 pages
Yoga strengthens awareness of body, mind and spirit and can help children breathe deeply, increase concentration , maintain flexibility or relax . The various exercises in the book are explained in an easy-to-follow 4 steps with photos . For each exercise there is a brief overview of exactly which part of the body it strengthens. Some exercises tell short stories , for example the lion defends...
  • promotes health, mobility and power of concentration
  • strengthens self-confidence
  • each exercise explained with photos and text
  • content in German language
€16.95 *
Card Set "The Big Box of Knots", 36 pcs. Card Set "The Big Box of Knots", 36 pcs.
This set contains simple, child-friendly step-by-step instructions on cards for 30 practical knot types , which the children can easily follow and will immediately practise eagerly and with lots of fun. The 2 enclosed high-quality paracord cords are perfect for practising knots and even glow at night. So you can get started straight away without any major preparations. Besides the detailed,...
  • 30 large format cards with knot types
  • 4 cards with knot tricks
  • 2 paracord cords with reflective yarn, each 1m long
€14.95 *
Mini Butterfly Kite Mini Butterfly Kite
This glittering mini kite enchants young and old! The charming butterfly with 2 colourful kite tails sparkles in the light. With the 4.5 m long string, the butterfly kite flies high into the air, the spool for winding makes it easy to steer and quickly caught again. Flying the kite promotes motor skills and is simply fun, a sensible activity for windy autumn days . The butterfly is made of...
  • Sparkles in the light
  • With 4.5 m long cord
  • Assorted colours
€4.95 *
Individual Screen Print Stamp, Round, 25 mm ø, Black Individual Screen Print Stamp, Round, 25 mm ø, Black
Not found the right stamp motif or want your own motif? No problem! Our individual screen print stamps leave hardly any wishes unfulfilled. If stamp motifs (line motifs/text) are provided as an image file in the correct size, we produce screen-printed stamps according to individual specifications. And that from 1 piece! Available in the stamp colours red, green and black. Simply follow the...
  • Individual stamps already available from 1 piece
  • Size: 25 mm ø, round
  • Stamping ink: black

TimeTEX Innovation

Please note: Only line drawings and/or text are possible as stamp motifs.

€12.90 *
Set Wetter-Fensterfolien A3, 6-tlg., statisch II./SO Set Wetter-Fensterfolien A3, 6-tlg., statisch II./SO
Artikel II. Wahl mit verminderter Haftkraft Mit diesen Fensterfolien aus Kunststoff (BOPP) lernen die Kinder das Wetter kennen. Die Folien haben A3-Format sind mit bunten Motiven bedruckt, die verschiedene Wetterverhältnisse anzeigen. So können die Kinder die jeweils aktuelle Wetterlage zeitnah nachbilden und werden mit den Begrifflichkeiten vertraut. Die Folien sind statisch aufgeladen und...
  • 6 Folien im A3-Format mit 36 Wetter-Motiven
  • statisch aufgeladen = halten an fast allen Oberflächen
  • miteinander kombinierbar, halten auch übereinander
  • verminderte Haftkraft


TimeTEX Innovation


€11.90 * €4.95 *
Saddle Leather Pen Roll, ranger antique Saddle Leather Pen Roll, ranger antique
It could hardly be more tasteful or practical: inside this beautiful pen roll is space for 5 pens . It also features a stylish, internal, zipped compartment that holds plenty of small essentials. Eraser, notepad, business cards or even a mobile phone can be accommodated. The inside is made of velvety suede, which also safely protects valuable pens against scratches and damage . The leather...
  • stylish pen roll with space for 5 pens and an internal zip compartment
  • high-quality workmanship makes each product unique
  • great feel, soft leather, closes with leather strap
saddle leather, dyed
€49.90 *
Card Game "Pocket Quiz Junior Smarty Pants" Card Game "Pocket Quiz Junior Smarty Pants"
Which device used to be operated with a dial? And who was Helmut Kohl again? 100 questions about nature, culture, history, technology and sports invite children from 8 years to solve fun puzzles. The "Pocket Quiz Junior" offers exciting content for children and is the perfect way to fill any idle time . Boring free periods? Already finished the group work? Thanks to its interesting topics and...
  • nature, culture, history, technology and sports quiz
  • 50 cards with 100 varied quiz questions
  • for free periods, class trips or a fun activity between learning
€5.95 *
Reward Stickers "Koala" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs. Reward Stickers "Koala" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs.
This box contains 500 colourful stickers that are ideal for our reward cards or collection notebooks. The dispenser box is particularly handy as the stickers can be quickly and individually removed . The rest of the stickers are stored tidily inside the box, protected against dirt and damage. The motifs are colourful and children will want to collect more. quick and easy removal thanks to the...
  • quick and easy removal thanks to the dispenser box
  • 500 stickers, well protected against contamination and damage
  • 19 mm ø, motif: koala

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€2.95 *
Reward Stickers "Ladybird" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs. Reward Stickers "Ladybird" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs.
This box contains 500 colourful stickers that are ideal for our reward cards or collection notebooks. The dispenser box is particularly handy as the stickers can be quickly and individually removed . The rest of the stickers are stored tidily inside the box, protected against dirt and damage. They are beautiful different motifs with bright background colours. The motifs are colourful and...
  • quick and easy removal thanks to the dispenser box
  • 500 stickers, well protected against contamination and damage
  • 19 mm ø, motif: ladybird
  • different motifs and background colours

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€2.95 *
Timetex Canvas Tablet Case with Pocket, 30X21 cm Timetex Canvas Tablet Case with Pocket, 30X21 cm
This tablet case is suitable for any standard tablets up to a size of 11 inches. It has one main compartment and an additional, patch insert pocket that holds, for example, single sheets or a thin A5 writing pad. There are also 2 pen loops in the insert pocket to hold pens or a stylus for the tablet. The front flap overlaps both insert pockets and has a Velcro closure, ensuring secure...
  • 1 main compartment (suitable for tablets up to 11 inches)
  • 1 patch insert pocket
  • stylish, sturdy and durable design.


€19.90 *
Reward Stickers "Butterfly" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs. Reward Stickers "Butterfly" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs.
This box contains 500 colourful stickers that are ideal for our reward cards or collection notebooks. The dispenser box is particularly handy as the stickers can be quickly and individually removed . The rest of the stickers are stored tidily inside the box, protected against dirt and damage. They are beautiful different motifs with bright background colours. The motifs are colourful and...
  • quick and easy removal thanks to the dispenser box
  • 500 stickers, well protected against contamination and damage
  • 19 mm ø, motif: butterfly
  • different motifs and background colours

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€2.95 *
Timetex Felt Tablet Case with Pocket, 20X30 cm Timetex Felt Tablet Case with Pocket, 20X30 cm
This chic felt case is especially suitable for the Digital Slates 84001, 84002 and 84005 from TimeTEX. It is also suitable for any standard tablets up to a size of 11 inches. The bag has a main compartment with a height of 20 centimetres and a width of 30 centimetres, which is designed to accommodate these tablets. An additional, patch front pocket with an identical width and height of 15 cm...
  • 1 main compartment, suitable for our digital slates and tablets up to 11 inches.
  • 1 patch insert pocket
  • timeless, sturdy and durable design


€6.95 *
Card Game "The Big German Quiz" Card Game "The Big German Quiz"
Popular and surprising! Are you familiar with the subtleties of the German language? Kaktusse or Kakteen? Richtig liegen or richtigliegen? Is there a happy ending for Max and Moritz? And what on earth is a "Busensünde"? The answers to these and many other peculiarities of the German language are available in this high-quality quiz box. The Big German Quiz invites language and literature lovers...
  • in stylish cardboard box
  • 75 quiz cards
  • on FSC® certified paper
€19.95 *
Card game "Back to School" - 50 tricky puzzles for clever kids Card game "Back to School" - 50 tricky puzzles for clever kids
Exciting puzzle stories on cards to solve together. The 50 illustrated cards contain tricky puzzles from everyday school life that could have actually happened. By asking questions, guessing and puzzling the team tries to get to the bottom of the mystery together to shed light on the problem. This encourages children to make skilful deductions and to think outside the box to get to the bottom...
  • 50 puzzle cards in a cardboard box
  • Four-colour illustration
  • On FSC® certified paper
€12.95 *
Self-Adhesive Blackboard Lines, white, in dispenser, 15 m / 3 mm Self-Adhesive Blackboard Lines, white, in dispenser, 15 m / 3 mm
These self-adhesive lines which come in a handy dispenser allow you to easily add lines to any blackboard with the option of removing them at any time without leaving residue behind . The dispenser serves as a guide for placing the lines where required. Simply place the white line at the start and attach using your finger. They can then be easily rolled over the blackboard using the dispenser....
  • self-adhesive blackboard lines, can be removed without leaving a mark
  • in practical dispenser with cutting device
  • can be used for lines to write on, coordinate systems, arithmetic boxes etc.
  • made of reinforced paper, withstands repeat cleaning

TimeTEX Innovation

Content 15 m (€0.53 * / 1 m)
€7.95 *
Weekday Magnets, 10 pcs. in box Weekday Magnets, 10 pcs. in box
With these weekday magnets, you and your students can keep an overview and organise the week more easily - on the board, whiteboard, in the staff room, classroom or in your private workspace. Thanks to their strong magnetic adhesion , they stick well to all magnetic surfaces and the plastic caps make them easy to grip . There is a magnet for each day of the week . In addition, there are also...
  • all days of the week as well as "Important", "To Do" and "Completed"
  • strong magnetisation, with handy plastic caps
  • in sturdy plastic box


€9.95 *
Magnetic Bookmark, 1 pc., 98x30 mm Magnetic Bookmark, 1 pc., 98x30 mm
This colourful bookmark with amusing motif is ideal for marking places in books and planners and finding them again in a jiffy. As it is magnetic and foldable , it can be discreetly inserted in books, does not protrude and cannot go missing . The reverse contains a box for writing a name in. The magnetic bookmark is a useful companion for personal use or as a little gift. Unfortunately, it is...
  • magnetic, cannot go missing
  • does not protrude from a book or planner
  • with name field on the reverse
€1.29 *
Card Set "Yoga for Kids - 50 Exciting Exercises for the Whole Family" Card Set "Yoga for Kids - 50 Exciting Exercises for the Whole Family"
Yoga for Kids - 50 exciting exercises for the whole family by Tara Gruber & Leah Kalish, Illustration by Sophie Fatus This set contains 50 cards with yoga exercises for kids to help them take deep breaths , concentrate , increase mobility or relax. Yoga increases awareness of body, mind and spirit. You can do the exercises together with the children to help you take a breather and unwind too....
  • encourages health, movement and concentration skills
  • with images and instructions for each exercise
  • for relaxation during lessons or PE lessons
€14.95 *
A4 Hanging Organiser Folder, 7 compartments, transparent A4 Hanging Organiser Folder, 7 compartments, transparent
This means that the week can be excellently prepared and organised. There is a pocket available in different colours with a tab to label for t0>all 7 days t1> of the week. The A4 plastic hanging organiser folder fits into any school bag and the hinged cover can be securely closed with the elastic bands . The folder can also be hung up using the elastic bands. The pockets provide a perfect...
  • ideal for lesson preparation and organisation
  • can be hung on walls and doors
  • can be folded up and secured with an elastic band

TimeTEX Innovation

€9.95 *
Decorative Sticker from rice paper "Hearts", 200 pcs. Decorative Sticker from rice paper "Hearts", 200 pcs.
These amusing decorative stickers made of rice paper allow planners, worksheets, classrooms, photo albums and much more to be decorated and personalised . These stickers can of course also be used as commendation stickers for pupils. The great thing about the washi tape stickers is that they can be removed and reused thanks to the special adhesive . The surface can even be written on . This set...
  • peel off, stick on, reuse
  • write on the surface
  • for decorating and personalising
€3.49 *
Decorative Sticker from rice paper "Fruit", 200 pcs. Decorative Sticker from rice paper "Fruit", 200 pcs.
These amusing decorative stickers made of rice paper allow planners, worksheets, classrooms, photo albums and much more to be decorated and personalised . These stickers can of course also be used as commendation stickers for pupils. The great thing about the washi tape stickers is that they can be removed and reused thanks to the special adhesive . The surface can even be written on . This set...
  • peel off, stick on, reuse
  • write on the surface
  • for decorating and personalising
€3.49 *
Telescopic Stool black Telescopic Stool black
This practical stool is the perfect companion for on the move. It is made of easy-care (PA) material and is easy to use - simply pull and twist and the telescopic stool is ready to use. The accompanying shoulder strap allows easy transportation and lets you take it everywhere, whether on school trips, class outings or events in your free time. The telescopic stool is adjustable in stages and...
  • perfect companion for on the move, with practical sholder strap
  • weighs just 1.35 kg, supports up to 130 kg
  • adjustable in stages
€54.90 *
Decorative Sticker from rice paper "Organiser", 200 pcs. Decorative Sticker from rice paper "Organiser", 200 pcs.
These amusing decorative stickers made of rice paper allow planners, worksheets, classrooms, photo albums and much more to be decorated and personalised . These stickers can of course also be used as commendation stickers for pupils. The great thing about the washi tape stickers is that they can be removed and reused thanks to the special adhesive . The surface can even be written on . These...
  • peel off, stick on, reuse
  • write on the surface
  • for commendations or organising planners
€3.49 *
Gift Box for Teachers Gift Box for Teachers
Are you looking for a gift for a teacher or trainee? Are you a teacher and need some basic equipment or want to replenish your supplies? Then this gift box is perfect, whether as a gift for others or yourself! It contains trusted articles from our range that everyone can use to overcome lesson challenges. Exercise books, pens and crayons, commendation or office material - find space for...
  • as a gift for others or yourself
  • filled with trusty articles from our range
  • everything you need for everyday school life
€75.90 *
Lesson Timetable Picture Cards made of cardboard, magnetic, 40 pcs. Lesson Timetable Picture Cards made of cardboard, magnetic, 40 pcs.
These lesson picture cards are truly eye-catching. The lesson timetable can be arranged daily or weekly and changes quickly implemented. The picture cards can be attached to a board or whiteboard using magnets, to a cord or wall, or the current lesson placed on the teacher's desk with a card holder for optimum visualisation. Children can compile the current lesson plan each day from the cards,...
  • clear list of lesson timetables
  • picture cards featuring the most popular subjects and blank cards
  • quickly adapt lesson timetables
€24.90 *
Lesson Timetable Picture Cards made of cardboard, in a box, magnetic, 40 pcs. Lesson Timetable Picture Cards made of cardboard, in a box, magnetic, 40 pcs.
These lesson picture cards are truly eye-catching. The lesson timetable can be arranged daily or weekly and changes quickly implemented. The picture cards can be attached to a board or whiteboard using magnets, to a cord or wall, or the current lesson placed on the teacher's desk with a card holder for optimum visualisation. Children can compile the current lesson plan each day from the cards,...
  • clear list of lesson timetables
  • picture cards featuring the most popular subjects and blank cards
  • quickly adapt lesson timetables

TimeTEX Innovation

€29.90 *
Lesson Timetable Picture Cards made of cardboard, 40 pcs. Lesson Timetable Picture Cards made of cardboard, 40 pcs.
These lesson picture cards are truly eye-catching. The lesson timetable can be arranged daily or weekly and changes quickly implemented. The picture cards can be attached to a board or whiteboard using magnets, to a cord or wall, or the current lesson placed on the teacher's desk with a card holder for optimum visualisation. Children can compile the current lesson plan each day from the cards,...
  • clear list of lesson timetables
  • picture cards featuring the most popular subjects and blank cards
  • quickly adapt lesson timetables

TimeTEX Innovation


€19.90 *
Pocket Monster "Cold + Warm" Pocket Monster "Cold + Warm"
These little monsters are always on hand where help is required, such as for little boo-boos, injuries, bruises, etc. These pocket mosters can be used both cold and warm . Simply follow the instructions for placing them in a freezer or microwave and they're ready to use. The pads can be easily cleaned using a damp cloth and a little soap. The amusing motifs will soon make aches be forgotten and...
  • can be used cold or warm
  • simply place in the freezer or microwave
  • little piece of comfort with amusing motif
€2.45 *
Variant selection
Whistle "Bellows", with bellow Whistle "Bellows", with bellow
The hygienic alternative to a traditional whistle. Our hand-held whistle is made from vinyl and is suitable for mobile use thanks to the practical storage bag. The typical whistle sound is made by pressing the bellow together , and, depending on the intensity , creates a quieter or louder sound . It can be attached to a cord using the metal ring so that the whistle can be worn around the wrist...
  • high-quality whistle with bellow
  • easily audible sound created via the bellow
  • very hygienic and clean even among different users
  • comes in a practical storage back for mobile use
  • good for security during night-time runs, in underground car parks, in emergencies

TimeTEX Innovation

Colour selection



From €10.90 *
TimeTEX Voucher 25.00 TimeTEX Voucher 25.00
This situation is familiar to everyone. You urgently need to find a gift that the recipient will like and have a good opportunity to use. Hasty purchases usually don't really pay off and cash often gives the impression that you haven't thought about the recipient. Our voucher allows the recipient to fulfill their own wishes. The voucher gives the recipient the opportunity to choose one of our...
  • the perfect gift for any occasion
  • allows the recipient to fulfil their own wishes
  • gives the recipient the chance to choose a product for themselves


€25.00 *
TimeTEX Voucher 50.00 TimeTEX Voucher 50.00
This situation is familiar to everyone. You urgently need to find a gift that the recipient will like and have a good opportunity to use. Hasty purchases usually don't really pay off. Our voucher allows the recipient to fulfill their own wishes. The voucher gives the recipient the opportunity to choose one of our high-quality, beautiful and practical products for which they really have a use....
  • the perfect gift for any occasion
  • allows the recipient to fulfil their own wishes
  • gives the recipient the chance to choose a product for themselves


€50.00 *
Set of Utensil Boxes, magnetic, 4 pcs. Set of Utensil Boxes, magnetic, 4 pcs.
These magnetic plastic utensil boxes help make important materials readily available where they are needed. With the strong magnetic strips on the back , they adhere to all metal surfaces, including blackboards, whiteboards and our magnetic metal strips. Pens, liquid chalk, magnetic letters and numbers and other equipment can always be fixed close within reach . Thanks to the flat base, the...
  • for storing equipment within reach
  • with rear magnet / free-standing
  • ideal for the board or for group work


€24.90 *
Box with Foldover Lid, wood, A4-Plus, natural Box with Foldover Lid, wood, A4-Plus, natural
This wooden box with a foldover lid not only holds a large number of small items , it also holds material including the laminated A4 format . Documents, worksheets and materials for group and project work can be stored in it and are not lost. The boxes have a foldover lid fastening and two hinges, so they can be firmly closed and the contents are protected against dust and dirt. The corners are...
  • for small items and documents, including laminated A4 format
  • with folding lid closure and hinges
  • design and decorate it yourself



€22.90 *
Pocket Insert A4 with net and pencil case Pocket Insert A4 with net and pencil case
This stable bag insert made of plastic (polyester + PP) is a big organisational aid in bags and backpacks that do not have any or insufficient compartments. The large insert pocket has a closing flap and Velcro fastening. Holds over 500 sheets , also holds laminated A4 size. The stretch fold on the sides allows it to adapt to the contents. This large compartment is ideal for planners, books,...
  • sturdy pocket that can be closed with Velcro
  • sewn on pencil case and net compartment
  • holds over 500 sheets, also holds laminated A4 size.

TimeTEX Innovation

€8.95 *
Timer Clock "Digital + Twist", 3 fixed times + digital clock Timer Clock "Digital + Twist", 3 fixed times + digital clock
This plastic clock is a clock and timer all in one. It can be used as a normal digital clock with alarm , but also has 3 preset fixed timers which can be easily set by rotating the clock. The time is clearly visible on the large display and can be toggled between 12 and 24-hour display. A special feature of the display is that the time is always visible as the display always remains vertical...
  • digital clock with alarm and snooze function
  • 3 pre-set times
  • silent mechanism thanks to battery operation
  • acoustic alarm and background illumination

TimeTEX Innovation

€11.90 *
Motivational Stickers "Sloth" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs. Motivational Stickers "Sloth" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs.
This box contains 500 colourful stickers with 10 different colour backgrounds , which are ideal for our commendation cards or collection notebooks. The dispenser box is particularly handy as the stickers can be quickly and individually dispensed . The rest of the stickers are stored tidily inside the box, protected against dirt and damage. These are wonderful designs that will fill pupils with...
  • quick and easy removal thanks to the dispenser box
  • 500 stickers with 10 different colour backgrounds, well protected against dirt and damage
  • approx. 19 mm diameter, motif: sloth


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€2.95 *
Organiser Stamps With Ink Pad, 9 pcs., in box Organiser Stamps With Ink Pad, 9 pcs., in box
These handy and compact Orga stamps let you highlight the important things in your school planner. The little stamps, which are specially designed for everyday school life come in a handy box for safe and organised storage. There is plenty of room for all 7 stamps and the two ink pads which can be easily removed when needed. The rectangular stamp contains terms used in everyday teaching life...
  • for individual planner entries
  • quick, clear labels for important items, meetings etc.
  • with 2 stamp motifs and 2 ink pads
€5.95 *
Class Duty Picture Cards from cardboard, 24 pcs. Class Duty Picture Cards from cardboard, 24 pcs.
These class duty picture cards are truly eye-catching . In addition, pupils can be introduced to responsible and independent work . The picture cards allow class duties to be distributed freely . The cards can be attached to a board or whiteboard using magnets, to a cord or wall, or directly on the pupil for the corresponding duty. The children should then complete the duties assigned to them...
  • clear list of class duties and roles
  • picture cards with the most common class duties
  • encourages responsible, independent working


TimeTEX Innovation

€9.95 *
TimeTEX Calendar Case made of canvas A4-Plus, with pen loop TimeTEX Calendar Case made of canvas A4-Plus, with pen loop
These calendar covers are made from extremely robust and lightweight duffel fabric (canvas) from which some of our bags and backpacks are also made. This not only makes these calendar covers a stylish eye-catcher , but also a great addition to your teacher's bag or teacher's backpack. The calendar covers go perfectly with our A5-Plus and A4-Plus system school planner also for planners with...
  • made of sturdy duffel fabric
  • for protection and personalisation
  • with pen loop


€14.90 *
Whiteboard Lines, self-adhesive, black, in dispenser, 15 m / 3 mm Whiteboard Lines, self-adhesive, black, in dispenser, 15 m / 3 mm
These self-adhesive whiteboard lines which come in a handy dispenser allow you to easily add lines to any whiteboard and blackboard with the option of removing them at any time without leaving residue behind . The dispenser serves as a guide for placing the lines where required. Simply attach the black line at the start and attach using your finger. They can then be easily rolled over the...
  • self-adhesive whiteboard lines, can be removed without leaving a mark
  • in practical dispenser with cutting device
  • can be used for lines to write on, coordinate systems, arithmetic boxes etc.
  • Made of reinforced paper, withstands repeat cleaning

TimeTEX Innovation

Content 15 m (€0.53 * / 1 m)
€7.95 *
Hygiene Hook with coating and key ring, black Hygiene Hook with coating and key ring, black
This multifunctional door opener is a permanent and practical companion for everyday use thanks to the key ring. No matter whether at school, kindergarten, shopping, at the bank or when using public transport, these hygienic hooks will become indispensable . The hooks are attached to the back ring and the front semi-circle can be used to open doors, windows, taps, toilet seats etc. without...
  • sturdy multifunctional door opener made from coated metal
  • all-in-one door and window opener, touch pen for buttons and switches, plus bottle opener
  • protects against viruses, bacteria or contamination
€4.95 * €2.95 *
Variant selection
"Automatik" Compact Timer with magnet "Automatik" Compact Timer with magnet
This backwards-running clock shows your pupils how much time they have left to hand in or finish their work, to the minute. It is easy to handle and works without batteries. The red, blue or green clock face is set by turning the front edge of the casing. On the back, there is also a magnet with which the clock can be attached to metal surfaces to make it clearly visible. The special feature of...
  • Protective glass for the clock face
  • Clock face like that of a real clock
  • no batteries required thanks to automatic operation
  • handy turning ring to adjust the coloured disc
  • constant colour-highlighted display of current remaining time
  • acoustic signal at the end of the runtime
  • with flat, rear magnet


TimeTEX Innovation

Colour selection                Advisory video


From €9.95 *
Hanging Organiser Bag A4, 6 pockets in landscape format, with hooks Hanging Organiser Bag A4, 6 pockets in landscape format, with hooks
They can be used to clearly store or present A4 worksheets or documents for or from pupils. They also offer good access to the pupils - e.g. during free working time - and are also suitable for presentations. The practical hanging organiser bags have 6 clear plastic pockets that are open to one side. The accompanying hooks can easily be hung up or secured anywhere and easily removed again....
  • clear + handy storage
  • capacity up to 50 sheets A4 per pocket
  • no mirror effect with frosted surface

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

From €5.50 *
"Perpetuum" Silkscreen Stamp 4 in 1 "Unterschrift" ("Signature") "Perpetuum" Silkscreen Stamp 4 in 1 "Unterschrift" ("Signature")
With the great "Perpetuum" silkscreen stamps by TimeTEX, the fingers stay clean and there is no longer any need for ink pads and other equipment. Likewise, there is no more need for test stamping, because every stamp is perfect ! The revolutionary aspect of the stamps is that the new printing technology makes ink pads superfluous, because the special ink is applied onto the sheet by the...
  • stamp plate 40 x 10 mm
  • for more than 5,000 stamp impressions
  • 1 stamp = 4 stamps stuck together
  • motifs: "Bitte sorgfältiger arbeiten!", "Bitte noch einmal!", "Hausaufgabe fehlt / teilweise!", "Unterschrift der Eltern" 

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€8.95 *
Natura Notebook A4-Plus, 198 pages Natura Notebook A4-Plus, 198 pages
This lovely bound Natura notebook with a natural cardboard cover is very practical and avoids any frills, making it ideal for individual use. The cover is firmly sewn to the contents, so there is no need for a traditional spine. The brilliant benefit of this design is that the pages lie completely flat when opened, without dipping down in the middle of the book. As a result, it is also easy to...
  • 198 pages, good writing paper, perforated
  • bound but no spine, so content can be folded flat
  • natural cardboard cover, stitched binding, rubber closure

TimeTEX Innovation


€12.90 *
Spin-the-Arrow Pointer, with suction pad, 10 pcs., 10 cm Spin-the-Arrow Pointer, with suction pad, 10 pcs., 10 cm
These lovely spinning pointers are made from plastic and are designed in the shape of a red arrow . They look fantastic and can be used in all sorts of ways in everyday school life. The yellow suction pad can be attached to any smooth surface and will not leave behind any marks when you remove it. The pointers can be used to implement fun exercises in maths using fractions or tasks with basic...
  • made from high-quality plastic, with rubber suction pad
  • simple spinning device for lessons (e.g. mathematics, languages, sport)
  • children will have huge fun and participate enthusiastically in lessons


€8.95 *
Mobile Teacher's Office Set 4 pcs., in case Mobile Teacher's Office Set 4 pcs., in case
This compact set contains the most important office equipment in miniature. The individual items have a sturdy metal mechanism , which sits in a transparent blue plastic case. The miniature devices perform well thanks to their high-quality workmanship . The devices can be securely stored in the small plastic box with click-lock lid and will fit in just about any bag, even a full one. The set...
  • hole punch, stapler and tape dispenser in miniature format
  • with high-quality, metal mechanism
  • in a compact plastic box


€3.95 *
TimeTEX Voucher 10.00 TimeTEX Voucher 10.00
This situation is familiar to everyone. You urgently need to find a gift that the recipient will like and have a good opportunity to use. Hasty purchases don't usually pay off, and cash often gives the impression that you haven't thought about the recipient. Our TimeTEX voucher allows the recipient to fulfil their own wishes . The voucher gives the recipient the opportunity to choose one of our...
  • The perfect gift for any occasion
  • Allows the recipient to fulfil their own wishes
  • Gives the recipient the chance to choose a product for themselves


€10.00 *
TimeTEX Voucher 15.00 TimeTEX Voucher 15.00
This situation is familiar to everyone. You urgently need to find a gift that the recipient will like and have a good opportunity to use. Hasty purchases don't usually pay off, and cash often gives the impression that you haven't thought about the recipient. Our TimeTEX voucher allows the recipient to fulfil their own wishes . The voucher gives the recipient the opportunity to choose one of our...
  • The perfect gift for any occasion
  • Allows the recipient to fulfil their own wishes
  • Gives the recipient the chance to choose a product for themselves


€15.00 *
Timer Clock "Laughing Face", yellow, approx. 7 cm ø Timer Clock "Laughing Face", yellow, approx. 7 cm ø
This spherical timer made from plastic shows pupils down to the minute how much time they have left until handing in or finishing their work. The striking yellow colour and laughing face put everyone in a good mood and make this clock really unique, which means it is also a great gift. Especially because this timer can also be used as a kitchen clock. The desired time period can be set...
  • signal at the end of the runtime
  • time setting from 1 – 60 minutes
  • no batteries required thanks to automatic operation
  • spherical, laughing face puts you in a good mood


€4.95 *
Variant selection
Stationery Case for Filing Stationery Case for Filing
With this handy nylon stationery case you can keep all your writing utensils within easy reach . This item´s smart features are two metal eyelets that can be easily filed filed in files and ring binders. The hard-wearing stationery case for filing is ideal for storing erasers, pens, scissors and rulers. The stationery case can be easily opened with the very robust zip providing safe closure of...
  • keep all your writing utensils within easy reach
  • can be filed in files and ring binders using 2 metal eyeletsn
  • hard-wearing, zip closure


TimeTEX Innovation

Version selection


€4.95 * From €2.95 *
Cotton Boots for Advent Calendar, 24 pcs. Cotton Boots for Advent Calendar, 24 pcs.
These boots let you create a unique advent calendar for your class, group or afternoon childcare programme. The cotton bags have a red satin ribbon for quick and easy closure and can be used to hang them up . The boots can be individually attached to the wall or used to decorate the room as a garland . If the advent calendar is being designed and decorated by the children themselves, this adds...
  • create a unique advent calendar
  • washable
  • can be closed with a red satin ribbon


€29.90 *
TimeTEX Picture Puzzle Clips, made of metal, 8 pcs. TimeTEX Picture Puzzle Clips, made of metal, 8 pcs.
No more magnets or wooden clips left on the board or rope? These metal picture puzzle clips offer instant assistance. Pictures, notes etc. can be attached to both sides of the double-sided clip . This lets you expand all of your displays as you wish. Simply attach one side of the clip to the picture already hanging up and then attach the other side of the clip to the picture you want to add....
  • expands display
  • marks documents
  • made of metal, magnetic


€4.95 * €1.95 *
Variant selection
Corner Rounder for laminating films + paper Corner Rounder for laminating films + paper
Practical corner rounder for fast, elegant and simple "defusing" of corners in a radius of 5 mm. Insert the corner to be rounded as far as it will go and briefly press down on the punch. New: Round out corners, simply push from the other side into the corner rounder and punch the corner as usual (6 mm radius). The punching blade is made of high-quality stainless steel, the printer is made of...
  • for quick, attractive and simple "unsharpening" of corners
  • for films, paper and cardboard
  • with emptiable collecting container for the punching waste


Colour selection
From €7.95 *
Behaviour Traffic Light, magnetic, approx. 25 cm ø, in a cardboard box Behaviour Traffic Light, magnetic, approx. 25 cm ø, in a cardboard box
The behaviour traffic lights signal to pupils at a glance whether their behaviour in class or their participation in the lesson is in the "green zone". They also motivate and incentivise improvement when the signal is set to yellow. They can also be used to show if someone is present (green), temporarily absent (yellow), e.g. at the toilet, or confirmed absent (red). The colours can be arranged...
  • motivates pupils and encourages improvement
  • provides insight into behaviour or participation in the lesson
  • magnetic, therefore ideal for use on the board


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€34.90 *
Clip Device "Pfiffikus" with 50 clips Clip Device "Pfiffikus" with 50 clips
This handy plastic clip device holds up to 30 sheets of paper together without damaging them. The clip device encloses the stack of paper with a small clip made from stainless spring steel, which holds the contents firmly together . If paper needs to be removed from the stack, simply remove the clip. This allows entire classwork or worksheets to be quickly clipped together and later used for...
  • environmentally friendly and resource-saving
  • holds up to 30 sheets of paper together
  • reusable clips


€4.95 * €3.95 *
Prima-Colori Numeracy Practice Whiteboard, 4 pcs., magnetic Prima-Colori Numeracy Practice Whiteboard, 4 pcs., magnetic
This whiteboard features chequered squares for beginner learners with which they can practice writing numbers extensively. Since the whiteboard can always be wiped clean , the space is unlimited. Numeracy skills can be practised as much as needed. To make learning and numeracy easier, the squares are chequered and split into 2 blocks , each with 10 boxes. In addition, the shaded spaces indicate...
  • whiteboard with 2 x 10 square boxes
  • with an erasable marker pen and 2 magnets
  • magnetic, erasable white surface with coloured border


TimeTEX Innovation

€6.95 *
Commendation Stickers "Face and Thumbs Up" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs. Commendation Stickers "Face and Thumbs Up" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs.
This box contains 500 colourful stickers with 10 different colour backgrounds that are ideal for our commendation cards or collection notebook. The dispenser box is particularly handy as the stickers can be quickly and individually removed . Everything is kept tiday and protected against dirt and damage inside the box. These are wonderful designs that will fill pupils with a passion for...
  • fast and easy removal thanks to the dispenser box
  • 500 Stickers, with 10 different colour backgrounds, well protected against dirt and damage
  • approx. 19 mm diameter, motif: face and thumbs up


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€2.95 *
To-Do List Pad A5, 50 sheets To-Do List Pad A5, 50 sheets
This pad helps you keep track of which tasks are still outstanding. Up to 17 tasks can be entered on each of the 50 pages . Two boxes are positioned on the right-hand side for marking the status of the task. This allows you to see straight away which tasks are still outstanding, in progress, or already completed. Completed tasks can be removed from the pad and conveniently stored and archived...
  • keep track of which tasks are outstanding or have been completed
  • with punched holes and 2 boxes for status
  • space for up to 17 entries per page



€3.95 *
Commendation Stickers "Bee" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs. Commendation Stickers "Bee" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs.
This box contains 500 colourful stickers with 10 different colour backgrounds that are ideal for our commendation cards or collection notebook. The dispenser box is particularly handy as the stickers can be quickly and individually removed . Everything is kept tiday and protected against dirt and damage inside the box. These are wonderful designs that will fill pupils with a passion for...
  • fast and easy removal thanks to the dispenser box
  • 500 stickers with 10 different colour backgrounds, well protected against dirt and damage
  • approx. 19 mm diameter, motif: bee


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€2.95 *
Commendation Stickers "Fox" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs. Commendation Stickers "Fox" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs.
This box contains 500 colourful stickers with 10 different colour backgrounds that are ideal for our commendation cards or collection notebook. The dispenser box is particularly handy as the stickers can be quickly and individually removed . Everything is kept tiday and protected against dirt and damage inside the box. These are wonderful designs that will fill pupils with a passion for...
  • fast and easy removal thanks to the dispenser box
  • 500 Stickers, with 10 different colour backgrounds, well protected against contamination and damage
  • approx. 19 mm diameter, motif: fox


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€2.95 *
Variant selection
TimeTEX "Digital" Compact Timer TimeTEX "Digital" Compact Timer
This clock with LED display is a backwards-running timer and stopwatch in one. Operating the timer is also easy , as it has just three buttons. For use as a backwards-running timer, the required time is simply entered via the minutes and seconds keys (maximum 99 minutes 59 seconds). Since the clock is digital, the time can be entered to the exact second . With the start/stop button, the clock...
  • digital clock: time is accurate to the second
  • can be used as a backwards-running timer or stopwatch
  • silent operation with battery (no expensive button cells)
  • with expiry signal, stand, magnet and wall-hanging hole


From €4.95 *
Variant selection
Stretch Pencil Case made of leather, for A5 and A4 Stretch Pencil Case made of leather, for A5 and A4
This pencil case made from buffalo leather to stick onto your school planner means your important writing equipment will always be readily available. On the back there is a wide elastic band, which can be used to attach the pencil case to all our school planners and books . This means the planner is kept safely closed , and you will also have your writing equipment readily available . Once the...
  • hard-wearing thanks to buffalo leather
  • for hard book covers in A5 and A5 format
  • can also be used in combination with our detachable pouch/folder/cover folders


TimeTEX Innovation

From €14.90 *
Commendation Set "Motivate with a System" 10 pcs., in a Box Commendation Set "Motivate with a System" 10 pcs., in a Box
A reward is the best incentive for children to learn and improve their positive behaviour and performance. Commendation stickers "Colourful Faces" in a Dispenser Box, 500 pcs. #62765 This box contains 500 colourful stickers with bright stars that are ideal for our praise collection cards or the collection book. • quick and easy removal thanks to the dispenser box • 500 stickers with 10...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Commendation Stickers "Colourful Faces" in a dispenser box, 500 pcs.
  • Motivational Stickers "Colourful Stars" in a Dispenser Box, 500 pieces
  • Set of commendation stickers "Animals", 240 pcs.
  • Block of commendation stickers XXL German, set of 1,076
  • Silkscreen stamp "Perpetuum", "Sun"
  • Round "Perpetuum" silkscreen stamp "Owl"
  • TimeTEX silkscreen stamp "Perpetuum", "Super crown"
  • Praise dragon pad A6, 30 sheets
  • Hard-work cards, 110 cards in a case
  • Plastic box A4 coloured, transparent
€44.50 * €38.90 *
Natura A5 Notebook, 198 pages Natura A5 Notebook, 198 pages
This notebook with natural cardboard cover is very practical to use and is a no-nonsense item. The cover is firmly sewn to the contents, meaning that the traditional spine can be dispensed with. The ingenious advantage: the content lies unfolded and completely flat without being squashed in the middle of the book. As a result, it is also easy to write in and the pages do not stick together. The...
  • 198 pages, good writing paper, perforated
  • no spine, so contents can be folded flat
  • natural cardboard cover, stitched binding, rubber closure

TimeTEX Innovation

€9.95 *
Teaching Assistant "No Comments from the Peanut Gallery" Teaching Assistant "No Comments from the Peanut Gallery"
This little tool for teachers has 16 funny quotes and sounds to instil quiet and awareness in the classroom without having to use their voice. There is a button for each option with a small icon , the speaker ensures that the sounds can be heard even in a noisy classroom. If you need a whistle to quieten down pupils or a bell to indicate the end of the lesson , the teaching assistant offers...
  • with 16 funny quotes and sounds
  • with integrated speaker
  • protects the voice and attracts attention


€12.90 *
Wooden Emotion Man, approx. 8 cm tall Wooden Emotion Man, approx. 8 cm tall
With this little wooden man, teachers can immediately and silently identify which group or table neighbours need support. Pupils simply turn the little man's removable head to have the nose facing up or down. He either looks optimistically upwards (everything is fine) or hangs his head (we need help). If there are any uncertainties or questions that cannot be clarified with the table neighbour...
  • silent, optical signal generator
  • head tilted upwards (everything is fine), head tilted downwards (help is needed)
  • creates calm and improves concentration when working

TimeTEX Innovation

€3.95 *
Magnet Set "Basic", 35 pcs., in a box Magnet Set "Basic", 35 pcs., in a box
These magnetic aids allow a wide variety of teaching materials to be easily attached to the board. Magnet strip dispenser, self-adhesive, 19 mm, 8 m #93287 Remove the desired length of magnet strip from the dispenser and stick to the back of the materials you want to magnetise. magnetic tape dispenser self-adhesive 8 m long, 19 mm wide, 0.3 mm thick good magnetic effect on all metal surfaces or...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Magnet strip dispenser, self-adhesive, 19 mm, 8 m
  • Magnetic discs self-adhesive, 20x20 mm, 100 pieces
  • Magnetic stones, approx 20 pieces
  • Set of adhesive magnets 27mm diameter in box, 10 pcs.
  • Set of magnet clips 25 mm diameter, 3 pcs.
  • Plastic box A5 transparent colourless
€34.70 * €29.90 *
Office Organiser Set "Desk", 3 pcs. Office Organiser Set "Desk", 3 pcs.
This set guarantees to keep your desk tidy and organised. TimeTEX table multi-compartmental folder A4, coloured with rubber closure #10682 This multi-compartmental PP folder with rubber band closure for A4 size transports loose documents and slides absolutely crease-free. The folder has 12 compartments with exposed tabs in different colours. with rubber closure for safe transport 2 additional,...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • TimeTEX table multi-compartmental folder A4, coloured with rubber closure
  • Drawer box A4, plastic with 3 drawers
  • TimeTEX table organiser "Ordo"
€39.80 * €35.90 *
Mobile Phone Microscope, 3 cm ø Mobile Phone Microscope, 3 cm ø
The mobile phone microscope - small, practical and surprisingly high quality! With this microscope, you will suddenly be able to see things that were previously invisible, and you can design your lessons to take advantage of modern, digital technology. The mobile microscope is incredibly easy to attach to the camera on any smartphone or tablet . Encourage children to use the digital microscope...
  • for fixing to a smartphone or tablet camera
  • with integrated LED light
  • up to 30 x magnification

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€15.90 *
Praise Dragon Pad A6, 30 sheets Praise Dragon Pad A6, 30 sheets
A reward is the best incentive for children to learn; it reinforces positive behaviour and improves performance . The reward system, made up of cards and stickers or stamps, makes this visually impressive and clear. The teacher gives each child a card that has space for 10 stickers or stamps. As a "small" reward , the children can each choose one sticker or stamp to add to their card. If they...
  • pad with 30 tear-off reward cards
  • space for 9 stickers or stamps
  • with line to enter name for clear ownership


Demonstration video


€3.95 *
Activity Cards "Active Learning" 20 pcs. Activity Cards "Active Learning" 20 pcs.
Use these activity cards to introduce movement into the classroom. That is why they are particularly good for lesson and topic changes or for livening up lessons occasionally or they can be used as a warm-up in sports lessons. Colourful pictures are set out on 20 large cards, depicting different figurative representations of activities , which have to be re-enacted by the children. The activity...
€7.95 *
Set of Weather Window Film A3, 6 pcs., static Set of Weather Window Film A3, 6 pcs., static
Children can learn about the weather with these window film sheets made from plastic (BOPP). The sheets are in A3 format and printed with colourful designs to illustrate different weather conditions . So children can use them to depict the current weather conditions in real time while getting to know the terminology. The film has a static charge and will stick to almost any surface. Of course,...
  • 6 sheets of film in A3 format with 36 weather motifs
  • static charge = attaches to almost all surfaces
  • can be used in combination with each other, including on top of each other


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€11.90 *
TimeTEX Weekday Pegs, 10 pcs., coloured, with magnet TimeTEX Weekday Pegs, 10 pcs., coloured, with magnet
With these wooden weekday pegs, you and your pupils can keep track of and organise the week more easily. There is a peg in a different colour for each weekday . In addition, there are also three other pegs in bright colours which can be used to highlight important things: "Important" (neon-orange), "To Do" (neon-yellow) and "Done" (neon-green). On the back there is a small yet strong neodymium...
  • each weekday in its own colour
  • additional pegs for "important", "to do" and "done"
  • with embedded neodymium magnet on the back

TimeTEX Innovation

 Demonstration video


€4.95 *
"Medium" Date Stamp, self-inking, black "Medium" Date Stamp, self-inking, black
This very functional, self-inking date stamp is a great help in all areas of school life. Whether in the classroom, in the staff room or at home - with this compact helper, you will not have to write the date out over and over again. Due to its size, the stamp is easy to grasp and sits comfortably in the hand. The date is legible, the month is abbreviated in letters. This means the date does...
  • self-inking date stamp, no additional ink pad needed
  • compact stamp print, only 4 mm high
  • year numbers valid for 12 years
  • black stamping ink


€17.90 *
1 2 From 2


Gifts for teachers - creative gift ideas

If you are looking for useful teacher material or a nice gift for teachers to mark the end of their traineeship, a birthday, anniversary or similar, then TimeTEX's teacher shop is the right place for you! There's something for everyone here! Teachers' calendars are perfectly organised and also an ideal personal gift for teachers. Online you will find cleverly designed calendars in handy formats & different designs for every taste. Below you will find some great teacher gift tips!

Gifts for fellow teachers

Finding the right teacher gift is often not easy, especially if you deal with some colleagues primarily on a professional level and don't know them closely. Here we can warmly recommend useful teacher items such as a teacher's diary, biros, laser pointer, chalk holder or motivation and reward items, as these are gifts for teachers that everyone can use in everyday teaching life. If it's a more generous gift for a colleague, then an annual museum ticket or a voucher for their favourite restaurant or a spa day is a great idea.

If it's more of a personalised gift for a colleague you are very close to or for a friend who is a teacher, then a personalised pen, laser pointer or teacher mug with a personalised engraving, dedication or witty saying is the ideal choice. Another unique idea is our personalised motivational stamp, which you can design yourself. This way you can really buy a completely useful and personalised gift.

The gift ideas listed are ideal as Christmas gifts for teachers, gifts for primary or secondary school teachers for farewells, anniversaries or birthdays and can of course all be found in our online range. With TimeTEX, you are guaranteed to always make the right decision!

Gifts for trainee teachers

What do you give to trainee teachers or prospective teachers? We have a lot of nice and useful gift ideas - whether gifts for teachers at the end of their traineeship, but also if the prospective teacher is about to start or is in the middle of their traineeship. We have put together a list of ideas that are always well received:

  • Trainee teacher planner or school planner
  • High-quality writing utensils e.g. fountain pen, pens or pencil
  • Thermo mug for coffee or tea
  • Chalk box and chalk holder
  • Stamps
  • Magnets for teachers
  • Key chain
  • Anti-stress helpers
  • Fun teacher books e.g. The Survival Handbook for Teachers
  • Sweets such as chocolate, gummy bears or home-baked goods

Our tip: Would you like to surprise your loved one with a teacher's bag? You should clarify this in advance, as personal requirements and individual style are very important here. Or simply give a gift voucher from TimeTEX for one of ourmodern teacher bags for women.

Gifts from pupils to teachers - what should you bear in mind?

Simply saying "thank you" - whether it's for Christmas, farewell or retirement, it's not uncommon for students to want to give teachers a small gift. At the end of their time at school or when their class teacher retires, most teachers are delighted when they are shown appreciation or given a proper farewell by their class. Anyone who thought that giving gifts was the biggest challenge was mistaken! It is often forgotten that teachers are public service employees and are therefore not allowed to accept expensive gifts with a material value, as gifts for teachers from pupils are suspected of being an official favour. However, there are exceptions, such as thank-you gifts and promotional gifts of minor value as gifts for teachers at graduation or other festivities.

Watch out! Depending on the federal state in Germany, for example, there is even an upper financial limit for teachers to accept gifts, which can vary between 20 and 50 euros. Gifts from individuals or gifts given before an event, such as the awarding of grades, certificates or similar, are critical. Find out in advance exactly what regulations apply in your federal state or country. This way you can avoid difficult situations in which teachers have to refuse gifts, e.g. when gifts are given to teachers as a farewell present. It is also better if the whole class presents a gift and not individual pupils.

If you are now confused about what to give teachers, you will find some suitable tips and gift ideas below.

Gifts that teachers are always allowed to accept

As long as the material value is kept within limits, self-made gifts from pupils may of course be accepted. These can be, for example, a photo collage, photo box or a photo book with pictures from the last school trip or other joint school activities. These personalised mementos make ideal farewell gifts for teachers.

A joint class video is also a great idea as a farewell gift. Pupils can record individual thank-you messages and add pictures and music.

A bag or basket of home-baked treats is also no problem. Gingerbread and biscuits are always the right choice as Christmas gifts for teachers!

However, if you as a teacher are unsure whether you can accept the gift without hesitation, it is better to talk to the school management to be safe.

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