General Studies

General Studies

In elementary school science classes, students encounter a variety of topics for the first time, such as seasons, animal and plant life, the human body and health, and traffic education. With our teaching materials for science classes, we aim to support you and provide inspiration so that you can design your lessons in this diverse subject area more effectively and easily. Science lessons have never been so exciting and varied! Read on…

In elementary school science classes, students encounter a variety of topics for the first time, such as seasons, animal and plant life, the human body and health, and traffic education. With our... read more »
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General Studies

In elementary school science classes, students encounter a variety of topics for the first time, such as seasons, animal and plant life, the human body and health, and traffic education. With our teaching materials for science classes, we aim to support you and provide inspiration so that you can design your lessons in this diverse subject area more effectively and easily. Science lessons have never been so exciting and varied! Read on…

Yearly Calendar made of wood, approx. 38 x 60 cm Yearly Calendar made of wood, approx. 38 x 60 cm
The wooden calendar is suitable for nursery and primary school. The wooden calendar helps children to distinguish between "yesterday", "today" and "tomorrow". The months are arranged in the montessori colours. Here the days and months are indicated by exchanging the respective tiles. The daily numbers are indicated by additional wooden tiles. The daily numbers can be updated every day by a...
  • labelling in German
  • 19 wooden board for labelling
  • 1 storage box with 11 tiles for counting days


TimeTEX Innovation

€79.90 *
Magnetic Calendar with Class Duties, 76 pcs. Magnetic Calendar with Class Duties, 76 pcs.
This year calendar is a beautiful eye-catcher. It teaches children dates, the days of the week, the seasons and the weather and how to distinguish between "yesterday", "today" and "tomorrow". Every day, one or more children jointly update the calendar , as decided by the teacher. The calendar contains coloured magnetic labels for the date, i.e. days of the week, months and the year. There are...
  • playful learning of dates, days of the week etc.
  • custom design with the magnetic labels
  • easy to handle as the magnets are 6 mm thick


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€14.90 *
Learning Clock Set 1-24, 25 pcs. in case Learning Clock Set 1-24, 25 pcs. in case
These learner clocks allow children to experiment on their own or implement the teacher's instructions to then compare them with the solution. This helps children quickly gain an understanding of time, time units and time periods. The clocks are fitted with hand gear mechanisms which ensure synchronous movement of the hands. The clock faces of the learner clocks are protected with transparent...
  • set of 24 student clocks and 1 demo clock
  • with gearwheel mechanism for synchronous movement of the hands
  • pupil clocks with transparent protective cover over the clock face
€289.00 *
Demonstration Learning Clock with Base, 1-24, 27 cm ø Demonstration Learning Clock with Base, 1-24, 27 cm ø
This plastic demonstration clock makes it possible to give the children an understanding of clocks and of time itself. The demonstration clock is fitted with a hand gear mechanism which ensures synchronous movement of the hands. In addition, it is big enough to be seen well from the back rows of the classroom. The time can be set on the rear rotary knob of the gears or on the minute hand. A...
  • with hand gear for synchronous movement of the hands
  • strong base for stability
  • extra-large, can be seen in the back row
€29.90 *
"Learn to Recycle" Set, 43 pieces in a case "Learn to Recycle" Set, 43 pieces in a case
This set teaches children about recycling in a fun way. Various different images of waste is shown on 35 picture cards, which the children have to sort and organise . They learn to recognise various types of waste : organic waste, plastic, bottles, cans, paper, cardboard packaging, glass, batteries, etc. These must then be correctly placed in the 5 plastic waste bins . The waste bins are...
  • separate and organise different waste
  • for an illustration on waste recycling
  • in a handy cardboard case


€32.90 *
TimeTEX School Year Wall/Project Planner 2025/2026 TimeTEX School Year Wall/Project Planner 2025/2026
This wall and project planner has a laminated surface and can be written on again and again with non-permanent pens. In teacher's lounges or classrooms , it can help maintain an overview of the school year and aid in planning. There is a calendar from August to July on the front and a project planner with calendar week divisions on the rear. One time: with QR codes Every day of the year, you...

For the coming school year 2025/2026

  • divided by weekdays (front) or calendar weeks (rear)
  • laminated surface = wipeable
  • approx. 100 x 70 cm
  • suitable for teachers and classrooms


With QR codes for free worksheet downloads!


From €7.95 *
Lernspiel "Deutschland das Quiz", 306-tlg. Lernspiel "Deutschland das Quiz", 306-tlg.
Ein Quiz nicht nur für Kinder und Jugendliche, auch Erwachsene werden staunen , was es alles über Deutschland zu wissen gibt. Das Quiz enthält 300 raffinierte Fragen quer durch die Republik, von Sport über Politik, Wissenschaft, Popkultur, Geografie, Alltag und Geschichte, hier ist Allgemeinwissen gefragt. Dieses Quiz bringt uns das Land ein Stück näher. Das Quiz ist wie ein Gesellschaftsspiel...
  • hochwertig gestaltete Box, die auch als Spielfeld dient
  • 300 raffinierte Quizfragen für Groß und Klein
  • das Land besser kennenlernen
  • zum Spielen, Staunen und Lernen
€14.95 *
Kartenspiel "50 lustige Zahlenrätsel" Kartenspiel "50 lustige Zahlenrätsel"
Die 50 bunt illustrierten Karten bringen den Kindern die Welt der Zahlen auf spielerische und unterhaltsame Weise näher. Hier dreht sich alles um Zahlen, Rechnen, Knobeln und Rätseln, da kommt bestimmt keine Langeweile auf. Ob in der Pause auf dem Schulhof, im Wartezimmer, auf langen Bus- und Autofahren bringt das Kartenset Abwechslung und Spaß und fördert ganz nebenbei die Konzentration ,...
  • 50 bunt illustrierte Karten mit verschiedensten Aufgabenstellungen
  • mit Auflösung der Rätsel auf der Rückseite der Karten
  • fördert Konzentration, logisches Denken und Zahlenverständnis
  • als Geschenk und kleines Mitbringsel für Grundschulkinder
€8.95 *
Set Holz-Mosaik, 117-tlg. Set Holz-Mosaik, 117-tlg.
Das Mosaik-Set fördert Fantasie und Kreativität, aber auch logisches Denken und das Erkennen von Farben und Formen . 20 verschiedene Motive auf 10 Arbeitskarten dienen als Vorlage und zeigen Bilder und Muster aus Quadraten und Dreiecken . Die Kinder können die in 6 Farben erhältlichen Quadrate und Dreiecke entsprechend den Vorlagenmotiven in das Holzgitter legen. Die Feinmotorik wird durch das...
  • Mosaik-Set mit Vorlagen und zur freien Gestaltung
  • 20 Motive auf 10 Arbeitskarten
  • Mosaike aus Dreiecken und Quadraten in 6 Farben
  • zur Förderung der Feinmotorik, logischen Denkens und der Kreativität
€39.90 *
Sternen-Projektor Sternen-Projektor
Ein Planetarium für das Klassenzimmer oder auch zu Hause bietet dieser interaktive Sternen-Projektor. Der Projektor wirft Bilder von Planeten, Sterne und Sternenbilder in hoher Auflösung direkt an die Wand und bietet ein faszinierendes Erlebnis. Eine Himmelsbeobachtung der besonderen Art, die nicht nur Kindern, sondern auch Erwachsenen das Universum in seiner Vielfalt näherbringt. Das Produkt...
  • das Universum auf unterhaltsame Weise kennen lernen
  • mit begleitender App mit Quizfragen und Geschichten
  • interaktives Lernen
€45.90 *
Kartenspiel "50 Wimmel-Rätsel ohne Worte" Kartenspiel "50 Wimmel-Rätsel ohne Worte"
50 bunt illustrierte Rätselkarten laden zum Knobeln, Rätseln und Tüfteln ein. Und das ganz ohne Worte , so dass bereits Kindergartenkinder und Vorschulkinder ohne Hilfe von Erwachsenen die verschiedenen Aufgaben lösen können. Die Lösung zu den Wimmelbildern, Labyrinthen, Abzählrätsel usw. findet sich auf der Rückseite der jeweiligen Karte. Da kommt keine Langeweile mehr auf, ob auf langen Auto-...
  • 50 bunt illustrierte Karten mit verschiedensten Aufgabenstellungen
  • mit Auflösung der Rätsel auf der Rückseite der Karten
  • fördert Konzentration und kreatives Denken
  • ohne Worte bereits für Kindergarten und Vorschule geeignet
€8.95 *
TimeTEX School Year Wall/Project Planner 2024/2025 TimeTEX School Year Wall/Project Planner 2024/2025
This wall and project planner has a laminated surface and can be written on again and again with non-permanent pens. In teacher's lounges or classrooms , it can help maintain an overview of the school year and aid in planning. There is a calendar from August to July on the front and a project planner with calendar week divisions on the rear. One time: with QR codes Every day of the year, you...

For the current school year 2024/2025

  • divided by weekdays (front) or calendar weeks (rear)
  • laminated surface = wipeable
  • approx. 100 x 70 cm
  • suitable for teachers and classrooms


With QR codes for free worksheet downloads!


From €7.95 *
Modell "Planeten", klein, 9-tlg. Modell "Planeten", klein, 9-tlg.
Mit diesen kompakten Planeten-Modellen bringen Sie den Kindern anschaulich den Aufbau unseres Sonnensystems näher. Enthalten sind die Sonne sowie unsere acht Planeten Merkur, Venus, Erde, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus und Neptun. Spielerisch lernen die Kinder das Aussehen und die Reihenfolge der Planeten kennen. Arbeitsblätter inklusive Hintergrundwissen stehen zum Download bereit. Maße : ca....
  • unser Sonnensystem kennenlernen
  • Reihenfolge der Planeten erarbeiten
  • ideale Größe für Kinderhände
€9.95 *
Müll vermeiden, Müll trennen & Abfallpyramide, magnetisch, 79-tlg. Müll vermeiden, Müll trennen & Abfallpyramide, magnetisch, 79-tlg.
Dieses umfangreiche Set enthält 79 Magnetbilder um den Kindern alles rund um Mülltrennung, Abfallvermeidung und Ressourcenschonung näher zu bringen. Die stabilen Kärtchen sind auf der Rückseite magnetisch und kommen ideal an Tafel, Whiteboard oder anderen magnethaftenden Flächen zum Einsatz. Mit den verschiedenen Mülltonnen lernen die Kinder welcher Müll eigentlich in welche Tonne gehört. Zu...
  • verschiedene Müllsorten kennen- und richtig trennen lernen
  • 5 Stufen der Abfallpyramide erarbeiten
  • Umweltbewusstsein und nachhaltige Gewohnheiten entwickeln
€69.90 *
Lernspiel "Gefühle würfeln", 8-tlg. Lernspiel "Gefühle würfeln", 8-tlg.
Mit jedem Wurf der bunten Holzwürfel tauchen Kinder in eine Welt voller Gefühle ein, zeichnen sie und tauschen sich über ihre Gefühle aus. 3 Würfel mit Emotionen sowie 3 Würfel mit Figuren, Tieren und Berufen lassen sich spielerisch kombinieren, um damit eine der gewürfelten Aktionen auszuführen: eine Geschichte zu erzählen , ein Bild zu malen oder eine Szene zu spielen . Das „Lernspiel Gefühle...
  • soziale und emotionale Lernaktivität über Emotionen
  • Förderung der geistigen Entwicklung von den Schülern
  • Anregung zur Fantasie und Empathie
€19.90 *
Lernspiel "Primär- und Sekundärfarben", 44-tlg. Lernspiel "Primär- und Sekundärfarben", 44-tlg.
Das ist ein fesselndes Lernspiel, das den Kindern auf unterhaltsame Weise die Welt der Farben erklärt. Durch spielerisches Lernen werden die Grundlagen der Farbtheorie vermittelt , von den primären Farben bis zu den sekundären Farben. Spieler jeden Alters können ihre Konzentration schärfen, ihr Vokabular erweitern und gleichzeitig Spaß haben. Ob sie nun die einzelnen Bilder den Farben zu...
  • kindgerechtes Farbenlernen mit realen Bildern
  • Verbesserung der Konzentration und Sprachförderung
  • Verbesserung der sozialen Kompetenz im Klassenzimmer
  • als Gruppen-, Paar- oder Einzelspiel nutzbar, mit Selbstkontrolle
€27.90 *
Lernspiel "Emotionen und Situationen - Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn…?", 43-tlg. Lernspiel "Emotionen und Situationen - Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn…?",...
Mit echten Bildern als Ausgangspunkt ermöglicht dieses Spiel Schülern jeder Altersstufe, ihre Emotionen zu erkennen, zu akzeptieren und zu bestätigen. Die Darstellungen enthalten Szenen, die die Kinder im Alltag tatsächlich erleben und erleben könnten. Das Spiel bietet eine gute Gelegenheit, die Vielfalt der menschlichen Emotionalität zu entdecken. Durch den Einsatz realer Bilder und...
  • emotionale Intelligenz fördern
  • Empathie und soziale Kompetenz untereinander unterstützen
  • Stärkung des logischen Denkens und Training des Vokabulars
€27.90 *
miniLÜK Schulranzen "Vorschule", 8-tlg. im Koffer miniLÜK Schulranzen "Vorschule", 8-tlg. im Koffer
Mit diesem Set werden Kinder ab 5 Jahren richtig fit für die Schule! 7 beliebte miniLÜK-Hefte aus dem Vorschulsegment lassen dabei keine Langeweile aufkommen. Die Gestaltung des Koffers als Schulranzen mit Metallgriff und Schnallen spricht die Vorschulkinder besonders an. Enthalten sind Übungshefte zum Rechnen und Lesen lernen, zur Uhr und zur Konzentration im Allgemeinen. Die Aufgabenplättchen...
  • Set aus 7 miniLÜK-Heften und Kontrollgerät
  • zur Vorbereitung auf die Schule
  • Aufgaben zu Mathematik, Sprach- und Leseübungen und Konzentrationstraining
€55.00 *
Planets, magnetic, 73 pcs. Planets, magnetic, 73 pcs.
These detailed magnetic images make it easy to visualise the structure of our solar system. The realistic, true-to-scale planetary images can be rearranged again and again on magnetic surfaces until they are in the correct order. The set includes the sun with its 8 planets, our moon and the asteroid belt. In addition to labelled cards with the names of the planets and blank cards, the set...
  • Learn about our solar system
  • Work out the order and properties of the celestial bodies
  • Comprehensive set with large magnetic images
  • Ideal for use on blackboards, whiteboards etc.
€69.90 *
Bildkarten "Bild-Impulse Gefühle", 80 Karten Bildkarten "Bild-Impulse Gefühle", 80 Karten
Diese Bildkarten helfen den Schülern, sich mit Emotionen und den eigenen Gefühlen auseinander zu setzen . Auf 80 verschiedenen Karten aus Karton werden verschiedene Gefühlsregungen wie Freude, Überraschung, Traurigkeit, Wut oder Angst dargestellt, welche die Schüler benennen und zuordnen sollen. So lernen die Kinder auch, sich über ihre eigenen Gefühle klar zu werden und sie zu reflektieren....
  • 80 Bildkarten mit verschiedenen Gefühlsregungen
  • erleichtern die Auseinandersetzung mit den eigenen Emotionen
  • mit Lehrer-Handreichung
€24.99 *
Class set of film clocks "Analogue/Digital", 31 pieces, in box Class set of film clocks "Analogue/Digital", 31 pieces, in box
Our class set consists of 30 student film clocks and a magnetic demo clock for the blackboard. It enables pupils to explore the world of time measurement in a fun and interactive way. Both analogue and digital time displays are combined in a creative way. The student film clocks are made of high-quality plastic film and offer a wipeable surface . The clock hands can be moved freely. The free...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • For learning the time, with freely movable hands
  • Student clocks can be written on with erasable markers and wiped clean
  • Magnetic demo clock for the blackboard with magnetic numbers for digital display
  • For familiarisation with time spans and units of time
€99.50 * €92.90 *
Class set of cardboard flipcharts, calendar, 24 pcs., in box Class set of cardboard flipcharts, calendar, 24 pcs., in box
The sturdy cardboard calendar flipchart offers an effective accessory for everyday school life. The folding flipchart enables practical learning by giving students the opportunity to set the current date and day of the week every day. Targeted exercises on the date and calendar are also possible. The sturdy cardboard ensures long-lasting use, while the focus is on a fun way to teach time...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Colourful calendar with year details for 10 years
  • Can be folded flat and is quick to set up
  • Learn about and practise dates and days of the week
  • Class set with 24 flipcharts in a practical plastic box

TimeTEX innovation

Demonstration video

€370.50 * €350.00 *
Kartenspiel "Pocket Quiz Junior Weltraum" Kartenspiel "Pocket Quiz Junior Weltraum"
Mit diesen bunt illustrierten Quizkarten aus umweltfreundlichem, FSC®-zertifiziertem Papier, können schon die jüngsten Forscher ihr Wissen rund um den Weltraum auf die Probe stellen. Doch sogar Erwachsene lernen mit diesem abwechslungsreichen Quiz sicher noch was dazu! Auf 50 Karten finden sich 100 knifflige Quizfragen, Rätsel, Knobeleien und Denksportaufgaben rund um Planeten, Galaxien,...
  • 100 Quizfragen auf 50 Karten
  • Wissen rund um Planeten, Galaxien, Astronauten und Co. testen
  • in praktischer Papp-Schachtel
€5.95 *
"Internal organs" model, 8 pcs. "Internal organs" model, 8 pcs.
These detailed models are a fun way for children to learn about human internal organs. They are the ideal size for children's hands and are extremely robust. By touching and looking from all sides, the structure of the body becomes "tangible" and easy to understand. Ideal for sorting and discussing the different tasks for each individual organ. Detailed models to touch and look at Learn about...
  • Detailed models to touch and look at
  • Learn about internal organs
  • Discover bodily functions
€9.95 *
Food, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, magnetic, 53-pcs. Food, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, magnetic, 53-pcs.
These magnetic foods are the ideal addition to our food pyramid. They can be used to reflect and illustrate the greatest possible diversity from different cultures. The detailed information material helps to give children examples of healthy eating from other cultures. This is a fun way for children to learn, while getting to know new foods at the same time. The enclosed worksheets and digital...
  • Foods from different cultures to supplement the food pyramid
  • Get to know new foods
  • Magnetic
€39.90 *
Set food pyramid & activity pyramid, magnetic, 111 pcs. Set food pyramid & activity pyramid, magnetic, 111 pcs.
Getting enough exercise and having a healthy diet are essential for children's health and their physical and mental development. This set offers a vivid way to convey both of these things. What types of exercise are there and how much exercise do we need to stay healthy? What groups can food be categorised into and what makes up a healthy diet? Children can work out the answers to all these...
  • Learn about a healthy, balanced diet
  • Discover different types of activity
  • A fun way to explore a healthy lifestyle
€129.00 *
Buch "Das essen wir", 14 Seiten Buch "Das essen wir", 14 Seiten
Dieses liebevoll illustrierte Bilderbuch lässt Kinder ab 3 Jahre das Thema Essen entdecken, wo es herkommt und wie es verarbeitet wird bis es schließlich auf ihrem Tisch landet. Hier werden spannende Fragen aus dem Alltag geklärt! Die Kinder erfahren, dass Obst und Gemüse unter oder über der Erde, an Bäumen oder Büschen wachsen kann und warum Bienen so wichtig sind. Sie lernen, dass ihre...
  • Sachbilderbuch mit 75 Klappen
  • spielerisch erkunden, woher unser Essen kommt
  • aus stabiler Pappe, für kleine Kinderhände
€14.95 *
Food pyramid with food, vegetarian and classic, magnetic, 127 pcs. Food pyramid with food, vegetarian and classic, magnetic, 127 pcs.
More and more people are opting for a vegetarian diet. But what do you need to bear in mind to ensure that you still supply your body with all the important nutrients? This vegetarian food pyramid offers an easy way to show children how to eat a balanced diet without meat. The pyramid was designed according to the recommendations of the German Centre for Nutrition (Bundeszentrum für Ernährung)....
  • Comprehensive set for teaching a healthy vegetarian diet
  • Designed according to recommendations from the German Centre for Nutrition (Bundeszentrum für Ernährung)
  • Detailed instructions with factual information and access to worksheets and digital exercises
€99.90 *
Vegetarian & vegan nutrition, magnetic, 57 pcs. Vegetarian & vegan nutrition, magnetic, 57 pcs.
These magnetic foods are the ideal addition to our food pyramid. This offers a clear illustration of how a healthy diet can be put together. You can also turn the familiar food pyramid into a vegetarian food pyramid and give children a simple overview of how to eat a balanced, purely plant-based diet. The detailed information material will help you to teach children about the different food...
  • Vegetarian foods to supplement the food pyramid
  • Get to know new foods and plant-based alternatives
  • With detailed instructions, factual information, worksheets and digital exercises
€39.90 *
Activity pyramid, magnetic, 42 pcs. Activity pyramid, magnetic, 42 pcs.
We all know that exercise is important. For children in particular, it is essential for sensory, physical, motor, mental, cognitive and social development. This activity pyramid clearly shows children the different types of physical activity and illustrates how much exercise is needed to stay healthy. Use the pyramid to motivate children to get more exercise. The activity pyramid is divided...
  • Learn about different types of activity
  • Reflect on own behaviour
  • Increase movement in everyday life
€69.90 *
Educational game "Historical eras compared", 58 pieces. Educational game "Historical eras compared", 58 pieces.
This sorting game is made using high-quality, robust cardboard and helps familiarise children with the history of mankind and developments in different eras. Children can work together or individually to explore history, finding out about the 5 major eras: the Stone Age, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modernity, and more recent events in contemporary history. Each historical era contains 8 photo...
  • Learn about the most important developments in human history
  • Promotes attention and concentration, vocabulary and fluency
  • Develops the perception of time
  • With extensive information guide for download
€34.90 *
Demo teaching clock 1-24 analogue/digital, manual, made of wood Demo teaching clock 1-24 analogue/digital, manual, made of wood
This wooden teaching clock is a great tool for children to learn and practise telling the time. As well as a 24-hour dial in red, the minutes are displayed in blue. A digital time can also be set using the rotating dials on top of the clock. As with most teaching clocks, the minute hand is in blue, the hour hand in red. The hands are also made of wood and are fully adjustable, making them...
  • Caterpillar counting chain as a mathematical aid for the number range up to 20
  • 20 wooden beads on tear-resistant cord
  • With blocks of 5, red/blue
€22.90 *
Student learning clock 1-24 analogue/digital, manual, made of wood Student learning clock 1-24 analogue/digital, manual, made of wood
This wooden teaching clock is a great tool for children to learn and practise telling the time. As well as a 24-hour dial in red, the minutes are displayed in blue. The top of the clock is designed with a removable wooden strip with a whiteboard surface, which can be used to enter a digital time using wipe-clean whiteboard pens. As with most teaching clocks, the minute hand is in blue, the hour...
  • Teaching clock for children, with freely adjustable hands
  • 24-hour dial and minute indications to match the colours of the hands
  • Digital clock with whiteboard bar at the top edge
€11.90 *
Seasonal tree shakers, 4 items Seasonal tree shakers, 4 items
These 4 shakers show how a tree changes over the course of the seasons. When the children shake the plastic containers, the whole picture becomes even more atmospheric: with glittering raindrops, snowflakes or colourful leaves, they also get an idea of the weather. Each container is a handy size and is colour-coded according to the season and encourages discussion. Shaking the containers makes...
  • Learn about the seasons
  • Suitable moving elements for each season
  • Has a relaxing effect and encourages conversation
€29.90 *
Insect domino, 43 pcs. Insect domino, 43 pcs.
This lovingly designed domino game with 28 large, robust cards lets children learn more about insects. The beautiful close-ups in different perspectives make the game twice as much fun. A small pictogram of the relevant animal is printed on each picture, making it easier to recognise the animal. 15 round star cards serve as counters to determine the winner at the end. The double-sided cards...
  • Can be played as classic or insect dominoes
  • Cards printed on both sides
  • Promotes attention and concentration
€24.90 *
Healthy eating set, magnetic, 61 pcs Healthy eating set, magnetic, 61 pcs
With this educational set, children will soon be clued-up about healthy eating. The foods can be allocated to different categories using the food pyramid. Children learn which foods they should eat regularly and which less frequently. Building on this, children can then put together meals according to certain criteria, e.g. "healthy and balanced with all the food groups from the food pyramid",...
  • comprehensive set for the whole class/group
  • learn about the food pyramid
  • plan healthy meals
€19.90 *
Healthy meals set with food pyramid, magnetic, 78 pcs Healthy meals set with food pyramid, magnetic, 78 pcs
This magnetic set helps children create a healthy eating plan. With the help of the food pyramid children can learn which foods belong in which groups, and how a healthy diet is composed. Building on this, the children can put together healthy meals on the magnetic place setting, or they can sort the items into healthy and less healthy foods. The set includes 51 durable magnets with pictures of...
  • plan a healthy meal with 51 colourful magnets
  • also sticks on most school blackboards
  • a fun way to teach about a balanced diet
€85.90 *
Place setting extension for healthy meals, magnetic, 8 pcs Place setting extension for healthy meals, magnetic, 8 pcs
Additional place setting for healthy meals, magnetic, 61 pcs, prod. no. 81624 or to complement the magnetic foods, prod. no. 81604. With 6 supplementary breakfast foods. Ideal for creative role-play around the topic of nutrition and restaurant visits for putting together your own meals. With detailed instructions incl. factual information and educational ideas, template for a handy booklet on...
  • Accessory for magnetic foods and the healthy meals set
  • with 6 supplementary magnetic breakfast foods
  • with comprehensive material pack
€19.90 *
Mobile phone telescope, 8x magnification, 76x56 mm Mobile phone telescope, 8x magnification, 76x56 mm
This mobile phone telescope enables you to observe objects that are far off in the distance. For example, you can observe and even photograph birds in the sky or wild animals that are far away. There is no need for a special app, just attach the lens to the main camera on your smartphone and you can get started. This mobile phone telescope is very lightweight, which makes it an ideal accessory...
  • for mounting on a smartphone camera
  • handy and lightweight – ideal when out and about
  • no app required
€15.90 *
Set 3D solar system, wooden, 22 pcs Set 3D solar system, wooden, 22 pcs
Children can find out about our solar system with this FSC®-certified wooden play set. The 8 planets orbit the sun on a circular wooden base, our moon is also included. The educational information cards include photos of the planets as well as interesting details such as diameter, temperature, luminosity and more. In the handout, you will find additional factual information. Children can have...
  • solar system for hands-on exploration and play
  • made from high-quality FSC®-certified wood
  • learn about the planets and their orbits
€59.90 *
Craft set "Solar system model" Craft set "Solar system model"
This kit enables children to create their own scale model of our solar system. First the 8 planets and the sun are painted using the paints included in the set. Once these are dry, just slot the pieces together and simulate the movements of the planets. Getting children to assemble the pieces independently helps promote technical understanding and enhance fine motor skills. By engaging with the...
  • make your own scale model of our solar system
  • learn about the planets and their orbits
  • a fun introduction to astronomy
€16.90 *
Set of planet magnets, 20 items Set of planet magnets, 20 items
This set contains 20 wooden magnets in the shape of celestial bodies and spacecraft. These lovingly designed magnets are ideal for play and discovery. Children can use them to design their own universe, rearranging the elements repeatedly. As they do this, they will learn the names of the individual objects. Ideal for space projects in nurseries or pre-schools or simply as a decorative item....
  • sweet magnets with an outer space theme
  • design your own universe
  • with stars, planets, comets, UFO and rocket
€24.90 *
Educational game "Food allergies and intolerances", 69 pcs Educational game "Food allergies and intolerances", 69 pcs
With this educational game, children discover the most common food allergies and intolerances . They find out which foods can influence allergies or intolerances and what symptoms indicate that treatment is required. The game consists of 65 cards made from sturdy, durable, high-quality cardboard . The allergy cards show one allergy or intolerance on the front, and some symptoms that may be...
  • Learn about food allergies and intolerances
  • Learn to classify symptoms
  • Develop understanding and respect
€29.90 *
Educational game "Super puzzle food pyramid", 69 pcs Educational game "Super puzzle food pyramid", 69 pcs
With this association game, children learn about the structure of the food pyramid. This is a fun way for them to learn which foods they should eat regularly and which less frequently. First the big pyramid puzzle is assembled and the food cards handed out. Depending on the colour thrown on the dice, the children now think about what food goes with the colour. Green stands for regular eating,...
  • have fun learning about the food pyramid
  • puzzle, dice and association game combined
  • can be used as a collaborative game
  • acquire initial knowledge about a balanced diet
€39.90 *
Educational game "Diet and exercise", 89 pcs Educational game "Diet and exercise", 89 pcs
Are energy intake and consumption in balance? Children can find this out while having fun with this educational game. Using the food and activity cards, children can think about how much energy is required to burn off the energy supplied by an apple or a slice of pizza. Using the dots on the back of the cards, children can count up the wooden discs. The orange discs for food go on one side of...
  • teach about the connection between diet and exercise
  • compare energy intake and consumption using the scale
  • boost knowledge about healthy nutrition
€55.90 *
Educational dice game "Our grains", 5 pcs Educational dice game "Our grains", 5 pcs
This educational game teaches children to recognise native varieties of grain: wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt and emmer. The game includes 3 dice to assemble yourself plus a solution pack. One dice has pictures of the different kinds of grain, another has the corresponding names, and the third dice shows images of recipes or food containing one of these grains. In this collaborative game,...
  • have fun learning to identify native grain varieties
  • collaborative game
  • with educational guide, worksheets and access to interactive exercises
€17.90 *
Group set healthy eating, magnetic, 130 pcs Group set healthy eating, magnetic, 130 pcs
With this educational set for the whole class/group, children will soon be clued-up about healthy eating. The foods can be allocated to different categories using the food pyramid. Children learn which foods they should eat regularly and which less frequently. Building on this, children can then put together meals according to certain criteria, e.g. "healthy and balanced with all the food...
  • comprehensive set for the whole class/group
  • learn about the food pyramid
  • plan healthy meals
€59.90 *
Lift-the-flap flipchart "Healthy diet" Lift-the-flap flipchart "Healthy diet"
With this lift-the-flap flipchart made from sturdy cardboard, children are introduced to the different energy content in food. They can have fun learning about the properties of different foods. Different foods are depicted on 32 cards. The aim is to find 4 matching foods and lift the flaps. The different possible categories offer a variety of combination options (e.g. foods from the same food...
  • a fun way to discover the energy content of foods
  • boost knowledge about healthy nutrition
  • with comprehensive educational guide, worksheets and digital exercises
€19.90 *
healthy meals set, magnetic, 61 pcs healthy meals set, magnetic, 61 pcs
This magnetic set helps children create a healthy eating plan. They will learn about the 5 main food groups and can put together healthy meals on the magnetic place setting, or they can sort the items into healthy and less healthy foods. The set includes 51 durable magnets with pictures of different foods plus a big magnetic place setting with high-quality printed image. Thanks to a simple...
  • plan a healthy meal with 51 colourful magnets
  • also sticks on most school blackboards
  • a fun way to teach about a balanced diet
€54.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Time and Weekdays English Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Time and Weekdays English
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • generates interest in languages in a fun way
  • promotes movement and imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Blanko-Spielkarten im Etui, beidseitig weiß und lackiert II./SO Blanko-Spielkarten im Etui, beidseitig weiß und lackiert II./SO
Sonderposten mit lackierter Oberfläche Hervorragend geeignet, um eigene Kartenspiele oder andere Spielideen umzusetzen bzw. die Karten für andere Einsatzzwecke entsprechend zu beschriften. 60 Karten (5,9 x 9,1 cm) zum Selbstgestalten in Kunststoff-Etui. Aus stabiler Original-Spielkartenpappe, deren Oberfläche lackiert ist. Dadurch können die Karten mit Folienstiften beschriftet werden. Beim...
  • stabile Original-Spielkartenpappe
  • abgerundete Ecken
  • mit lackierter Oberfläche, mit Folienstiften beschreibbar
  • Sonderposten




€2.95 *
Emotion and Feeling Cards XL A4 "Stories from the life of a gnome", 26 pcs. Emotion and Feeling Cards XL A4 "Stories from the life of a gnome", 26 pcs.
These charming picture cards show different situations from the life of the elves (humans). Some make for cheerfulness and others for melancholy. All of them are also best suited for simply thinking about it. The illustrations help the children to deal with their own feelings and to process them in little stories. It can also be used to practise and later consolidate free speaking and narration...
  • 26 colourful picture cards "Stories from the Secret Santa's Life"
  • Help to come to terms with one's own feelings
  • Encourage free speech and storytelling

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Emotion Bean Bag, 10 pcs. In a bag Emotion Bean Bag, 10 pcs. In a bag
With these funny bean bags, children learn to recognise, classify and articulate 10 different emotions . Each sachet has an emotion on it, and they are each a different colour and have a different texture . By talking about emotions, children are introduced to the topics of emotion processing and empathy, two important principles of social-emotional learning . The practical storage bag included...
  • 10 different emotions
  • Each with different colour and feel
  • Playfully recognise and classify feelings
  • With practical storage bag
€44.90 *
Emotion Hourglasses, 4 pieces Emotion Hourglasses, 4 pieces
These liquid hourglasses make feelings very visible and comprehensible for children . Each of the 4 figures shows a different emotional facial expression : happy, angry, frightened or sad. The colour as well as the content of the hourglass are precisely matched to the facial expression. For example, the yellow happy hourglass is filled with golden glitter dust swirling around, like an explosion...
  • See and understand feelings
  • Learn how to deal with emotions
  • Contents of each hourglass matched to facial expression
€37.90 *
Set of emotion figures, assorted colours, 54 pcs. in box Set of emotion figures, assorted colours, 54 pcs. in box
The set contains 36 friendly figures with 6 clearly assignable emotions in 6 different colours. With a lot of fun, children learn to recognise feelings , classify them and articulate them. The figures are also perfect for counting and sorting by colour or shape or emotion. The included Emotions activity cards are printed on both sides, one side shows photos of children in different situations,...
  • Assign 6 emotions
  • Build and strengthen social-emotional skills
  • Also suitable for counting and sorting games


€34.90 *
Card Set "50 Constellations & Planets – Discover and Determine" Card Set "50 Constellations & Planets – Discover and Determine"
This map set is ideal for young and old research scientists to discover 50 different constellations , our neighbouring planets and satellites . For each celestial body there is a true-to-life illustration and a profile with lots of interesting information, for example on characteristics and observation time. With many exciting quiz questions the newly learned knowledge is put to the test and...
  • Discover constellations, neighbouring planets and satellites
  • Glows in the dark
  • Exciting quiz questions, illustrations and detailed profiles
€9.95 *
Card Set "The Big Box of Knots", 36 pcs. Card Set "The Big Box of Knots", 36 pcs.
This set contains simple, child-friendly step-by-step instructions on cards for 30 practical knot types , which the children can easily follow and will immediately practise eagerly and with lots of fun. The 2 enclosed high-quality paracord cords are perfect for practising knots and even glow at night. So you can get started straight away without any major preparations. Besides the detailed,...
  • 30 large format cards with knot types
  • 4 cards with knot tricks
  • 2 paracord cords with reflective yarn, each 1m long
€14.95 *
The Large and Small Blood Circulation System, magnetic, 40 pcs. The Large and Small Blood Circulation System, magnetic, 40 pcs.
The heart is the engine of the blood circulation system. Thanks to its continuous beating, blood is transported throughout the body, supplying all the organs and muscles with oxygen, water and nutrients. The magnetic pictures consist of the six organs (heart, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines and kidneys), 10 blood vessels and arrows, and 12 labelling cards. Children can independently put...
  • clearly convey how pulmonary and systemic circulation works in humans
  • differentiated for primary school and early secondary school
  • 7 organs, 10 blood vessels, 10 arrows, 12 labelling cards
  • with digital exercises and worksheets


€39.90 *
Set Wetter-Fensterfolien A3, 6-tlg., statisch II./SO Set Wetter-Fensterfolien A3, 6-tlg., statisch II./SO
Artikel II. Wahl mit verminderter Haftkraft Mit diesen Fensterfolien aus Kunststoff (BOPP) lernen die Kinder das Wetter kennen. Die Folien haben A3-Format sind mit bunten Motiven bedruckt, die verschiedene Wetterverhältnisse anzeigen. So können die Kinder die jeweils aktuelle Wetterlage zeitnah nachbilden und werden mit den Begrifflichkeiten vertraut. Die Folien sind statisch aufgeladen und...
  • 6 Folien im A3-Format mit 36 Wetter-Motiven
  • statisch aufgeladen = halten an fast allen Oberflächen
  • miteinander kombinierbar, halten auch übereinander
  • verminderte Haftkraft


TimeTEX Innovation


€11.90 * €4.95 *
Wooden Time and Fraction Clock, 22.5 cm ø, 19 pcs. Wooden Time and Fraction Clock, 22.5 cm ø, 19 pcs.
This large wooden time set shows clearly how to divide an hour into 5, 15 and 30 minutes. The clock consists of a dial with hours and minutes and free moving hands. So children can learn to tell the time. There are also " time fractions " for the time periods 5 minutes, 15 minutes and 30 minutes. The body (face) of the clock can be fitted with these time fractions, enabling clear visualization...
  • promotes logical thinking
  • promotes awareness of time
  • trains children to understand and read the time
€34.90 *
Card Game "Pocket Quiz Junior Smarty Pants" Card Game "Pocket Quiz Junior Smarty Pants"
Which device used to be operated with a dial? And who was Helmut Kohl again? 100 questions about nature, culture, history, technology and sports invite children from 8 years to solve fun puzzles. The "Pocket Quiz Junior" offers exciting content for children and is the perfect way to fill any idle time . Boring free periods? Already finished the group work? Thanks to its interesting topics and...
  • nature, culture, history, technology and sports quiz
  • 50 cards with 100 varied quiz questions
  • for free periods, class trips or a fun activity between learning
€5.95 *
Knowledge Game "Sustainability - for a Better World", 34 pcs. in box Knowledge Game "Sustainability - for a Better World", 34 pcs. in box
This association game invites us to make small changes in our everyday lives to raise awareness of the need to create a more sustainable world through our actions. With large, real pictures and a "laughing" or "crying" planet on the back to symbolize sustainable and less sustainable behaviour. Children should relate the two behaviours and understand what makes each different, why one behaviour...
  • promotes understanding of conservation for our livelihoods
  • promotes sustainable behaviour and environmental awareness
  • also suitable for individual work, children can check their own answers
€27.90 *
Set "Waste Recycling", 38 pcs. Set "Waste Recycling", 38 pcs.
How do I separate my recycling waste properly? If children learn this from an early age, they will find it easy later on. This set includes three large waste container boards for paper (blue), plastic (yellow), and glass (green), and a set of domestic waste cards . These cards are assigned by the children to the containers, whether it's a glass or plastic bottle, plastic bag, newspaper,...
  • learn to separate waste correctly
  • can be used alone or in a group
  • promotes logical argument and environmental awareness


€59.90 *
Set of Wall Learning Clock and Demo Learning Clocks, 9 pcs. Set of Wall Learning Clock and Demo Learning Clocks, 9 pcs.
See what time it is at a glance – children will learn to tell the time really well with this set. Included are 8 demo educational clocks for children to practise telling the time , and a wall-mounted teaching clock for the classroom, lounge, etc., where children can immediately test out what they have just learned . Since both types of clock come in the same design in terms of lettering and...
  • 8 educational clocks for children, with freely adjustable hands
  • 1 complete wall clock for children in the same design
  • 24hr dial, markings for minutes and quarter/half/three-quarter/hour
  • helps children to tell the time
€96.90 *
Timetex Timeline "Flexaform" blank, magnetic, 64 pcs. Timetex Timeline "Flexaform" blank, magnetic, 64 pcs.
The surface of this magnetic timeline allows the addition of written labels , which makes it incredibly flexible . It sticks to all magnetic surfaces and helps visualise chronological sequences. As a result, it can be used for almost any subject , e.g. Mathematics, German, History, Biology etc., as well as for training and seminars or as a whiteboard. Chronological sequences can be illustrated...
  • for visualization of timespans, free definition of time periods
  • length adjustable from 40-240 cm, can be written on
  • with colourful information signs and arrows

TimeTEX Innovation

€69.90 *
A Child is Created, magnetic, 28 pcs. A Child is Created, magnetic, 28 pcs.
Vividly teach students how and where new life is created! What does the womb look like? What happens in the fallopian tube? Where exactly do the egg cell and sperm combine? With the help of the magnetic board material, you will work out and discuss questions like these without inhibitions. The materials consist of separate magnetic pictures, so the processes can be worked out gradually by the...
  • teaches how and where life begins
  • ideal for working together on the blackboard
  • discuss questions about reproduction objectively
  • four-page handout incl. factual information and access to worksheets and digital exercises


€39.90 *
Wooden Stamp "Calendar", 30 pcs. Wooden Stamp "Calendar", 30 pcs.
This versatile stamp set is ideal for learning the time and understanding the concept of time in general . Consisting of 30 parts , this set includes stamps for each month and day of the week. The digit stamps 0-9 as well as a digit dial stamp , where the hands still have to be drawn in, complete the range. "What day is your birthday? " or with questions about the current day of the week and...
  • for learning the time and understanding the concept of time
  • with stamps for the date and time
  • colour marking on the stamps
€19.90 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Europe TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Europe
Learn countries in Europe, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises for the European continent in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Asia TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Asia
Learn countries on the Asian continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises for the Asian continent in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Africa TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Africa
Learn countries on the African continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises for the African continent in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Shapes" English TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Shapes" English
Various shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle) are matched up and counted. The total is then calculated. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Assign and count shapes. Note and check solutions. Identify, complete and draw shapes. Assign...
  • numerous exercises on the front and back
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "We Learn the Time" English TimeTEX Magic Board "We Learn the Time" English
First, the pupils note the time displayed with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Basic tasks on the topic of time in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again. basic exercises on the topic of time both sides can be written on wipeable,...
  • basic exercises on the topic of time
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English America TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English America
Learn countries on the American continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises for the American continent in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Road Safety Education" Behaviour TimeTEX Magic Board "Road Safety Education" Behaviour
Who has priority? Are bicycles permitted here? How do I pass parked cars?This magic board presents various traffic situations and the right behaviour. Answer A or B - which one is right? The answer is noted with an erasable marker in the space provided. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. The right answer can then be seen. Correctly...
  • How do I behave appropriately? Choose the right answer from 2 options.
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Colours" TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Colours"
Different animals and objects are colourfully assigned and counted. The total is noted using scores. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. This teaches how to allocate and name colours, numbers and quantities as well as count scores and draw...
  • 5 exercises in total on the front and back
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Shapes" TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Shapes"
Various shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle) are matched up and counted. The total is then calculated. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. This teaches allocating and counting shapes and noting and checking solutions. The children...
  • numerous exercises on the front and back
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Fruit and Vegetables Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Fruit and Vegetables
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • improves concentration skills and is fun
  • promotes movement and imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" Asia TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" Asia
Learn countries on the Asian continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Educational exercises for the Asian continent After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again....
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" Europe TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" Europe
Learn countries in Europe, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Educational exercises for the European continent After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again. arrange...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences French Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences French
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • generates interest in languages in a fun way
  • promotes movement and imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Colours" English TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Colours" English
Different animals and objects are colourfully assigned and counted. The total is noted using scores. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Assign colours, numbers and quantities. Name colours, count scores and draw the relevant numbers. Ages 4...
  • 5 exercises in total on the front and back
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Road Safety Education" Cycling Proficiency TimeTEX Magic Board "Road Safety Education" Cycling Proficiency
Have fun and cycle safely in traffic. But how? Which parts of a bike are designed for safety and which road signs must we be sure to observe? First, the result is noted with an erasable marker in the space provided. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises on road safety with and on a...
  • name safety-relevant parts and learn important road signs
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" America TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" America
Learn countries on the American continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Educational exercises for the American continent After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Road Safety Education" TimeTEX Magic Board "Road Safety Education"
Stop at the kerb, identify traffic direction and cross the road. How do I do this properly? And what is the importance of the traffic lights? This magic board promotes independent movement in road traffic. The corresponding answer is noted with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. The right answer can...
  • How do I behave properly and safely in road traffic?
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€4.95 * €2.95 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Road Safety Education Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Road Safety Education
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • increases understanding of correct behaviour on the roads
  • creates room for movement and promotes observational skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Story Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Story
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • promotes creativity in a fun way
  • creates room for movement and promotes imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
mini LÜK General Studies 1./2. class "Telling the Time and Using a Calendar, Exercises with Time" mini LÜK General Studies 1./2. class "Telling the Time and Using a Calendar,...
LÜK and miniLÜK learning games promote children´s development from nursery age onwards and help them to learn . They help during early development and when rectifying learning difficulties. Independent checks using control devices make the games perfect for the home, independent or group work, afternoon supervision etc. Enormous motivation for children to practise independently and with...
  • tasks for telling the time and calendar
  • up to 2nd school year
  • for the mini LÜK control device
€7.00 *
Wall Learning Clock, 1-24 analogue, 30 cm ø, quartz movement Wall Learning Clock, 1-24 analogue, 30 cm ø, quartz movement
This lovingly designed wall clock for children is a great aid for practising telling the time. It not only has a 24h dial and minutes but also shows quarter/half/three quarter/on the dot times. Each time section is in one colour, and sections opposite are in the same colour. As with most learning clocks, the minute hand is in blue, the hour hand in red. There is also a seconds hand. All these...
  • complete wall clock for children
  • 24h dial, minutes and quarters/half/three quarter/on the dot times
  • helps children to tell the time


From €16.90 *
Picture Box "Throughout the Year" Picture Box "Throughout the Year"
The colourful picture stories describe stories throughout the course of the year , teaching children about the appeal of the seasons and the weather for each season. Unexpected situations encourage imaginative solutions or show the children a host of games, ideas and adventure options in spring, summer, autumn and winter. 3 to 6 coloured situation pictures can be put together to form a story....
  • 16 picture stories consisting of 36 pictures each
  • learn about the appeal and special features of the seasons
  • trains storytelling skills, precise observation and logical thinking
€26.00 *
Set Silent Dice "Telling the Time" 4.3 cm, 16 pcs. Set Silent Dice "Telling the Time" 4.3 cm, 16 pcs.
This set of dice with 16 soft foam dice is an excellent aid for practising telling the time – in German and English. Clock times are depicted on the dice as analogue and digital time, also in 2 different descriptions in English . Younger children can associate analogue and digital clock times, and use the text dice during English lessons. With all these different combinations and games,...
  • silent dice rolling
  • 4 dice for each model with clock times in analogue or digital versions and 2 different English descriptions.
  • in 4 colours, each colour corresponds to one model
€32.90 *
Clock Time Game "Analogue/Digital" with Stamp and Dice, 3 pcs. Clock Time Game "Analogue/Digital" with Stamp and Dice, 3 pcs.
This game helps children get to grips with telling the time . The stamp has a dial without hand depicted with hours and minutes, and below there is an area showing the time in a digital format. Children throw both 12-sided dice to find out the time, which they enter in the stamped clocks using hands and numbers. The hour dice is in red, the minute dice in blue - the hours and minutes are...
  • practise telling the time and saying what time it is
  • clock stamp, whose time is told by throwing the dice
  • for group or independent work or for creating worksheets
€19.90 *
Demonstration Learning Clock for Learning, 1-24 analogue, 30x30 cm, manual Demonstration Learning Clock for Learning, 1-24 analogue, 30x30 cm, manual
This learning clock made of MDF for children is a great aid for practising telling the time. It not only has a 24h dial and minutes but also shows quarter/half/three quarter/on the dot times. Each time section is in one colour, and sections opposite are in the same colour. As with most learning clocks, the minute hand is in blue, the hour hand in red. The cardboard hands are completely freely...
  • learning clock for children, with freely adjustable hands
  • 24h dial, minutes and quarters/half/three quarter/on the dot times
  • helps children to tell the time
From €9.95 *
Set of "Environment" Behaviour Rules consisting of paired cards in a case Set of "Environment" Behaviour Rules consisting of paired cards in a case
The wonderful contents of this practical cardboard case are a fun way to teach children about appropriate behaviour relating to the natural world and the environment . The set contains 34 cards made from sturdy cardboard with colour illustrations depicting right and wrong behaviours . The cards all come in pairs, with one card showing the correct behaviour and a corresponding card showing the...
  • teaches appropriate behaviour
  • develops language skills
  • fun to use
€22.90 *
"Recycling Processes" Picture Sequences in the box "Recycling Processes" Picture Sequences in the box
The contents of this practical cardboard box can teach children the meaning of waste separation, waste recycling and how this is done. The box contains 20 cards made of firm cardboard , depicting the recycling cycle of cans, organic waste, glass, cardboard and plastic. Sets of 4 cards produce a picture sequence and can be sorted out by the children. They can also tell if cards belong together...
  • learn about recycling cycles and compare them
  • develops language skills
  • fun to use
€24.90 *
Climate Change, magnetic, 34 pcs. Climate Change, magnetic, 34 pcs.
Summer temperatures in February, storms, flooding, dry forests, and melting glaciers. Children can use these informative, large magnetic pictures to discover what they can do to protect the climate and the natural world and find out why the world needs our help. CO 2 , global warming, greenhouse gases, and the greenhouse effect – you will encounter these and many other buzzwords when you...
  • large magnets, ideal for teaching group presentations
  • clear and easy to understand
  • find out what you can do yourself to combat climate change
  • concertina booklet with interesting facts about climate change, worksheets and access to interactive exercises
  • with suggestions for education about sustainability
€39.90 *
Project Case "Water Cycle: We Protect Our Water", 43 pcs. Project Case "Water Cycle: We Protect Our Water", 43 pcs.
Too little rain, dry forests and fields, floods, polluted water – water is our most important food. And clean water is a scarce resource in the world. With this project case, children will find out how the water cycle works. What happens to rain that falls on the earth and trickles away into the soil, and why it is so important to keep water clean. The water cycle project case is a...
  • the comprehensive package for exciting experiments about water
  • learn about the water cycle and states of matter in the educational film, then reproduce the results independently through water experiments and with magnetic pictures
  • extend research knowledge with digital interactive exercises, worksheets and window film
  • experimental materials, pupil and teacher experiment cards
  • easy to use thanks to the many pre-prepared experiments
  • with suggestions for education about sustainability


€129.00 * €104.49 *
1 2 From 2


What is General Studies in Primary School?

General studies in primary school is a subject that provides students with a diverse range of knowledge about their environment and helps them better understand their world. It encompasses a wide range of topics, enabling students to deepen their understanding of nature, society, technology, and the environment. General studies foster students' interest in various fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, and history. By using teaching materials, educational resources, and learning games, children can learn vividly in general studies and enjoy the lessons. From first grade to fourth grade, general studies cover a variety of topics such as animals and nature, health and nutrition, traffic education, weather and seasons, environmental awareness, and many other areas. The goal is to provide students with broad knowledge and enable them to better understand complex issues. Thus, general studies is an important subject that lays the foundation for further learning and helps students navigate the world better.

Find out below why social studies and general knowledge are so important in primary school and what students learn in the subject.

Why is General Studies So Important in Primary School?

The name for the subject varies in some federal states: for example, in Bavaria, it is called "Heimat- und Sachunterricht" (HuS or HSU) and in Thuringia, it is called "Heimat- und Sachkunde". But why is general studies so important in primary school? Quite simply – general studies in primary school lay the foundation for many subjects in secondary schools, such as biology, chemistry, geography, physics, history, and more. Various topics such as animals and nature, health, anatomy, traffic education, and numerous other areas are covered in general studies from grade 1, before the material is deepened and extensively covered in the respective subjects in secondary schools. HuS or HSU is thus the optimal preparation for many further subjects and strengthens students' environmental and technical competence.

General studies from grade 1 to grade 4 is just as important as the subjects German and mathematics and is one of the three main subjects for good reason. Help your students better understand the world with our general studies materials, such as worksheets, exercises, and tasks, and provide a child-friendly approach to the fundamentals of science for teaching at secondary school.

What Do Primary School Students Learn in General Studies?

General studies from grade 1 cover a wide range of topics and cannot be confined to a specific subject. Here, primary school students deepen their understanding of the world to better orient themselves in their environment and act more responsibly. Social studies and general knowledge offer exciting and interesting insights into traffic education, weather and seasons, the water cycle, environmental awareness, health and nutrition, and space, as well as learning to tell time. Providing a broad knowledge of many different topics in just one school subject can be a major challenge for many teachers. The proven teaching materials and resources from TimeTEX for the subject of general studies make it easier for educators to plan and design this varied but also broad subject. Our diverse teacher planners can also be a helpful support for you.

Traffic Education

Traffic education in the subject of general studies is an essential component from grade 1 because it is important for not only drivers but also pedestrians and cyclists to know traffic signs. How does a pedestrian cross the street? Why do you wear a seatbelt in the car? These and other important questions about the topic are conveyed to children through everyday situations and illustrative teaching materials for general studies.

Discovering the Uniqueness of Nature

The diversity of nature is an important topic that must not be missing in good general studies. Here, kids can closely examine the animal and plant world and learn about weather and the water cycle. The appealing photos of animals and plants in our various card games for general studies are ideal for teaching students which animals and plants are native to our forests and waters. With our creative general studies materials, the uniqueness of nature is brought particularly realistically to primary school students. This is proven, for example, by our various breeding sets.

It is equally important for primary school students to learn about the four seasons, different weather phenomena, and the factors that influence our weather and climate in general studies. At TimeTEX, we have child-friendly teaching materials for general studies, such as annual calendars that teach children the year with its days of the week, months, and dates.

Our Tip: Combine the annual calendar with a morning ritual and have a different child set up the current date, weather, and season each day.

Promoting Awareness of the Body, Health & Nutrition

How is the human body structured, and how do I eat healthily? These are also questions that primary school students deal with in social studies and general knowledge. The skeleton or the research doll are illustrative models in our diverse range of general studies materials for primary school, which children can use to learn about the functions of their bodies. Let your students experiment and actively explore the complexity of our bodies with the illustrative materials for general studies in primary school. It is equally important to provide children with an awareness of healthy eating as early as possible. Our lovingly illustrated food pyramid, which playfully shows students the different food groups, is particularly popular with teachers.

Learning to Tell Time Made Easy

Hours, minutes, seconds – knowing the exact time and duration plays an important role in life. For children, learning to tell time in school is particularly important because it helps them gradually become more independent. To avoid overwhelming children when learning to tell time, it is important for teachers to work with the right learning materials and take a step-by-step approach. Our fun learning clocks, such as the plastic demo clock or the talking learning clock robot, allow children to develop a good understanding of time in an entertaining way and practice reading the time playfully.

Simply browse through our TimeTEX online shop at your leisure. You will quickly realize how easy it is to make general studies lively with creative teaching materials in primary school and bring joy to students in learning!

What Teaching Materials Are Available for Grades 1 to 4?

In general studies, various materials are used in grades 1 to 4 to provide students with an engaging and varied learning experience. At TimeTEX, you will find a wide range of teaching materials for general studies in primary school. These include creatively designed teaching materials such as card games, flip charts, and experiments that allow students to use their natural curiosity and get excited about new learning content.

In addition, TimeTEX offers teacher planners and annual calendars that help children learn the time, days of the week, months, and seasons. Models such as the skeleton or the research doll are also available to help students understand the functions of the body. With TimeTEX's lovingly illustrated materials, you can make general studies lively for grades 1 to 4 and bring joy to students in learning.

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