Games Sets

Math games in elementary school are a lot of fun for kids, and at the same time, educational math games are ideal for learning and reinforcing content! Math learning games are suitable for all grades - they can be used to practice a wide range of topics in school, from basic arithmetic to geometry. Explore everything about math games for kids now! Read on…

Math games in elementary school are a lot of fun for kids, and at the same time, educational math games are ideal for learning and reinforcing content! Math learning games are suitable for all... read more »
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Games Sets

Math games in elementary school are a lot of fun for kids, and at the same time, educational math games are ideal for learning and reinforcing content! Math learning games are suitable for all grades - they can be used to practice a wide range of topics in school, from basic arithmetic to geometry. Explore everything about math games for kids now! Read on…

Game Times Tables Swatting, 136 pcs. Game Times Tables Swatting, 136 pcs.
With this game, children can secure their times tables knowledge while playing because speed is the order of the day. 132 cards designed as flies show the times tables sequences for numbers 2-12 , which children have to "swat" quickly with their plastic fly swats. 33 of these cards also have motifs on the back which can be used to set up additional rules for the game. Depending on the level of...
  • to train and reinforce the times tables
  • for times tables 2 to 12
  • same colour for each times table number row



€28.90 *
Card Game "Small Multiplication Tables (up to 10 x 10)", 60 pcs., in case Card Game "Small Multiplication Tables (up to 10 x 10)", 60 pcs., in case
Children will master their multiplication tables with this card game. The memorable images help them internalise the multiplication tables playfully and visually . For each number there are two cards: the first card is provided with the number and a motif (e.g. 2 and duck). On the corresponding solution card is the multiplication table with the beginning of a story (e.g. 1 duck on two legs ......
  • for playful internalisation of multiplication tables
  • with memorable, beautiful pictures of the numbers
  • with suitable exercises (with self-checking)

TimeTEX Innovation

€7.95 *
Würfel-Becher aus Kunstleder, 90x75 mm Würfel-Becher aus Kunstleder, 90x75 mm
Dieser Würfel- oder Knobel-Becher aus Kunstleder mit einem schlichten und eleganten Stil ist ein vielseitiges Hilfsmittel für verschiedenste Würfelspiele, Rechenübungen und Erzählrunden . Der Würfel-Becher bietet problemlos Platz für sechs Standard-Würfel . Dies macht ihn besonders geeignet für den Einsatz mit unseren beliebten Geschichten- oder Rechen-Würfeln. Der Würfel-Becher ermöglicht es...
  • schlichter und eleganter Würfel-Becher aus Leder
  • ermöglicht Kindern trotz kleiner Hände, mehrere Würfel zugleich zu nutzen
  • optimal für unsere Geschichten- und Rechen-Würfel oder Gesellschaftsspiele
€3.95 *
Kartenspiel "50 lustige Zahlenrätsel" Kartenspiel "50 lustige Zahlenrätsel"
Die 50 bunt illustrierten Karten bringen den Kindern die Welt der Zahlen auf spielerische und unterhaltsame Weise näher. Hier dreht sich alles um Zahlen, Rechnen, Knobeln und Rätseln, da kommt bestimmt keine Langeweile auf. Ob in der Pause auf dem Schulhof, im Wartezimmer, auf langen Bus- und Autofahren bringt das Kartenset Abwechslung und Spaß und fördert ganz nebenbei die Konzentration ,...
  • 50 bunt illustrierte Karten mit verschiedensten Aufgabenstellungen
  • mit Auflösung der Rätsel auf der Rückseite der Karten
  • fördert Konzentration, logisches Denken und Zahlenverständnis
  • als Geschenk und kleines Mitbringsel für Grundschulkinder
€8.95 *
Educational Game "Tens friends", 80 pcs. Educational Game "Tens friends", 80 pcs.
Number bonds to ten play a key role in both addition and subtraction tasks in primary school. The "Tens friends" dice game is a fun way to practise this in pairs or in a group . The aim of the game is to group the dotted dice to make ten and swap them for a tens bar. The tens can of course be put together in different ways, so the children have to juggle with the numbers to get as many tens as...
  • educational game with lots of fun for the number range up to 10
  • practise breaking down numbers and finding number bonds to ten
  • as a partner or group game, in class or during free time
€24.90 *
Set of Play Figures made from RE-Wood, assorted colours, 45 mm, 24 pieces Set of Play Figures made from RE-Wood, assorted colours, 45 mm, 24 pieces
These brightly coloured play figures can be used in a variety of ways. Consisting of 4 pieces each in the colours red, green, blue, yellow, purple and natural, this set offers a versatile selection of play figures for various board games and group activities. The figures can also be used for counting, sorting or weighing and therefore offer a variety of options for learning and practice. A...
  • recording and comparing quantities, sorting and weighing
  • promotes mathematical skills
  • child-friendly understanding of numbers
  • Additional material for board games and group activities
€9.95 *
Number Tiles 1-20, 6x6 cm, with arithmetic symbols and stylus, in wooden box Number Tiles 1-20, 6x6 cm, with arithmetic symbols and stylus, in wooden box
With this set of MDF number tiles, children learn to recognise, sort and write the numbers from 1 to 20 . 25 colourful MDF tiles feature the numbers 1-20 and the arithmetic operators plus, minus, times, divide and equals. The numbers and symbols can be traced through the indentations using the enclosed wooden stylus until the shape has been memorised. This way, children learn the numbers much...
  • MDF tiles with the numbers 1-20 and 5 arithmetic operators
  • with wooden stylus for endless tracing
  • for learning numbers, sorting, counting, lining up and calculating
€29.90 *
Set of Arithmetic Chips "Number range to 20", 33 pcs. Set of Arithmetic Chips "Number range to 20", 33 pcs.
With this material, children become really competent at forming and counting numbers up to 10 and in arithmetic for the number range up to 20 or even 30. The sturdy cardboard chips are labelled with dots from 1 to 10, which can be used to practise various arithmetic tasks and to form numbers . The chips can be placed on top of and next to each other to compare numbers and create groups of ten....
  • forming rows of tens and practising crossing tens
  • for educational games and reconstructing arithmetic tasks
  • with independent checking, also suitable for individual work

TimeTEX innovation

€9.95 *
Set of Arithmetic Chips "Number range to 100 & Times Tables 1-10", 110 pcs. Set of Arithmetic Chips "Number range to 100 & Times Tables 1-10", 110 pcs.
With this material, children become really competent in arithmetic and familiar with the number range up to 100, and at the same time they can practise the times tables 1-10 . The sturdy cardboard chips are labelled with 1 to 10 dots, which can be used to practise all sorts of arithmetic tasks . The chips can be placed on top of and next to each other so that the children can form rows of ten....
  • practise arithmetic in the number range up to 100 or the Times Tables 1-10
  • for educational games and reconstructing arithmetic tasks
  • with independent checking, also suitable for individual work

TimeTEX innovation

€19.90 *
Educational Game "Hexagon Number Castle", 45 pieces Educational Game "Hexagon Number Castle", 45 pieces
This game is all about the playful use of arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction and multiplication, combined with strategic thinking. The "Hexagon Number Castle" aims to reinforce and increase understanding of mathematical operations. Through the challenges and decisions in the game, players learn to apply and master mathematical concepts in practice. This not only promotes basic...
  • a fun way to reinforce calculation options
  • promotes cognitive and strategic thinking
  • Rules can be adapted to the children's abilities
€19.90 *
Würfelscheiben "Mathe-Tango: Rechnen bis 20", 24 Stück Würfelscheiben "Mathe-Tango: Rechnen bis 20", 24 Stück
Dieses Set enthält 24 Würfelscheiben für den Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten. Die Kinder werden damit so richtig fit beim Addieren und Subtrahieren im Zahlenraum bis 20 (ohne Zehnerübergang). Es sind jeweils 12 Additions- und Subtraktions-Scheiben enthalten, davon je sechs in grüner und oranger Farbe. Daraus ergeben sich mehrere Übungsformen. Beispielsweise wird ein Flüster-Würfel...
  • Ergänzung zum Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten
  • 24 Würfelscheiben mit je 3 Rechenaufgaben
  • Kopfrechnen im Zahlenraum bis 20 üben
  • fördert aktives, bewegtes Lernen
€15.50 *
Set of pentominos made of RE-Wood, with templates, 938 pcs. In box Set of pentominos made of RE-Wood, with templates, 938 pcs. In box
Our Pentomino set offers a versatile learning environment , consisting of a 920-piece RE-Wood® set and 18 accompanying template booklets. A pentomino refers to a shape that can be formed out of five squares. The squares are positioned so that they have at least one side in common. Twelve different shapes can be created, named according to their resemblance to the capital letters F, I, L, N, P,...

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Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • 60 figures including booklet with 20 different templates in original size
  • Explanation of mathematical relationships
  • Initial knowledge in the field of geometry
€518.20 * €488.99 *
Class set Maths Basic Set Plus number range up to 20, red/white, 20 pieces, in box Class set Maths Basic Set Plus number range up to 20, red/white, 20 pieces,...
This class set contains everything the class needs to explore the number range up to 20 : our Maths Basic Set Plus with red/white calculation aids is included 20 times and has the right material for the whole class. This basic equipment set provides pupils with all the tools they need for a successful introduction to arithmetic . To offer a thorough overview of the number range up to 20, the...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Exploring the number range up to 20
  • Various calculation aids in red/white
  • Class set of 20 Maths Plus basic sets for pupils

Demonstration video

€287.90 * €270.00 *
Class set Maths Basic Set Plus number range up to 20, red/blue, 20 pieces, in box Class set Maths Basic Set Plus number range up to 20, red/blue, 20 pieces, in...
This class set contains everything the class needs to explore the number range up to 20 : our Maths Basic Set Plus with red/blue calculation aids is included 20 times and has the right material for the whole class. This basic equipment set provides pupils with all the tools they need for a successful introduction to arithmetic . To offer a thorough overview of the number range up to 20, the set...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Exploring the number range up to 20
  • Various calculation aids in red/blue
  • Class set of 20 Maths Plus basic sets for pupils

Demonstration video

€287.90 * €270.00 *
Class set of cardboard flipcharts, decimal numbers 0-9, 24 pcs., in box Class set of cardboard flipcharts, decimal numbers 0-9, 24 pcs., in box
The flap flipchart with decimal numbers helps with long-term promotion of pupils' mathematical understanding . This sturdy cardboard tool is the ideal support for teaching the number range up to 999,999 and for offering a clear demonstration of basic calculation operations . The flipchart is specially constructed to make it easier for students to grasp and visualise number transitions. Each of...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • For lots of common arithmetic options
  • Can be folded flat, colour-matched to our place value materials
  • For learning the number range up to 999,999
  • Class set with 24 flipcharts in a practical plastic box

Demonstration video

€370.50 * €350.00 *
Class set of cardboard flipcharts, fractions - percent - decimal, 24 pcs., in box Class set of cardboard flipcharts, fractions - percent - decimal, 24 pcs., in...
This sturdy cardboard, folding flipchart takes teaching to a whole new level. The flipchart enables students to learn the most important fractions and their different representations in a fun way. Each flap presents a fraction as a fraction notation, percentage and decimal number. The fractions are also represented visually by a circle and a tower. This range of depictions enables pupils to...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Illustration of fractions in different forms
  • Can be folded flat and is quick to set up
  • Matching, learning, comparing
  • Class set with 24 flipcharts in a practical plastic box

TimeTEX innovation

€490.50 * €459.99 *
Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten, 16 cm Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten, 16 cm
Dieser Würfel bietet unzählige Einsatzmöglichkeiten und lässt sich individuell gestalten. Er ist leicht und dabei äußerst robust , somit kann er auch problemlos draußen eingesetzt werden. Doch gerade drinnen besticht er durch seine Fähigkeiten: dank dem verwendeten Schaumstoff-Material und der gerundeten Kanten / Ecken rollt er besonders gut und flüsterleise ab. Im Lieferumfang sind...
  • immer wieder individuell gestaltbar
  • aus Schaumstoff für flüsterleises Würfeln
  • weitere Würfelscheiben als Set separat erhältlich
€24.50 *
Maths dominoes "Addition problems", 66 pieces In a fabric bag Maths dominoes "Addition problems", 66 pieces In a fabric bag
Explore the number range up to 10 and have fun mastering the addition tasks in this range — nothing could be easier with these wooden maths dominoes. The wooden playing pieces cover all the addition problems for totals between 0 and 10, as well as the solutions. The pupils' task is to match them up. Not only do they have to find the right solution for each calculation, they also need to select...
  • 2 sequences of dominoes in 2 different colours
  • With all the addition problems for totals 0-10
  • Made of wood, pleasant feel
€32.90 *
Maths dominoes "Subtraction tasks", 65 pcs. In a fabric bag Maths dominoes "Subtraction tasks", 65 pcs. In a fabric bag
Explore the number range up to 10 and have fun mastering the subtraction tasks in this range — nothing could be easier with these wooden maths dominoes. The wooden pieces cover almost all the subtraction tasks that are possible with minuends 10 to 0, as well as the solutions. The pupils' task is to match them up. Not only do they have to find the right solution for each calculation, they also...
  • 2 sequences of dominoes in 2 different colours
  • With almost all subtraction tasks that are possible with minuends 10 to 0
  • Made of wood, pleasant feel
€32.90 *
Learning Game ABC Calculation Learning Game ABC Calculation
This maths game makes it easy for the teacher to cater to a variety of different learning abilities among their pupils. Each solution corresponds to a solution letter. After four tasks, a solution word is revealed that is the same for each child and only differs by task difficulty level, e.g. 2+5 or 9-2 or 15-8, etc. The teacher tells the children result 7, the pupils find the right solution on...
  • complete set for 1st and 2nd year of school
  • 100 calculation cards for numbers up to 100 in different levels of difficulty
  • 40 display cards with the tasks/solutions for work in pairs or alone

Demonstration video

€34.90 * €22.90 *
Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Decimal Numbers 0-9 Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Decimal Numbers 0-9
With this flap flipchart made of sturdy cardboard , the numbers in the number range up to 999,999 can be learned and practised in the decadal system. Likewise, many common arithmetic operations can be performed. Children also become experts in number transitions . On 6 flaps, the numbers 0-9 are each printed on 10 cards, each flap block is in a different colour . Since the colours of the values...
  • 6 flaps in different colours
  • for practising numbers up to 999,999 and number transitions
  • colour-matched to our value materials

TimeTEX Innovation

€14.90 *
Geometry Hand Mirror Class Set 25 pcs. Geometry Hand Mirror Class Set 25 pcs.
To recognise mirror images, symmetries or shapes, geometry mirrors are an indispensable aid for teaching maths. Patterns can be laid or mirror writing can be made legible. It is also an exciting exercise to make assumptions about mirror images and to check them using the geometry mirrors. The mirrors are made of break-proof plastic and are 1.5 mm thick 25 individual mirrors are included in this...
  • class set with 25 geometric mirrors
  • made of break-proof plastic
  • mirrored on one side, with corners
From €18.90 *
Learning Game Ball  "Pello" - Numbers up to 20 Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Numbers up to 20
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Educational Game "Zzingo", 3 Pieces, in Plastic Box Educational Game "Zzingo", 3 Pieces, in Plastic Box
With this game, children learn to recognise numbers and calculate with them without even noticing it. The two ten-sided dice are thrown and the two numbers on top are used. The children use the numbers in combination with each other. The numbers are then crossed out on the squares of the block and, like in bingo, the children try to fill columns or rows. Speed is of the essence, whoever grasps...
  • For faster recognition of number combinations
  • Combining cube values and finding numbers
  • For independent work or for breaking-up the lessons

This product is expected to be available from 27 January

€8.95 *
Puzzle Game Geometry "Recycling & Environmental Protection", 110 pcs. Puzzle Game Geometry "Recycling & Environmental Protection", 110 pcs.
The many individual plastic parts in this set can be combined with each other and arranged to create great pictures . There are also double-sided task cards with varying degrees of difficulty whose outlines have to be reproduced. Of course, the children can also let their imagination run wild. Laying the templates is a nice activity to bring children to inner peace through concentrated work....
  • 100 pieces in 6 geometric shapes
  • 10 double-sided printed task cards of varying difficulty
  • Promotes environmental awareness and fine motor skills
€42.90 *
Puzzle Game Geometry "Animals & Insects", 110 pcs. Puzzle Game Geometry "Animals & Insects", 110 pcs.
The many individual plastic parts in this set can be combined with each other and arranged to create great pictures . There are also double-sided task cards with varying degrees of difficulty whose outlines have to be reproduced. Of course, the children can also let their imagination run wild. Laying the templates is a nice activity to bring children to inner peace through concentrated work....
  • 100 pieces in 6 geometric shapes
  • 10 double-sided printed task cards of varying difficulty
  • Promotes spatial power of imagination, logical thinking and fine motor skills
€42.90 *
Book "Das große Buch der Mathematik - Abenteuer in der Welt der Formen und Zahlen", 96 pages Book "Das große Buch der Mathematik - Abenteuer in der Welt der Formen und...
With this book, children can embark on an exciting adventure into the world of shapes and colours. It's packed with interesting maths facts , special numbers, bizarre shapes and clever maths tricks. Thanks to the vivid examples and the child-friendly explanations with colourful illustrations, children will realise that maths is more than just school lessons. Whether it's a honeycomb, peacock...
  • recognising maths in everyday life
  • exciting information about mathematics
  • explained in a child-friendly way, colourfully illustrated
  • content in German language
€16.95 *
Game Maths Swats "10 Number Range", 99 pcs. Game Maths Swats "10 Number Range", 99 pcs.
With this game, the children become really fit in the number range up to 10 , because speed is required here. On the front of 90 cards designed as flies are the numbers from 1-10, on the back are equations , which can be used to diversify the game experience. There are numerous ways to use this game, for example, you have to find the matching equation to the number shown on the turntable or the...
  • Get fit in the number range up to 10
  • With addition and subtraction exercises
  • Trains more quickly solving arithmetic tasks
€29.90 *
Demo Maths Basic Set Plus Number Range up to 20, 200 pcs, Magnetic, Red/Blue, in Box Demo Maths Basic Set Plus Number Range up to 20, 200 pcs, Magnetic, Red/Blue,...
With this demo basic set, you have everything you need to make it easy for your pupils to get started with arithmetic . In order to get to know the number range up to 20 exactly, the set contains a variety of tried and tested calculation aids such as calculation chains, reversible counters and plug-in cubes. In addition, a Dienes decimal arithmetic set with 54 pieces is included, with which the...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Everything needed to enter the 20 number range
  • The common calculation aids in one set
  • In transparent plastic box with quick-release closure handles
€128.60 * €119.00 *
Schubitrix Sets, Counting, Numbers in the numberrRange up to 10 Schubitrix Sets, Counting, Numbers in the numberrRange up to 10
With SCHUBITRIX maths, every child will enjoy learning arithmetic because they can practise using the same rules as the popular game of dominoes . But watch out: you always need to keep an eye on all three sides of the triangular playing cards! The sturdy card triangles are placed alongside each other so that the sum and the result agree. You need to work out the sums correctly to create the...
  • 2 card games, each with 18 cards
  • numbers in different representations
  • with simple domino rules
  • suitable from 1st or 2nd year of school
€16.50 *
Schubitrix Length Dimensions Schubitrix Length Dimensions
With SCHUBITRIX maths, every child will enjoy learning arithmetic because they can practise using the same rules as the popular game of dominoes . But watch out: you always need to keep an eye on all three sides of the triangular playing cards! The sturdy card triangles are placed alongside each other so that the sum and the result agree. You need to work out the sums correctly to create the...
  • 2 card games, each with 24 cards
  • convert from mm, cm, m and km
  • with simple domino rules
  • suitable for 3rd or 4th year of school
€16.50 *
Educational Game "Plumingo - Plus and Minus To 10 with Overshoot" Educational Game "Plumingo - Plus and Minus To 10 with Overshoot"
You need to pay attention in this arithmetic game! First, a number is rolled and a number card is revealed. Now it's time to turn on the computing turbo! The calculation task from the uncovered card is formed and recited. If the resulting number appears on your own game board, you can cover it up. And on it goes. By the way: if you are lucky enough to roll the dice and get a joker (which acts...
  • breaking down numbers in the number range up to 10
  • one plus one / one minus one tasks in the number range up to 10
  • creating and solving placeholder tasks
  • recognizing pairs of numbers with a sum greater than 10 (in preparation for calculating with tens)
€21.00 *
Set of Play Figures Made From Re-Wood, assorted colours, 24 mm, 60 pcs. Set of Play Figures Made From Re-Wood, assorted colours, 24 mm, 60 pcs.
This set contains 60 play figures made from environmentally friendly RE-Wood® in 6 bright colours : red, green, blue, yellow, purple and natural. Since more than just the usual basic colours are included here, there are many possible uses . The figures are suitable for games, group and project work or for topping up and expanding existing sets. They can also be used for calculation, counting,...
  • suitable for role-playing in class or groups
  • easy allocation thanks to different colours
  • made from RE-Wood®, environmentally friendly and pleasant feel
€6.95 *
Dice Game "Learning Through Movement", 13 pcs. Dice Game "Learning Through Movement", 13 pcs.
This throwing game not only trains motor skills and accuracy , but also makes it easy to learn shapes, numbers, colours and much more. The set consists of 4 games in one and contains a throwing board with numbers, shapes and colours, while the fourth side of the throwing board can be used for free play or to invent your own games . With stickers or tape, you can mark each hole as you wish, for...
  • throwing board with 4 different sides
  • to learn shapes, colours and numbers
  • including 12 bean bags with numbers
€99.90 *
Class Set of Digits 1-10, 8 pcs., in box Class Set of Digits 1-10, 8 pcs., in box
With this set, children will learn the numbers from 1 to 10 and estimate their value. The digits are made from RE-Wood® and are large enough for pupils to handle so they will learn to recognise their appearance . Thanks to the central groove, the number can be traced in various ways. Numbered pointed arrows show pupils which order the various strokes should be made in. By using the balls...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
  • for tracing with numbered directional arrows
  • with 60 red balls for comparing numerical values

Demonstration video

€90.55 * €84.90 *
Class Set Calculator Folding Computer, 8 pcs, in box Class Set Calculator Folding Computer, 8 pcs, in box
Using this arithmetic folding computer made of wood, children can work at their laptop like a "grown-up". This comprehensive set means they can learn the numbers and how to do their first arithmetic tasks , compare number values and experiment so they will soon be doing calculations quickly. The folding computer opens just like a proper laptop; instead of a screen, it has a magnetic blackboard...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • for learning to count and perform calculations and to promote arithmetic skills
  • with magnetic board and base (lined), chalks and cleaning sponge
  • 184 magnetic wooden tiles, i.e. 164 numbers plus 20 red/blue reversible tiles

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€175.10 * €149.00 *
Class Set Wooden Computer, 8 pcs, in stacking box Class Set Wooden Computer, 8 pcs, in stacking box
Learning almost happens all by itself with this wooden "computer". Self-labelled punch cards are inserted into this "computer". The pupil solves the task, sticks the wooden peg in the right hole and tries to pull the card out of the device. That will only work if the answer is correct. The teacher slides the hole in the card for the correct answer to the edge in advance. The galvanised...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • encourages creativity and enthusiasm for learning and counting
  • independent practice and solving of tasks
  • correct solution is shown by pulling out the card

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€112.15 * €99.90 *
Class Set Stackable Numbers natural colours, 8 pcs. in stacking box Class Set Stackable Numbers natural colours, 8 pcs. in stacking box
With this set, children will learn the numbers from 1 to 10 in a playful way and estimate their value . The numbers made from RE-Wood® are large enough for pupils to hold well . The material and surface is pleasant to the touch and the special shape ensures a secure hold and makes stacking easier. The numbers are designed so that their size in relation to one another is always the same. The 2...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
  • for comparing numbers and their values
  • for arithmetic, breaking down and tracing
  • number value = size in cm = perfect independent control


Demonstration video


€298.10 * €289.00 *
LÜK Mathematics 2. Class "My Lotta Life: Have Fun and Even More Numbers" LÜK Mathematics 2. Class "My Lotta Life: Have Fun and Even More Numbers"
LÜK and miniLÜK learning games promote children´s development from nursery age onwards and help them to learn . They help during early development and when rectifying learning difficulties. Independent checks using control devices make the games perfect for the home, independent or group work, afternoon supervision etc. Enormous motivation for children to practise independently and with...
  • times table work with numbers and operations
  • 2nd School year
  • for the LÜK control device
€7.00 *
Class Set Stackable Numbers Montessori colours, 8 pcs., in stacking box "Montessori Premium" Class Set Stackable Numbers Montessori colours, 8 pcs., in stacking box...
With this set, children will learn the numbers from 1 to 10 in a playful way and estimate their value . The numbers made from RE-Wood® are large enough for pupils to hold well . The material and surface is pleasant to the touch and the special shape ensures a secure hold and makes stacking easier. The numbers are deliberately produced in Montessori colours. The numbers are designed so that...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
  • for comparing numbers and their values
  • for arithmetic, breaking down and tracing
  • number value = size in cm = perfect independent control

Demonstration video

€458.10 * €449.00 *
Set of Wooden Play Figures, assorted colours, 22 mm, 100 pcs. Set of Wooden Play Figures, assorted colours, 22 mm, 100 pcs.
This set contains 100 plastic figures made of painted wood in red, green, blue and yellow. They are suitable for games, group and project work or for filling and expanding existing sets. They can also be used for calculation, counting, sorting, weighing of for role playing. 25 wooden play figures in red, green, blue and yellow, in a plastic tub. Figure dimensions : approx. 22 mm tall, 12 mm Box...
  • suitable for role playing in class or groups
  • easy allocation thanks to different colours
  • made of wood, pleasant feel


€9.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" Arithmetic Fun for Numbers up to 100 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" Arithmetic Fun for Numbers up to 100
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, pupils note the result of the arithmetic operation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again. made...
  • made of plastic, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable and reusable
  • mixed colours in the number series

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€4.95 *
Set of Pentominoes, 60 pcs., made from RE-Wood Set of Pentominoes, 60 pcs., made from RE-Wood
Pentominoes is the name of the shapes that can be formed out of the five squares . The squares are positioned so that they have at least one side in common. Twelve different shapes can be created, named according to their resemblance to the capital letters F, I, L, N, P, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. It is perhaps the instinct to play that characterises the interaction with Pentominoes. Mathematical...
  • mathematical correlations made understandable
  • basic introduction to geometry
  • made of environmentally friendly RE-Wood®


€18.90 *
Pentomino Templates, in original size Pentomino Templates, in original size
This book contains 20 different templates for the Pentominoes . This is the name of the shapes that can be formed out of the five squares. The squares are positioned so that they have at least one side in common . This creates different shapes. This template book is intended for working with our 60-piece Pentominoes set. Since the images are in their original size , the square-shaped quintuples...
  • 20 different shapes
  • shapes in their original size for placing the square-shaped quintuples on
  • 20-sided, printed partly in colour
€7.95 *
Time-Based Maths Game, 96 pcs. Time-Based Maths Game, 96 pcs.
The aim of this game is to practice and consolidate in a fun way. Learning the time is made fun rather than a chore. The combination of blue action cards, red question cards and green joker cards guarantees excitement while playing and promotes enthusiasm for learning about time. The fun competition encourages motivation and willingness to learn and consolidates what has already been learned....
  • practice and consolidate the topic of time
  • encourages motivation and willingness to learn
  • for 2-4 children
€19.90 *
Number Stack "Number on Number", 34 pcs., Montessori colours "Montessori Premium" Number Stack "Number on Number", 34 pcs., Montessori colours "Montessori...
With this set, children will learn the numbers from 1 to 10 and estimate their value . The numbers made from RE-Wood® are large enough for pupils to easily use them . The material and surface is pleasant to the touch and the special shape ensures a secure hold and makes stacking easier. The numbers are deliberately portrayed in Montessori colours. The numbers are designed so that their size in...
  • learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
  • for comparing numbers and their values
  • for arithmetic, breaking down and tracing
  • number value = size in cm = perfect self-control

Demonstration video

From €54.90 *
Task Cards for "Number on Number" Stack, 42 pcs. Task Cards for "Number on Number" Stack, 42 pcs.
These cards made from coated cardboard are a great addition to our "Number on number" number stack and make working with this easier. They set the children tasks on the number stack which help them to better understand and compare the numbers and their values. The tasks also focus on breaking down numbers . On the front side, the task features an image example to make the solution easier at the...
  • tasks for our "Number on number" stack
  • helps to understand number values and breaking down numbers
  • task on the front, solution on the back


Demonstration video


€16.90 *
Number Stack "Number on Number", 34 pcs., natural colours Number Stack "Number on Number", 34 pcs., natural colours
With this set, children will learn the numbers from 1 to 10 and estimate their value . The numbers made from RE-Wood® are large enough for pupils to easily use them . The material and surface is pleasant to the touch and the special shape ensures a secure hold and makes stacking easier. The numbers are designed so that their size in relation to one another is always the same. The 2 and 3...
  • learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
  • for comparing numbers and their values
  • for arithmetic, breaking down and tracing
  • number value = size in cm = perfect self-control


Demonstration video


From €34.90 *
Silent Chips, Square, 200 pcs. in a jar, assorted colours Silent Chips, Square, 200 pcs. in a jar, assorted colours
These silent chips made from sponge rubber are ideal for the classroom as they make no noise even if the stacks fall down. The chips can be used for anything, whether arithmetic, counting or sorting . These silent chips are also suitable for our Hundreds game board (product no. 93100) and are therefore ideal for discovering numbers up to 100. They also form the basis for our token game 93021....
  • for counting, arithmetic and sorting
  • good for handling
  • no noise


TimeTEX Innovation

€16.90 *
Fraction Dominoes, 36 pcs. Fraction Dominoes, 36 pcs.
This domino game is perfect for helping children to learn to calculate fractions with ease . Different images show how fractions can be represented: as a circular or tower picture, as a percentage or as a fraction. The cardboard domino tiles each show an illustrative and numerical image which correspond to one another. Numbers are shown as a fraction on one side and as a percentage on the...
  • learn to calculate fractions in a fun way
  • values shown as fractions, percentages and different illustrative representations
  • different difficulty levels available


€14.90 *
Maths Game "Find 10", 100 pcs. Maths Game "Find 10", 100 pcs.
This game helps children get to grips with finding 10s . The small fish discs made from sturdy cardboard are distributed and the children gradually reveal the numbers. Once a child has reached the number 10 with their uncovered numbers, they catch the corresponding fish. This is a game of speed as whoever catches the most fish wins the game. This teaches children to find 10 from various...
  • improves finding 10 from different numbers
  • develops arithmetic in a fun way
  • made from cardboard, with funny motifs


€16.90 *
Flap Flipchart made of cardboard, Fractions - Percentages - Decimals Flap Flipchart made of cardboard, Fractions - Percentages - Decimals
This flap flipchart made of sturdy cardboard makes the most important fractions and their different representations easy to learn. Fractions are written on each flap as a fraction, percentage and decimal number and pictured as a circle and tower. Pupils learn how to arrange the different images of fractions and can compare the fraction values with one another. Each flap block has 20 cards and...
  • 6 flaps in different colours
  • includes different representations of the most common fractions
  • for learning, arranging and comparing


TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Card Game "Multiplications", 60 pcs. Card Game "Multiplications", 60 pcs.
This game lets pupils practice the times tables as part of class or group work . Together, learning is made fun and the answers are checked together to help everyone improve their times tables. Along with play suggestions , the cards can also be used to practice in silence or own rules created. The playing cards include the small times tables from 1x1 to 10x10. 60 Cards, with playing...
  • practise and consolidate the times tables
  • game for class or group work
  • with playing suggestions



€5.95 *
SCHUBITRIX Addition and Subtraction up to 100 SCHUBITRIX Addition and Subtraction up to 100
With SCHUBITRIX maths, every child will have fun learning to calculate because they can practise here using the same rules as the popular game of dominoes . But watch out: you always need to keep an eye on all three sides of the triangular playing cards! The sturdy card triangles are placed alongside each other so that the sum and the result agree. You need to work out the sums correctly to...
  • 2 card games, each with 24 cards
  • addition and subtraction tasks
  • with simple domino rules
  • suitable from 1st or 2nd year of school


€16.50 *
SCHUBITRIX Multiplication up to 100 SCHUBITRIX Multiplication up to 100
With SCHUBITRIX maths, every child will have fun learning to calculate because they can practise here using the same rules as the popular game of dominoes . But watch out: you always need to keep an eye on all three sides of the triangular playing cards! The sturdy card triangles are placed alongside each other so that the sum and the result agree. You need to work out the sums correctly to...
  • 2 card games, each with 24 cards
  • mixed times tables sequences
  • with simple domino rules
  • suitable from 1st or 2nd year of school


€16.50 *
Card Game for Cardboard Computers, Numbers up to 20/Numbers up to 100 Card Game for Cardboard Computers, Numbers up to 20/Numbers up to 100
First, the task is set by the learning cards. Then the card is inserted with the question at the top into the slot of the cardboard computer, the solution cannot be seen yet. The cardboard computer turns the card and throws it down the slide with the solution upwards. The pupil can see if they got the right answer. The cards are also very good for partner or group work. The stack of cards is,...
  • arithmetic tasks for numbers up to 20 or 100
  • task on the front, solution on the back
  • 100 cards, for cardboard computer


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€8.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Small Multiplication Tables (up to 10 x 10) TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Small Multiplication Tables (up to 10 x 10)
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, pupils note the result of the arithmetic operation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again....
  • double-sided
  • reusable
  • erasable; made of plastic
  • number series in different colours (colour code)

TimeTEX Innovation

Version selection Demonstration video

€4.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Division TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Division
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, pupils note the result of the arithmetic operation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again....
  • double-sided
  • reusable
  • erasable; made of plastic
  • number series in different colours (colour code)

TimeTEX Innovation

Version selection Demonstration video

€4.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Numbers up to 20 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Numbers up to 20
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, pupils note the result of the arithmetic operation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again....
  • double-sided
  • reusable
  • erasable; made of plastic
  • number series in different colours (colour code)

TimeTEX Innovation

Version selection Demonstration video

€4.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Numbers up to 100 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Numbers up to 100
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, pupils note the result of the arithmetic operation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again....
  • double-sided
  • reusable
  • erasable; made of plastic
  • number series in different colours (colour code)

TimeTEX Innovation

Version selection Demonstration video

€4.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Large Multiplication Tables (Beyond 10 x 10) TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics", Large Multiplication Tables (Beyond 10 x 10)
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, pupils note the result of the arithmetic operation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again....
  • double-sided
  • reusable
  • erasable; made of plastic
  • number series in different colours (colour code)

TimeTEX Innovation

Version selection Demonstration video

€4.95 *
Time Dominoes, XL 24 hrs, 60 pcs. Time Dominoes, XL 24 hrs, 60 pcs.
This domino game is perfect for helping children learn to tell the time through play and to reinforce their knowledge. The domino pieces made from extra strong card, each show an analogue and a digital time . By connecting the analogue and digital times, children learn to link the two time displays. As with our other learning clocks, the minute hand is in blue, the hour hand in red. Since the...
  • learn to tell the time and reinforce knowledge through play
  • connect the analogue and digital time displays
  • also suitable for foreign language classes


€14.90 *
Layout Templates for Geometric Shapes Layout Templates for Geometric Shapes
These stencils are a great addition to our Geometric Surfaces made of RE-Wood® (#93769). 25 different patterns and shapes are to be laid with the surface stones, whereby the pupils are either allowed to try freely or are given the necessary stones. The booklet contains the outline of a pattern on each page and all the solutions are on the last page. In this way, the pupils can also do the...
  • layout templates for our geometric shapes made of RE-Wood® 93769
  • 25 template for modelling in original size
  • all solutions on the last page


€6.95 *
Set of Numbers 1-10, 7 cm with grooved channel and balls Set of Numbers 1-10, 7 cm with grooved channel and balls
With this set, children will learn the number range from 1 to 10 and estimate their value. The digits are made from RE-Wood® and are large enough for pupils to handle so they will learn to recognise their appearance . Thanks to the central groove, the number can be traced in various ways. Numbered pointed arrows show pupils which order the various strokes should be made in. By using the balls...
  • learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
  • for tracing with numbered directional arrows
  • with 60 red balls for comparing numerical values



€9.95 *
TimeTEX Arithmetic Folding Computer, 189 pcs., wooden, magnetic TimeTEX Arithmetic Folding Computer, 189 pcs., wooden, magnetic
Using this arithmetic folding computer made of wood, children can work at their laptop like a "grown-up". This comprehensive set means they can learn the numbers and how to do their first arithmetic tasks , compare number values and experiment so they will soon be doing calculations quickly. The folding computer opens just like a proper laptop; instead of a screen, it has a magnetic blackboard...
  • for learning to count and doing calculations and to promote arithmetic skills
  • with magnetic board and base (lined), chalks and cleaning sponge
  • 184 wooden tiles magnetic, i.e. 164 numbers plus 20 red/blue reversible tiles


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


From €19.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Floor Numbers, 1-10, 10 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Floor Numbers, 1-10, 10 pcs.
With the plastic floor numbers, various games and learning tasks with movement can be integrated into the lesson. Thanks to their non-slip base , the floor numbers are perfect for jumping, hopping and balancing. With enthusiasm and fun, the children learn the numbers and how to name them , order them and perform their first small calculations. In addition to the numbers, the mats are also in...
  • floor numbers for a range of games
  • non-slip base for stability
  • for learning numbers
€44.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Target Counting Game, 12 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Target Counting Game, 12 pcs.
This game with 3 targets is not only a great resource to practice arithmetic in a playful and fun way . In addition, it also trains hand-eye coordination . As children move about while learning , the material they learn is retained better. Even complicated arithmetic tasks become child's play. The three polyester targets each form the number range up to 10, 20 or from 10 to 100 in increments of...
  • arithmetic exercises are incorporated into games
  • trains hand-eye coordination
  • supports "Mobile Learning"
€19.90 *
"Hundred Board" Card Game, 60 pcs. "Hundred Board" Card Game, 60 pcs.
This card game is a good means of supporting work on the Hundred Board . Different exercises teach children how to work with numbers up to 100 . The task cards contain different exercises, even multiplication and division are included. Since the children have to actively work with numbers up to 100 and place the tiles in the right place, visually, they can also find their way more quickly in...
  • playful learning of the numbers 1-100
  • various exercises for the Hundred Board
  • solution on the back = pupils can check their own work
€6.95 *
Basic Plus Maths Set Numbers up to 20, 58 pcs., in box, red/blue Basic Plus Maths Set Numbers up to 20, 58 pcs., in box, red/blue
With this basic set, pupils get everything they need to get started in arithmetic . The set contains a variety of proven calculation aids to help children learn numbers up to 20 , such as counting chains, reversible counters, a shaking box and connecting cubes. In addition, a 13-piece Dienes decimal counting set is included, which can be used to form numbers up to 20 with 1-cubes or 5 or 10...
  • version: blue/red
  • everything pupils need for working in the number range to 20
  • the classic arithmetic aids, together in one set
  • in transparent, stackable plastic box


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€12.90 *
Flap Flipchart, blank, made of plastic Flap Flipchart, blank, made of plastic
This plastic flap flipchart has 4 blank flaps , each with 10 cards that even have a tab cut. These can be individually labelled and designed . You can create your own educational games or use the flipchart for presentations. The lower end of the cards is designed as a tab to facilitate access to the correct card in the stack. Dimensions : approx. 24 x 11 x 8 cm can be written on repeatedly for...
  • can be written on repeatedly
  • for individual teaching materials
  • tab cut enables quick access


TimeTEX Innovation

€14.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello", Measurement Units Learning Game Ball "Pello", Measurement Units
This ball contains various tasks for converting units of measure . Whether weights, volumes or units of length - there are tasks for every topic. A solution sheet helps to determine the right solution. The learning game balls have been developed under the motto " play, move and learn ".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In...
  • educational game balls approx. 35 cm diameter
  • 1 fabric cover and 2 special balloons with mouthpiece for inflating
  • with detailed instructions

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Mathematics in Pictures, 210 pcs., in box Mathematics in Pictures, 210 pcs., in box
With this set, the pupils can clearly be taught the first steps and the meaning of set theory . Various motifs, numbers and arithmetic symbols are represented on 210 cards , with which calculations can be performed, numbers compared and questions asked. The back of the cards is fully magnetic so they adhere well to steel enamel panels, information boards and metal surfaces. Delivered in a...
  • 5 x 27 different magnetic motif cards
  • 5 digit cards for each number 0-9
  • 5 cards each for each arithmetic symbol + - <> =
€84.90 *
"Fascination" Glass Marbles in container, approx. 1 kg, approx. 16-35 mm ø "Fascination" Glass Marbles in container, approx. 1 kg, approx. 16-35 mm ø
These colourful glass marbles are suitable for sorting, counting and arithmetic . Of course, they can also be used for games. Some marbles are transparent and have a coloured inclusion, others are coloured and have a range of superb effects. Delivered in a box where the marbles can be quickly put back for storage. Size: approx. 16-35 mm diameter approx. 1 kg of transparent coloured marbles with...
  • for counting, arithmetic and play
  • promotes dexterity and fine motor skills
  • made of glass, with effects and beautiful inclusions
Content 1 kg
€14.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Number Game, 0-12, 32 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Number Game, 0-12, 32 pcs.
With this game, children learn to find their way around the number range to 12 and solve their first arithmetic problems . All numbers from 0 to 12 are vividly distributed on a vinyl mat. With the dice, the children can play different games involving the numbers and become familiar with them and possible calculations. The fact that the children have to move during the game makes learning more...
  • promotes the power of concentration
  • playfully teaches the number range and arithmetic
  • can also be used for lesson changes or free work
€59.90 *
"Abacus" Card Game, 60 pcs. "Abacus" Card Game, 60 pcs.
This card game is perfect as a supplement to our 1-20 abacus . On 60 cards, different tasks are provided in different degrees of difficulty , the solutions to which can be determined with the abacus. The task solution is clearly presented on the back. Because the cards provide the solution, pupils can work on their own and check their own solutions . Card size: approx. 91 x 59 mm task /...
  • task / solution for every card
  • different difficulty levels
  • can be used for individual and partner work
€6.95 *
"Small Multiplication Table" Maths Game, 113 pcs. "Small Multiplication Table" Maths Game, 113 pcs.
With this maths game, children practise and consolidate their multiplication tables and have a little fun in the process. The game is played in pairs and children will ambitiously try to get all chips of their own colour on the field first. trains the small multiplication tables for partner work and free lessons with solution table Made in Germany! Contents: 1 gameboard made of cardboard 55...
  • trains the small multiplication tables
  • for partner work and free lessons
  • with solution table
€19.90 *
"Fascination" Glass Marbles in box, 144 pcs., approx. 16 mm ø "Fascination" Glass Marbles in box, 144 pcs., approx. 16 mm ø
These colourful glass marbles are suitable for sorting, counting and arithmetic . Of course, they can also be used for games. Some marbles are transparent and have a coloured inclusion, others are coloured and have a range of superb effects. Delivered in a box with compartments where the marbles can be quickly put back for storage. Size: approx. 16 mm diameter 144 transparent coloured marbles...
  • for counting, arithmetic and play
  • promotes dexterity and fine motor skills
  • made of glass, with effects and beautiful inclusions


€19.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Silent Cup Game, 12 pcs. in bag "Mobile Learning" Silent Cup Game, 12 pcs. in bag
The cups, made from soft PE foam, enliven lessons while sparing your ears . The material enables children to play the game without noise. It is therefore perfect for use in the classroom or for loosening up. Labelling the cups with 1-10 enables them to be used in mathematics lessons. They can also be used in sports lessons , in free study and on school trips, both indoors and outdoors. Thanks...
  • silent cups minimise noise
  • printed cups for exciting arithmetic tasks
  • can also be used for lesson changes or free work


€39.90 *
"Numbers to 100" Maths Game, 62 pcs. "Numbers to 100" Maths Game, 62 pcs.
With this maths game, children practice and consolidate numerical calculations involving numbers up to 20 and numbers up to 100 and even have a little fun in the process. In this game, pupils practise counting, transitions through tens and become experts in calculating and counting to 100. The dice, boards and rods are made of RE-Wood® and are therefore very environmentally friendly. trains...
  • trains counting in the number range from 20 to 100
  • for partner work and free lessons
  • with solution table
€19.90 *
Basic Plus Maths Set Numbers up to 20, 58 pcs., in box, red/white Basic Plus Maths Set Numbers up to 20, 58 pcs., in box, red/white
With this basic set, pupils get everything they need to get started in arithmetic . The set contains a variety of proven calculation aids to help children learn numbers up to 20 , such as counting chains, reversible counters, a shaking box and connecting cubes. In addition, a 13-piece Dienes decimal counting set is included, which can be used to form numbers up to 20 with 1-cubes or 5 or 10...
  • version: red/white
  • everything pupils need for working in the number range to 20
  • the classic arithmetic aids, together in one set
  • in transparent, stackable plastic box

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€12.90 *
Set of Imitation Euro Currency Money in a case, 290 pcs. Set of Imitation Euro Currency Money in a case, 290 pcs.
This counting money set in a practical, transparent plastic case can be transported without any problems. It contains 130 paper notes (printed on both sides, 15% smaller than the original) and 160 plastic coins in original size. The case has an insert in which the money can be stored safely and tidily. Case dimensions: approx. 22 x 15 x 4.5 cm Contents: 20 x 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent coins...
  • get to know the Euro currency and calculate with monetary amounts
  • notes printed on both sides
  • 130 notes and 160 coins
  • in a practical, transparent plastic case
€27.90 *
Time Dominoes, 24 hrs, 36 pcs. Time Dominoes, 24 hrs, 36 pcs.
This domino game is perfect for helping children to learn the times with ease . In order to make it easier for pupils to recognise the time, the hours are shown in red and the minutes in blue, according to the hands of the clock. The cardboard dominoes each show one analogue and one digital clock , with one side displaying the time in the 12-hour format, the other in the 24-hour format. The...
  • supports pupils in learning and practising clock times
  • analogue and digital time displayed
  • different levels of difficulty possible


€17.90 *
Card Game for Cardboard Computer, Convert Linear Dimensions Card Game for Cardboard Computer, Convert Linear Dimensions
First, the task is set by the learning cards. Then the card is inserted with the question at the top into the slot of the cardboard computer, the solution is not yet recognisable. The cardboard computer turns the card and throws it down the slide with the solution upwards. That way, the pupil sees whether they were right and can self-check perfectly. The cards are also very good for partner or...
  • different difficulty levels
  • task on the front, solution on the back
  • 104 cards, for cardboard computer


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€6.95 * €4.95 *
"Counting Chain" Card Game, 60 pcs. "Counting Chain" Card Game, 60 pcs.
This card game is perfect as a complement to our Counting Chains. On 60 cards, different tasks are provided in different degrees of difficulty, the solutions to which can be determined with the counting chains. The task solution is clearly presented on the back. Because the cards provide the solution, pupils can work on their own and check their own solutions. Card size: approx. 91 x 59 mm Made...
  • tasks for counting chains
  • task on the front, solution on the back
  • different difficulty levels
  • can be used for individual and partner work
€6.95 *
"Geometry Board" Card Game, 60 pcs. "Geometry Board" Card Game, 60 pcs.
This card game is a perfect complement to our geometry boards. On 59 cards, instructions for exercises are provided in area and circle pictures in different degrees of difficulty, which can be reproduced with the help of rubbers on the geometry board (5 x 5 pins and circle). The task solution is on the back. The solution makes it easy to see how the rubber rings have to be laid around the pins...
  • tasks for the geometry boards
  • task on the front, solution on the back
  • 59 cards
€6.95 *
Class Set Demonstration Euro Currency, 12 sets, 528 pcs. Class Set Demonstration Euro Currency, 12 sets, 528 pcs.
Helping children get to know our currency , and counting is also lots more fun with sums of money. The set contains 22 notes and 22 coins . The plastic coins are full scale, while the paper notes are about 15% smaller. The class set contains 12 demonstration sets that come in a case . The case can hold up to 24 sets in total. Contents per set (44 pcs.): Coins 5 x 1 cent 2 x 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • class set of 44 pcs. demonstration currency
  • 12 sets in a box
  • helping children get to know our currency
€47.35 * €44.90 *
Task Cards for Family Figures, 22 parts Task Cards for Family Figures, 22 parts
These cards make a great addition to our family figures and support work with them. The cards help develop mathematical skills and social contexts , and involve all the figures from the set. The cards offer tasks on the following mathematical topics: patterns and order sorting and grouping addition, subtraction and multiplication comparing sizes and ascertaining positions 21 double-sided task...
  • sort and group
  • addition, subtraction and multiplication
  • comparing sizes and ascertaining positions


Demonstration video


€19.90 *
Set of Family Figures in Assorted Colours, 24 pieces Set of Family Figures in Assorted Colours, 24 pieces
These versatile figures made of easy-to-grip plastic can be used to teach social contexts as well as mathematics. Children can use these 24 figures, which have a pleasant feel and come in 4 colours and 5 sizes, to describe their family and their position in the family. The set contains the following figures: father, mother, brother, sister, baby and pet. In addition, the set can be used for...
  • 24 figures in 4 colours and 5 sizes
  • for counting, arithmetic and sorting
  • for teaching social relationships

Demonstration video

€14.90 *
Hundred Play Mat made of Vinyl, 120 x 120 cm Hundred Play Mat made of Vinyl, 120 x 120 cm
This hundred mat made of vinyl contains all numbers from 1 to 100 and is suitable for playful development of numbers up to 100. With both inflatable dice, basic arithmetic can also be trained, solutions can be shown with the 54 markings included. Size: approx. 120 cm x 120 cm large hundreds mat with the numbers from 1 to 100 incl. two inflatable cubes trains basic calculation operations
  • large hundreds mat with the numbers from 1 to 100
  • incl. two inflatable cubes
  • trains basic calculation operations
€42.90 *
Set of Plug-in Boards 1.7 cm, assorted colours, 500 pcs. in a bag Set of Plug-in Boards 1.7 cm, assorted colours, 500 pcs. in a bag
The cubes can be freely combined , meaning that flat and spatial structures can be created. plug-in boards made of plastic in addition to the plug-in cubes (17 mm) to make mosaics, reflections and symmetries with the base board
  • plug-in boards made of plastic
  • in addition to the plug-in cubes (17 mm) 
  • to make mosaics, reflections and symmetries with the base board
€12.90 * €7.95 *
Magnetic Cubes 8x8 cm, 24 pcs. Magnetic Cubes 8x8 cm, 24 pcs.
These cubes are made of 24 pyramid building blocks in green, yellow, blue and red. They can be used to create a thousand geometric shapes and figures. The different colours of the pyramid building blocks present the composition of the shape clearly and understandably. The magnetic effect of the pyramid building blocks holds the shapes together. There are 20 brightly coloured cards with tasks...
  • Pole to counter pole - the inventors of the magnetic cubes had to follow this principle
  • 24 magnetic pyramid building blocks
  • design thousands of geometric shapes and figures


Advisory video


€19.95 *
Numbers Flip Chart for Decimal Values, up to 1,000 Numbers Flip Chart for Decimal Values, up to 1,000
Become proficient in numbers up to 9,999 - counting decimal numbers is child's play. With this flip chart, children learn the numbers up to a thousand, correct spelling, how to understand the decimal system and can solve basic arithmetic operations. Each value is provided with number cards from 0 to 9 in a different colour. Yellow stands for ones, green for tens, blue for hundreds and red for...
  • for the number range up to 9,999
  • for getting to know the numbers and for basic arithmetic operations
  • Digits in different colours
€14.90 *
Card Game "Tangram" in case Card Game "Tangram" in case
This card game is perfect as a supplement to our tangram tile game . On 60 cards, different tasks are provided in different degrees of difficulty , which can be added with the tangram. The pupil only sees the black outline of the shape they should add with the tangram. The solution of the task can be found on the back of the cards, in which the individual parts are clearly visible. Because the...
  • tasks for our tangram tile game
  • task on the front, solution on the back
  • 60 cards
€6.95 *
Set Jungle Animals, Assorted Colours, 72 pieces, in a Tin Set Jungle Animals, Assorted Colours, 72 pieces, in a Tin
These modern shapes are made of non-slip, soft plastic. The colourful animals in 6 colours and shapes motivate pupils to count, calculate and sort. This is how to structure today's maths classes in a vivid and playful way. 72 Animals in 6 models, i.e. monkey, elephant, hippo, giraffe, crocodile and lion, packed in a transparent storage box with carrying handle. The figures come in the colours...
  • 72 jungle animals in 6 colours and shapes
  • for counting and sorting
  • made of non-slip, soft plastic

Demonstration video

From €27.90 *
Set of Family Shapes, Sorted by Colour, 72 pieces, in a Tin Set of Family Shapes, Sorted by Colour, 72 pieces, in a Tin
These versatile figures made of non-slip plastic can be used for learning social contexts as well as for teaching mathematics. With these 72 figures with a pleasant feel in 6 colours and 5 sizes, children can, for example, describe their family and their position in the family. For this reason, the set contains the figures: father, mother, brother, sister, baby and pet. The set can also be used...
  • 72 shapes in 6 colours and 5 sizes
  • for counting, calculating and sorting
  • for learning social contexts

Demonstration video

From €29.90 *
Magnetic Digits in a box, approx. 45x45 mm, 90 pcs. Magnetic Digits in a box, approx. 45x45 mm, 90 pcs.
This magnetic digits set makes it easier for children to grasp the numbers and initial arithmetic operations. The numbers and symbols are nice and big so that children can handle them easily. The numbers come in bright patterns, making them more interesting to the children. The set contains the numbers 0-9 multiple times, as well as the most important arithmetic operators. The rear magnetic...
  • Numbers and characters provided with colourful patterns
  • makes it easier for children to grasp numbers
  • magnetic surface on the back adheres to all metallic surfaces


Advisory video


€14.90 *
1 2 From 2


Educational Math Games – What Makes Good Math Games?

There are educational games for math, German, and English in abundance. With the vast array of math learning games and games for many other subjects, choosing the right ones is not always easy. As a teacher, it is advisable to filter for truly pedagogically valuable games. After all, the games must match the curriculum, be suitable for teaching, and offer educational value, for example, in geometry.

When it comes to math games, it is recommended to consider three factors:

  • Appropriate level (adapted to the grade level and the class itself)
  • Understandable rules (for example, adapted to the age of the children)
  • Engaging game design

Appropriate Level for Math Learning Games in Elementary School

An appropriate level in math games for children should definitely be a key feature. Kids should neither be under-challenged by a game that is too easy and get bored, nor should they lose interest or become demotivated by a game that is too difficult. Therefore, at TimeTEX, you will find exciting learning games tailored to the grade level and curriculum. This makes our math learning games particularly valuable educationally. Use the practical math learning games for your elementary school math classes now!

Our Tip: A good choice is math learning games that can be adjusted in difficulty.

For example, our times tables games are ideal for grades 3 and 4. Multiplication and division tasks are extra fun this way! Especially for such important topics that form the foundation in math, math games are ideal because learned material can be repeated in a varied way!

Math Games with Understandable Rules

Understandable rules also offer many advantages. They are quickly explained, and the fun with educational math games can begin quickly, making efficient and meaningful use of class time. Students should understand the goal of the game and how to win. Math learning games are available on a wide range of topics: from money math tasks to multiplication tables. Especially in a school context, it makes sense to select math games for elementary school based on this criterion, among others.

Varied Game Design in Math Learning Games

An exciting and varied game design in math games for children guarantees motivation and lots of fun! It is essential to combine fun with learning and practice to create long-term learning success! Additionally, knowledge is better reinforced the more often it is repeated. Math games offer this repetition in a varied way. Spark children's joy in the subject with math learning games! Students benefit from a solid foundation in math throughout their entire school career!

Benefits of Math Games in Elementary School

  • Students can (possibly even independently) practice and reinforce math with learning games
  • Math learning games guarantee variety and fun in everyday school life
  • Math games in the class or in small groups can enhance cooperation and class community
  • Different math learning games are also well-suited for group work. A small course with a game at each station is also a great idea for reviewing lesson content.

What Skills are Trained by Math Learning Games?

Depending on the theme of the learning games, a wide variety of math-related skills can be promoted. The range is very broad. Math games promote:

  • Logical thinking
  • Development of spatial awareness
  • Set theory
  • Number sense
  • Shape learning
  • Deepening basic arithmetic operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying / multiplication tables and dividing)
  • Strategic thinking

As you can see, there are educational games for learning and deepening mathematical content in all areas of math. Whether mental arithmetic, basic operations, multiplication tables, or geometry – math learning games are an ideal teaching tool in elementary school math classes. You can order math games online at affordable prices!

Discover everything about math learning games at TimeTEX now! Bring fun with games, learning, and problem-solving into the classroom with educational math games!

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