Number Range

In primary school maths lessons, number ranges are an important part of the curriculum. Initially, only the numbers up to 10 are required, then the tens transition is on the agenda. The starting point is the number range up to 20, then up to 100 and at the end of primary school the number range up to 1000 should be mastered. With the right materials and number line exercises, children will be able to find their way around the number line and the number range up to 1000 with confidence. At TimeTEX, we offer various teaching materials for this purpose! Read on…

In primary school maths lessons, number ranges are an important part of the curriculum. Initially, only the numbers up to 10 are required, then the tens transition is on the agenda. The starting... read more »
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Number Range

In primary school maths lessons, number ranges are an important part of the curriculum. Initially, only the numbers up to 10 are required, then the tens transition is on the agenda. The starting point is the number range up to 20, then up to 100 and at the end of primary school the number range up to 1000 should be mastered. With the right materials and number line exercises, children will be able to find their way around the number line and the number range up to 1000 with confidence. At TimeTEX, we offer various teaching materials for this purpose! Read on…

Variant selection
ABACO 20 without numbers, red and blue, abacus ABACO 20 without numbers, red and blue, abacus
This sturdy plastic abacus is a valuable tool for early arithmetic learning. It easily guides children to basic calculations for numbers up to 20 . The abacus is subdivided into 2x5 balls for ease of use. The 5 and 10 calculations are clearly represented via the different ball colours (red and blue). Pupils can also familiarise themselves with the power of five . The initial ball colour is...
  • innovative abacus with rotating balls
  • visual representation of the 5 number range
  • sturdy and stackable

Choice of versions


From €12.50 *
Dienes Basic Assortment, 121 pcs., numbers up to 1,000, natural colours Dienes Basic Assortment, 121 pcs., numbers up to 1,000, natural colours
This set is perfect for visually representing numbers up to 1,000. This allows the orders of magnitude of the numbers to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10 and 100 to be displayed. Contents: 100 Ones dice (Dimensions: ca. 1 x 1 x 1 cm) 10 Tens pegs 10 Hundred boards 1 thousand dice All parts are made of RE-Wood® and are very robust, free of warping and safe to use. Delivered in...
  • for illustrating the number range up to 1,000
  • clear illustration to explain number orders and transitions
  • made from sustainable Re-Wood®


Demonstration video


From €22.90 *
SCHUBITRIX Addition and Subtraction up to 20 SCHUBITRIX Addition and Subtraction up to 20
With SCHUBITRIX maths, every child will have fun learning to calculate because they can practise here using the same rules as the popular game of dominoes . But watch out: you always need to keep an eye on all three sides of the triangular playing cards! The sturdy card triangles are placed alongside each other so that the sum and the result agree. You need to work out the sums correctly to...
  • 2 card games, each with 24 cards
  • addition and subtraction tasks
  • with simple domino rules
  • suitable from 1st or 2nd year of school
€16.50 *
Set Joker-Würfel 0-10, 4-tlg., 21 mm ø II./SO Set Joker-Würfel 0-10, 4-tlg., 21 mm ø II./SO
II. Wahl Artikel - Auf den Würfeln ist die Zahl "2" spiegelverkehrt abgedruckt. Alle Würfel sind mit den Ziffern 0-10 sowie einem "Joker" (Krone) beschriftet, die Würfel verfügen also über jeweils12 Seiten. Damit sind vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Unterricht und der Freiarbeit gegeben. aus hochwertigem Kunststoff mit abgerundeten Kanten/Ecken je 1 x rot, blau, grün und gelb Größe: ca. 21...
  • aus hochwertigem Kunststoff mit abgerundeten Kanten/Ecken
  • je 1 x rot, blau, grün und gelb
  • Größe: ca. 21 mm ø, 12-seitig
  • II. Wahl Artikel - Auf den Würfeln ist die Zahl "2" spiegelverkehrt abgedruckt.




€4.95 * €2.45 *
Lernbox "Rechenstäbchen und Zahlen", 460-tlg. Lernbox "Rechenstäbchen und Zahlen", 460-tlg.
Die Lernbox aus FSC-zertifiziertem Holz enthält Rechenstäbchen, Rechenplättchen und Zählstäbe und ist ein unverzichtbares Lernmittel zur Unterstützung des Lehrplans. In einer stabilen Holzbox mit praktischem Schiebedeckel sind alle Lernmaterialien gut aufgehoben und der Deckel der Box kann zudem als Spielfläche und als Kontrollhilfe genutzt werden. So kann die Lernbox auch jederzeit...
  • große Lernbox mit Rechenplättchen, Rechenstäbchen und Zählstäben
  • anschauliche und greifbare Lernerfahrungen
  • fördert Zahlenverständnis und logisches Denken
  • robuste Holzbox zur Aufbewahrung
€39.90 *
Rechen-Brett "Rechen-Plättchen Zahlenspaß" aus Holz, farbig, mit 109 Holzsteinen Rechen-Brett "Rechen-Plättchen Zahlenspaß" aus Holz, farbig, mit 109 Holzsteinen
Auf dem Holz-Rechenbrett sind die Zahlen von 0 bis 19 abgedruckt, diese Zahlen stellen die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben dar. Und jetzt kommt der spannende Teil: Nun sollen die passenden Rechenaufgaben dazu gefunden werden. Die bunten Holzplättchen, die verschiedene Additions - und Subtraktionsaufgaben zeigen, müssen auf das Rechenbrett zur richtigen Lösung gelegt werden. Dabei werden die Kinder...
  • spielerisches Üben im Zahlenraum bis 20
  • aus 100% FSC-zertifiziertem Holz
  • motiviert Kinder zum Üben von Additions- und Subtraktionsaufgaben
€24.90 *
Siebdruck-Stempel "Perpetuum", "Stellenwert bis 100" Siebdruck-Stempel "Perpetuum", "Stellenwert bis 100"
Mit den tollen Siebdruck-Stempeln "Perpetuum" von TimeTEX bleiben die Finger sauber und ein Vergessen von Stempelkissen und sonstigen Utensilien gibt es auch nicht mehr. Ebenso gehört ein "Probestempeln" der Vergangenheit an: jeder Stempelaufdruck gelingt bestimmt perfekt! Das Revolutionäre an den Stempeln ist, dass diese Drucktechnik das Stempelkissen überflüssig macht, denn die Spezial-Tinte...
  • Stempelplatte 25 x 67 mm
  • für mehr als 10.000 Stempelaufdrucke
  • kompakt, handlich, leicht
  • aus robustem Kunststoff
  • Stempelfarbe grün
  • Motiv: Stellenwert bis 100




€11.90 *
Educational Game "Tens friends", 80 pcs. Educational Game "Tens friends", 80 pcs.
Number bonds to ten play a key role in both addition and subtraction tasks in primary school. The "Tens friends" dice game is a fun way to practise this in pairs or in a group . The aim of the game is to group the dotted dice to make ten and swap them for a tens bar. The tens can of course be put together in different ways, so the children have to juggle with the numbers to get as many tens as...
  • educational game with lots of fun for the number range up to 10
  • practise breaking down numbers and finding number bonds to ten
  • as a partner or group game, in class or during free time
€24.90 *
Number Tiles 1-20, 6x6 cm, with arithmetic symbols and stylus, in wooden box Number Tiles 1-20, 6x6 cm, with arithmetic symbols and stylus, in wooden box
With this set of MDF number tiles, children learn to recognise, sort and write the numbers from 1 to 20 . 25 colourful MDF tiles feature the numbers 1-20 and the arithmetic operators plus, minus, times, divide and equals. The numbers and symbols can be traced through the indentations using the enclosed wooden stylus until the shape has been memorised. This way, children learn the numbers much...
  • MDF tiles with the numbers 1-20 and 5 arithmetic operators
  • with wooden stylus for endless tracing
  • for learning numbers, sorting, counting, lining up and calculating
€29.90 *
Class Set Base Ten Blocks Basic Assortment, 432 pcs., numbers up to 1,000, colourful Class Set Base Ten Blocks Basic Assortment, 432 pcs., numbers up to 1,000,...
These Base Ten Blocks materials in coloured RE-Wood® are perfect for visually representing numbers up to 1,000. This allows the number orders to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10 and 100 to be displayed. This Base Ten Blocks set contains a particularly large amount of material so that several pupils can work simultaneously or different arithmetic tasks can be worked on at the...
  • for illustrating the number range up to 1,000
  • clear illustration to explain number orders and transitions
  • made of coloured RE-Wood®, in a practical RE-Wood® box with lid

Demonstration video

€54.90 * €24.60 *
Base Ten Blocks Demo Visualisation set 1 Million, magnetic, 7 pcs. Base Ten Blocks Demo Visualisation set 1 Million, magnetic, 7 pcs.
A million is an order of magnitude that children find difficult to imagine. Even the correct number of zeros in 1,000,000 can cause them difficulties. So this magnetic visualisation set with 3D optics is perfect for understanding the million and is also a nice addition to our colourful Base Ten Blocks arithmetic sets. Children grasp the fact that the relationship between the units cube, tens...
  • comprehensive set, for calculations into the millions
  • magnetic Base Ten Blocks Decimal Arithmetic Set with 3D appearance
  • for board demonstrations
€44.90 *
Base Ten Blocks Demo Decimal Arithmetic Set, natural colour, magnetic, 54 pcs. In a box Base Ten Blocks Demo Decimal Arithmetic Set, natural colour, magnetic, 54...
This magnetic decimal arithmetic set with a 3D look in MAG-Pap° is a perfect addition to the natural-coloured student or class set. The teacher can demonstrate on the blackboard what the pupils should simulate themselves with our wooden or RE-Wood® models and present the solution after they have tried for themselves. The colours are deliberately kept neutral so that they match the...
  • magnetic Base Ten Blocks Decimal Arithmetic Set with 3D appearance
  • for board demonstrations
  • practical addition to the student set
€24.90 *
Set of Arithmetic Chips "Number range to 20", 33 pcs. Set of Arithmetic Chips "Number range to 20", 33 pcs.
With this material, children become really competent at forming and counting numbers up to 10 and in arithmetic for the number range up to 20 or even 30. The sturdy cardboard chips are labelled with dots from 1 to 10, which can be used to practise various arithmetic tasks and to form numbers . The chips can be placed on top of and next to each other to compare numbers and create groups of ten....
  • forming rows of tens and practising crossing tens
  • for educational games and reconstructing arithmetic tasks
  • with independent checking, also suitable for individual work

TimeTEX innovation

€9.95 *
Set of Arithmetic Chips "Number range to 100 & Times Tables 1-10", 110 pcs. Set of Arithmetic Chips "Number range to 100 & Times Tables 1-10", 110 pcs.
With this material, children become really competent in arithmetic and familiar with the number range up to 100, and at the same time they can practise the times tables 1-10 . The sturdy cardboard chips are labelled with 1 to 10 dots, which can be used to practise all sorts of arithmetic tasks . The chips can be placed on top of and next to each other so that the children can form rows of ten....
  • practise arithmetic in the number range up to 100 or the Times Tables 1-10
  • for educational games and reconstructing arithmetic tasks
  • with independent checking, also suitable for individual work

TimeTEX innovation

€19.90 *
Base Ten Blocks Basic Assortment, 151 pcs., numbers up to 1,000, natural colour Base Ten Blocks Basic Assortment, 151 pcs., numbers up to 1,000, natural colour
These Base Ten Blocks materials in RE-Wood® are perfect for visually representing numbers up to 1,000. This allows the number orders to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10 and 100 to be displayed. This Base Ten Blocks set contains more tens bars and additional fives bars, which makes subitising 5 even easier to understand, especially for beginners. The entire set comes in a...
  • for illustrating the number range up to 1,000
  • clear illustration to explain number orders and transitions
  • made of RE-Wood®, in a practical RE-Wood® box with lid

Demonstration video

€36.90 *
Rechenleiste aus Holz, Zahlenraum bis 20, 4-tlg. Rechenleiste aus Holz, Zahlenraum bis 20, 4-tlg.
Mit dieser Rechenleiste lernen die Kinder den Zahlenraum bis 20 kennen und finden sich darin dann schnell zurecht. Die Rechenleiste aus Holz besteht aus 4 Teilen, die jeweils 5 Zahlen enthalten und so die 5-er Übergänge anschaulich darstellen (die Kraft der Fünf). Diese 4 Teile sind wie Puzzleteile, mit denen die Kinder ihren Zahlenraum bis 20 selbst zusammenpuzzeln können. Da die Teile nur...
  • Rechenleisten-Puzzle mit den Zahlen bis 20
  • mit unseren Wendeplättchen kombinierbar
  • den Zahlenraum bis 20 kennen lernen
€9.95 *
Würfelscheiben "Mathe-Tango: Rechnen bis 20", 24 Stück Würfelscheiben "Mathe-Tango: Rechnen bis 20", 24 Stück
Dieses Set enthält 24 Würfelscheiben für den Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten. Die Kinder werden damit so richtig fit beim Addieren und Subtrahieren im Zahlenraum bis 20 (ohne Zehnerübergang). Es sind jeweils 12 Additions- und Subtraktions-Scheiben enthalten, davon je sechs in grüner und oranger Farbe. Daraus ergeben sich mehrere Übungsformen. Beispielsweise wird ein Flüster-Würfel...
  • Ergänzung zum Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten
  • 24 Würfelscheiben mit je 3 Rechenaufgaben
  • Kopfrechnen im Zahlenraum bis 20 üben
  • fördert aktives, bewegtes Lernen
€15.50 *
miniLÜK Schulranzen "Vorschule", 8-tlg. im Koffer miniLÜK Schulranzen "Vorschule", 8-tlg. im Koffer
Mit diesem Set werden Kinder ab 5 Jahren richtig fit für die Schule! 7 beliebte miniLÜK-Hefte aus dem Vorschulsegment lassen dabei keine Langeweile aufkommen. Die Gestaltung des Koffers als Schulranzen mit Metallgriff und Schnallen spricht die Vorschulkinder besonders an. Enthalten sind Übungshefte zum Rechnen und Lesen lernen, zur Uhr und zur Konzentration im Allgemeinen. Die Aufgabenplättchen...
  • Set aus 7 miniLÜK-Heften und Kontrollgerät
  • zur Vorbereitung auf die Schule
  • Aufgaben zu Mathematik, Sprach- und Leseübungen und Konzentrationstraining
€55.00 *
miniLÜK Schulranzen "Schulstart", 8-tlg. im Koffer miniLÜK Schulranzen "Schulstart", 8-tlg. im Koffer
Mit diesem Set werden Kinder in der 1. Klasse richtig fit für im Rechnen und Lesen! 7 beliebte miniLÜK-Hefte aus dem Grundschulsegment lassen dabei keine Langeweile aufkommen. Die Gestaltung des Koffers als Schulranzen mit Metallgriff und Schnallen spricht die ABC-Schützen besonders an. Enthalten sind Übungshefte zum Rechnen, Lesen und zur Konzentration im Allgemeinen. Die Aufgabenplättchen...
  • Set aus 7 miniLÜK-Heften und Kontrollgerät
  • zur Vorbereitung auf die Schule
  • Aufgaben zu Mathematik, Sprach- und Leseübungen und Konzentrationstraining
€55.00 *
TimeTEX student exercise set "Number range up to 20", 46 pcs. In a bag TimeTEX student exercise set "Number range up to 20", 46 pcs. In a bag
This student exercise set contains practical calculation aids that pupils can use to practise not just the basics of calculation for numbers up to 10, but also up to 20 using visual and effective tools . The set contains 4 transparent plastic calculation strips, each with 20 red and 20 blue plastic counters. Each calculation strip has 10 square recesses, always with 5 next to each other (the...
  • Calculation aids for maths lessons
  • Exercise set for the number ranges up to 10 and 20
  • For clear and effective practice
€16.90 *
Class set XXL Dienes decimal calculation set, 594 pcs. In box Class set XXL Dienes decimal calculation set, 594 pcs. In box
This XXL class set of Dienes decimal arithmetic material is particularly comprehensive and helps students grasp the number range up to 9,999 . Whether it's a visual representation of the number range and orders of magnitude or the transitions in tens, hundreds, or thousands: you'll always find the right material here. In addition to a large quantity of unit cubes, ten bars, hundred boards and...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Comprehensive set for the whole class
  • With Dienes material, flipchart and rotary wheels for decimal place values
  • For visualizing, exploring and calculating in the number range up to 9,999
  • Comprehensive XXL class set in practical plastic box
€369.60 * €350.00 *
Variant selection
Class set of abacuses for the numbers 1-20, red/blue, straight sides, 25 pcs. In box Class set of abacuses for the numbers 1-20, red/blue, straight sides, 25 pcs....
These abacuses are made of RE-Wood® (recycled wood) and are very sturdy thanks to a special casting process. The RE-Wood® beads are nice and big and easy to grasp thanks to the 11 mm diameter. The beads run along stainless steel bars. This abacus helps children become confident counting in the number range up to 20 and familiarises them with the transition across into the tens . Thanks to the...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • For the 20 number range
  • In groups of 5 red/blue, optionally with or without colour change
  • Upright frame for compact dimensions
  • Class set with 25 abacuses in a practical plastic box

Choice of designs

Demonstration video

€148.65 * From €139.00 *
Class set Maths Basic Set Plus number range up to 20, red/white, 20 pieces, in box Class set Maths Basic Set Plus number range up to 20, red/white, 20 pieces,...
This class set contains everything the class needs to explore the number range up to 20 : our Maths Basic Set Plus with red/white calculation aids is included 20 times and has the right material for the whole class. This basic equipment set provides pupils with all the tools they need for a successful introduction to arithmetic . To offer a thorough overview of the number range up to 20, the...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Exploring the number range up to 20
  • Various calculation aids in red/white
  • Class set of 20 Maths Plus basic sets for pupils

Demonstration video

€287.90 * €270.00 *
Class set Maths Basic Set Plus number range up to 20, red/blue, 20 pieces, in box Class set Maths Basic Set Plus number range up to 20, red/blue, 20 pieces, in...
This class set contains everything the class needs to explore the number range up to 20 : our Maths Basic Set Plus with red/blue calculation aids is included 20 times and has the right material for the whole class. This basic equipment set provides pupils with all the tools they need for a successful introduction to arithmetic . To offer a thorough overview of the number range up to 20, the set...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Exploring the number range up to 20
  • Various calculation aids in red/blue
  • Class set of 20 Maths Plus basic sets for pupils

Demonstration video

€287.90 * €270.00 *
Class set of stamps "Dienes decimal system" in wood, 100 pcs., in box Class set of stamps "Dienes decimal system" in wood, 100 pcs., in box
With this class set, your pupils will stamp their own Dienes decimal system and become really confident doing arithmetic in the thousands number range. How to organise your lessons effectively and interactively! This wooden Dienes stamp set complements our pupil and demonstration sets very well. After the children find out about the decimal system with these items, they can use the stamp motifs...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Class set with 25 stamp sets in a box
  • Wooden stamp with 1 cube, 10 bar, hundred board and thousand cube.
  • Great for children to hold
  • For calculating or depicting numbers
€510.40 * €480.00 *
Class set of cardboard flipcharts, decimal numbers 0-9, 24 pcs., in box Class set of cardboard flipcharts, decimal numbers 0-9, 24 pcs., in box
The flap flipchart with decimal numbers helps with long-term promotion of pupils' mathematical understanding . This sturdy cardboard tool is the ideal support for teaching the number range up to 999,999 and for offering a clear demonstration of basic calculation operations . The flipchart is specially constructed to make it easier for students to grasp and visualise number transitions. Each of...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • For lots of common arithmetic options
  • Can be folded flat, colour-matched to our place value materials
  • For learning the number range up to 999,999
  • Class set with 24 flipcharts in a practical plastic box

Demonstration video

€370.50 * €350.00 *
Class set of maths dice 16 mm, 200 pcs. In box Class set of maths dice 16 mm, 200 pcs. In box
These plastic maths dice are excellent as a fun way to take the first "calculation steps" and later to consolidate times tables 1-10 . Children combine the different dice and create maths problems with different levels of difficulty . This class set contains 20 maths dice sets, each with 10 dice, supplied in a practical plastic box . With this quantity of dice, every student can have their own...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • A fun way to take the first "calculation steps" and then consolidate times tables 1-10
  • Different dice for different levels of difficulty
  • Made of plastic with rounded edges/corners
  • Class set with 20 sets of dice in a practical plastic box

TimeTEX innovation

Demonstration video

€83.45 * €78.90 *
Karten-Set "Mehr, weniger oder gleich viel? Denk- und Legespiele" Karten-Set "Mehr, weniger oder gleich viel? Denk- und Legespiele"
Das Denk- und Legespiel "Mehr, weniger, oder gleich viel?" ist eine kreative Möglichkeit, Kindern spielerisch das Vergleichen von Mengen beizubringen. Mit 30 farbigen Bildkarten fesselt das Set die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder und steigert ihre Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Die Bildkarten enthalten Pinguine, Schnecken und Schweine in unterschiedlicher Menge. Mit ihnen lernen die Kinder, die Zahlen von...
  • fördert Verständnis von Mengen und Zahlen im Zahlenraum bis 10
  • farbige Karten mit lustigen Motiven
  • Spielanleitung mit verschiedenen Spielvorschlägen
€14.00 *
Variant selection
Abacus for the numbers 1-20, red/blue, upright stand Abacus for the numbers 1-20, red/blue, upright stand
The frame is made of RE-Wood® (recycled wood) and very stable thanks to a special casting process. The RE-Wood® beads are nice and big and easy to grasp thanks to the 11 mm diameter. The beads run along stainless steel bars. This abacus helps children become confident counting in the number range up to 20 and familiarises them with the transition across into the tens. Thanks to its compact size...
  • For the 20 number range
  • In groups of 5 red/blue, optionally with or without colour change
  • Upright frame for compact dimensions


Choice of models Demonstration video

From €3.95 *
Maths dominoes "Addition problems", 66 pieces In a fabric bag Maths dominoes "Addition problems", 66 pieces In a fabric bag
Explore the number range up to 10 and have fun mastering the addition tasks in this range — nothing could be easier with these wooden maths dominoes. The wooden playing pieces cover all the addition problems for totals between 0 and 10, as well as the solutions. The pupils' task is to match them up. Not only do they have to find the right solution for each calculation, they also need to select...
  • 2 sequences of dominoes in 2 different colours
  • With all the addition problems for totals 0-10
  • Made of wood, pleasant feel
€32.90 *
Educational game "Mathemino Plus & Minus", 37 pieces. Educational game "Mathemino Plus & Minus", 37 pieces.
This maths domino set contains 37 beechwood dominoes from sustainable forestry and is ideal as a fun way to consolidate understanding of addition and subtraction tasks for numbers up to 20. The dominoes feature rounded edges and are the perfect size for children's hands. Each domino shows an addition or subtraction task and a solution number. Following the rules of the familiar domino game,...
  • A fun way to practise addition and subtraction for numbers up to 20
  • Link task and solution together
  • Made of wood, pleasant feel
€21.90 *
Maths dominoes "Subtraction tasks", 65 pcs. In a fabric bag Maths dominoes "Subtraction tasks", 65 pcs. In a fabric bag
Explore the number range up to 10 and have fun mastering the subtraction tasks in this range — nothing could be easier with these wooden maths dominoes. The wooden pieces cover almost all the subtraction tasks that are possible with minuends 10 to 0, as well as the solutions. The pupils' task is to match them up. Not only do they have to find the right solution for each calculation, they also...
  • 2 sequences of dominoes in 2 different colours
  • With almost all subtraction tasks that are possible with minuends 10 to 0
  • Made of wood, pleasant feel
€32.90 *
Maths flashcards "Addition problems", 249 pcs. In cardboard box Maths flashcards "Addition problems", 249 pcs. In cardboard box
With this maths card set, children can master all addition tasks in the number range up to 30 in no time at all. The double-sided cards contain all the addition problems that can add up to numbers between 0 and 30 — none are left out. The solution is displayed on the other side along with a new task. This allows children to check their solutions themselves. Alternatively, children can also play...
  • Practise addition in the number range up to 30
  • Contains each addition task for sums from 0 to 30
  • On double-sided printed cards, for checking your own work
€16.90 *
Maths flashcards "Subtraction problems", 249 pcs. In cardboard box Maths flashcards "Subtraction problems", 249 pcs. In cardboard box
With this maths card set, children can master all subtraction tasks in the number range up to 30 in no time at all. The double-sided cards contain all the subtraction problems that can be created using the minuends 30 to 0 — none are left out. The solution is displayed on the other side along with a new task. This allows children to check their solutions themselves. Alternatively, children can...
  • Practise subtractions in the number range up to 30
  • Contains each subtraction task for the minuends 0 to 30
  • On double-sided printed cards, for checking your own work
€16.90 *
Number clips number range up to 100, 101 pcs. In a wooden box Number clips number range up to 100, 101 pcs. In a wooden box
With these plastic number clips, children can explore the number range up to 100 in a playful, tactile and visual way. When lined up on the cord (included in the scope of delivery), the numbers can be displayed so they are constantly visibly in the classroom to help pupils with their mathematical orientation. Each number clip is printed with a number up to 100, the zero is also included in the...
  • Number clips for the numbers 0-100, with text in two colours
  • Can be used for hanging on the cord or free-standing
  • For exploration and familiarisation with numbers 0-100
€170.00 *
Dienes basic Montessori set, with number cards, 170 pieces, plastic Dienes basic Montessori set, with number cards, 170 pieces, plastic
This comprehensive set is designed to visually represent number ranges up to 1,000. This allows the number scale to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10s and 100s to be displayed. It helps pupils explore basic calculation operations and introduces decimal numbers. Includes 38 number cards made of sturdy, high-quality cardboard, 7 arithmetic symbol cards and 125 items of Dienes...
  • Visual representation of the number range up to 1,000
  • With Dienes material and number cards
  • In Montessori colours
€53.90 *
Educational game "Mathemino multiplication", 37 pieces. Educational game "Mathemino multiplication", 37 pieces.
This maths domino set contains 37 beech wood pieces from sustainable forestry and is an ideal way to reinforce understanding of the times tables 1-10 through play. The dominoes are designed with rounded edges and are the perfect size for children's hands. Each domino shows a multiplication problem and a solution number. Following the rules of the familiar domino game, children match the tasks...
  • Practise times tables from 1-10 through playing
  • Link task and solution together
  • Made of wood, pleasant feel
€21.90 *
Learning board "Addition and subtraction with carry over", 45 pcs. Learning board "Addition and subtraction with carry over", 45 pcs.
In this educational game, the funny frog helps children practise adding and subtracting with carry over. The set includes 4 calculation boards each for addition and subtraction. A number line up to 20 is printed at the bottom of each board to help. The boards are made from coated cardboard and can be written on repeatedly with non-permanent marker pens then wiped clean again. 8 suitable marker...
  • For practising addition and subtraction with carry over
  • Promotes attention and concentration
  • Funny frog motif illustrates the carry over
€29.90 *
Number cards number range up to 100, 108 pcs. With wooden frame Number cards number range up to 100, 108 pcs. With wooden frame
With these wooden number cards, children can not only explore the number range up to 100 but also reconstruct different arithmetic operations. Every number from 1 to 100 is on the number cards, and there is also the number zero. Students can lay out the entire number range up to one hundred or just part of the number range. The back of the cards is blank, so games where you leave gaps are also...
  • Wooden number cards for the numbers 0-100
  • Cards printed on the front, blank on the back
  • For exploration and familiarisation with numbers 0-100
  • 7 wooden arithmetic symbols for first arithmetic operations
€29.90 *
Hundred board, made of wood, 29.5 x 29.5 cm Hundred board, made of wood, 29.5 x 29.5 cm
This hundred board is made of varnished beech wood and is designed to make children familiar with the number range up to 100. It is suitable for laying out or sorting counting items and for addition, subtraction and multiplication maths tasks. The board has 10x10 recesses that can be filled with felt balls, beads or glass gems, for example. Felt balls with a diameter of 2 cm are particularly...
  • Beech wood playing board with 10 x 10 indentations
  • For familiarisation with the 100 number range and for arithmetic tasks
  • Can be filled with felt balls, beads, glass gems etc.
€39.90 *
Nikitin material: N6 number towers Nikitin material: N6 number towers
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. With the number towers,...
  • A fun way to discover the world of numbers
  • Visualise quantities, sizes and numerical values
  • For counting and checking your own results
€44.95 *
Arithmetic chain "counting caterpillar" up to 20, red/blue, steps in 5s Arithmetic chain "counting caterpillar" up to 20, red/blue, steps in 5s
This counting chain in the shape of a little caterpillar motivates children to explore the number range up to 20 and can be used to perform almost all arithmetical operations independently or in partner/group work, with the ability to check their own answers at the end. The counting caterpillar holds 20 wooden balls on a tear-proof string. The diameter of the beads is approx. 15 mm, arranged in...
  • Caterpillar counting chain as a mathematical aid for the number range up to 20
  • 20 wooden beads on tear-resistant cord
  • With blocks of 5, red/blue
€6.95 *
Hundred square "Poppers" Hundred square "Poppers"
Maths can be so much fun! This hundred square board in the style of the popular Pop-Its is ideal for playfully exploring the number range up to 100. You press the bubbles to mark different numbers and make a nice pop. The numbers from 1-100 are printed on the front, each row of ten in a different colour. The backs are blank and can be used like an abacus to practise basic arithmetic operations....
  • Explore the number range up to 100 with bubble poppers
  • For reinforcing basic arithmetic
  • Numbers on the front, blank on the blank
  • Also good for reducing stress
€10.90 *
Nikitin material: Early support package Nikitin material: Early support package
Discover a fascinating world of learning and development for your pupils with Nikitin material. This educational game is specially designed for teachers to promote basic building experiences and to strengthen spatial orientation, concentration, dexterity and creativity. The Nikitin materials stimulate the imagination by giving pupils room for creative expression. This comprehensive set of 6...
  • Comprehensive set with 6 Nikitin materials
  • Made from durable wood
  • To promote concentration, fine motor skills, observation and much more
  • For children from age 4
€239.00 *
Ring Board compact, complete set Ring Board compact, complete set
This exclusive and versatile ring board is suitable for use from the 1st to 6th year of school. It comprises one wooden board that is printed with the numbers 1 - 100 and equipped with 100 ring-shaped pieces. It comes with a matching wooden box and wooden rings that are painted in the 10 Montessori colours. Black rings represent prime numbers. The precise milling means that the wooden rings can...
  • for complex calculations in the number range up to 100
  • tange of uses possible
  • prime numbers, least common multiple and greatest common divisor
  • suitable for school years 1-6
€369.00 *
Maths box, number range up to 20, 92 pcs. Maths box, number range up to 20, 92 pcs.
This set contains everything children need to become really proficient in the number range up to 20. All basic arithmetic operations can be practised to ensure children are really confident. 13 calculation aids are combined in this box. Classics such as the number line, bead strings and shaking box are included as well as play money, geometry board and plug-in cubes. Children can also practise...
  • 13 calculation aids in one set
  • Calculations with numbers up to 20
  • In a practical stackable box made from environmentally friendly RE-Wood

TimeTEX Innovation

€34.90 *
Number stack "Number on number", 11 pcs, natural colours Number stack "Number on number", 11 pcs, natural colours
With this set, children will have fun learning the numbers from 1 to 10 and estimating their value. The numbers are made from RE-Wood® and are large enough for pupils to hold easily. The surface material has a pleasant feel and the special shape ensures they can stand securely and are easier to stack. The numbers are designed so that their size in relation to one another is always the same. The...
  • Discover and recognise the numbers 1-10
  • For comparing numbers and their values
  • For arithmetic, sub-division and tracing
  • Number value = size in cm = perfect for independent checking
€14.90 *
Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Decimal Numbers 0-9 Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Decimal Numbers 0-9
With this flap flipchart made of sturdy cardboard , the numbers in the number range up to 999,999 can be learned and practised in the decadal system. Likewise, many common arithmetic operations can be performed. Children also become experts in number transitions . On 6 flaps, the numbers 0-9 are each printed on 10 cards, each flap block is in a different colour . Since the colours of the values...
  • 6 flaps in different colours
  • for practising numbers up to 999,999 and number transitions
  • colour-matched to our value materials

TimeTEX Innovation

€14.90 *
Set of ten-sided Dice 8 pcs., approx. 20 mm Set of ten-sided Dice 8 pcs., approx. 20 mm
Set of ten-sided dice, 20 mm, 8 pieces 2 each x green dice in 1s, blue dice in 10s, red dice in 100s and yellow dice in 1000s ten-sided 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s cubes suitable for mathematics lessons up to fourth grade with rounded edges/corners made of plastic Size: approx. 20 mm
  • ten-sided 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s cubes
  • suitable for mathematics lessons up to fourth grade
  • with rounded edges/corners


Advisory video


€4.95 *
Split wooden box for pupils, 2 pcs, with 10 beads Split wooden box for pupils, 2 pcs, with 10 beads
Children can learn to break down numbers and practise counting to 10 with this split wooden box and its 10 plastic beads. Whether with a partner, as group work or alone, the split box makes arithmetic really easy! The special thing about the split box is that the compartments can only be viewed by sliding the cover . Nothing has to be stuck on and it can be used right away. The red plastic...
  • for practising breaking down numbers
  • with pull-out cover
  • red beads in wooden box are highly visible
€6.95 *
Variant selection
TimeTEX illuminable stacking numbers "number by number", 35 pcs TimeTEX illuminable stacking numbers "number by number", 35 pcs
With this set, children will learn the numbers from 1 to 10 and estimate their value . The numbers are the perfect size for pupils to easily handle them . Since they are transparent, they are ideal for working with an illuminated table or overhead projector. The numbers are designed so that their height in relation to one another is always the same. The 2 and 3 figures put together are the same...
  • Learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
  • For comparing numbers and their values
  • For arithmetic, breaking down and tracing
  • Number value = size in cm = perfect for independent checking
From €14.90 *
Set TimeTEX illuminable stacking numbers "number by number", 140 pcs Set TimeTEX illuminable stacking numbers "number by number", 140 pcs
With this set, children will learn the numbers from 1 to 10 and estimate their value . The numbers are the perfect size for pupils to easily handle them . Since they are transparent, they are ideal for working with an illuminated table or overhead projector. This set contains the numbers in 4 colours: red, yellow, blue and green. The numbers are designed so that their height in relation to one...
  • The numbers 1-10 in 4 different colours
  • For comparing numbers and their values
  • For arithmetic, breaking down and tracing
  • Number value = size in cm = perfect for independent checking
€54.90 *
Learning Game Ball  "Pello" - Numbers up to 20 Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Numbers up to 20
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Set of Maths Stamps "Arithmetic Towers", 32 pcs. Set of Maths Stamps "Arithmetic Towers", 32 pcs.
With these fun stamp figures, learning to count and calculate is really fun! For each number there is a blank square block stamp and a face stamp. The corresponding number is hidden in the face stamps, sometimes obvious, sometimes not easy to recognise. For example, the seven has 7 hairs on its head or the three has a crown with 3 prongs. The children stamp the appropriate number of blocks with...
  • Number towers with funny faces and colourful ink pads
  • For early mathematical support
  • In practical sorting box with carrying handle
€44.90 *
Game Maths Swats "10 Number Range", 99 pcs. Game Maths Swats "10 Number Range", 99 pcs.
With this game, the children become really fit in the number range up to 10 , because speed is required here. On the front of 90 cards designed as flies are the numbers from 1-10, on the back are equations , which can be used to diversify the game experience. There are numerous ways to use this game, for example, you have to find the matching equation to the number shown on the turntable or the...
  • Get fit in the number range up to 10
  • With addition and subtraction exercises
  • Trains more quickly solving arithmetic tasks
€29.90 *
Demo Maths Basic Set Plus Number Range up to 20, 200 pcs, Magnetic, Red/Blue, in Box Demo Maths Basic Set Plus Number Range up to 20, 200 pcs, Magnetic, Red/Blue,...
With this demo basic set, you have everything you need to make it easy for your pupils to get started with arithmetic . In order to get to know the number range up to 20 exactly, the set contains a variety of tried and tested calculation aids such as calculation chains, reversible counters and plug-in cubes. In addition, a Dienes decimal arithmetic set with 54 pieces is included, with which the...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Everything needed to enter the 20 number range
  • The common calculation aids in one set
  • In transparent plastic box with quick-release closure handles
€128.60 * €119.00 *
Arithmetic Bars made from Re-Wood in "Montessori Colours", 100 pcs. in a box "Montessori Premium" Arithmetic Bars made from Re-Wood in "Montessori Colours", 100 pcs. in a box...
This arithmetic bar set helps with the visual representation of numbers up to 100 with unit cubes and bars that range from two to ten in single units. The bars can be used for the clear presentation of all arithmetic tasks for numbers up to 100. Whether it's arithmetic exercises on sub-division or comparing length and quantity ratios , the 100 different coloured counting bars are a great tool....
  • visual representation of the numbers up to 100 in the Montessori colours
  • suitable for all arithmetic tasks
  • made from environmentally friendly RE-Wood®

€24.90 *
Floor Number Line Xl, 0-20, 600 cm long Floor Number Line Xl, 0-20, 600 cm long
Hop and learn the numbers 1-20 – this wipe-clean vinyl floor mat promotes active learning through movement . Understand what addition and subtraction mean by hopping forward 3 circles to add the number 3 or going back 2 steps to subtract the number 2. Besides basic number learning from 1-20, this develops the fundamental understanding required for early arithmetic and promotes gross motor...
  • learn the numbers 1-20
  • promotes active learning through movement
  • wipeable mat
€42.90 *
Timetex Set of Calculation Bars/Counters up to 20, 44 pcs. Timetex Set of Calculation Bars/Counters up to 20, 44 pcs.
This arithmetic set helps children get to know numbers up to 20 and quickly familiarise themselves with this number range. This set consists of 4 calculation bars, which are made of transparent plastic and have 10 square recesses to hold the counters. There are always 5 recesses next to each other (the power of five). The plastic counters included are placed on the calculation bars. The set...
  • transparent calculation bars for the number range up to 20
  • with transparent red and blue counters
  • learn numbers up to 20
€7.95 *
Schubitrix Sets, Counting, Numbers in the numberrRange up to 10 Schubitrix Sets, Counting, Numbers in the numberrRange up to 10
With SCHUBITRIX maths, every child will enjoy learning arithmetic because they can practise using the same rules as the popular game of dominoes . But watch out: you always need to keep an eye on all three sides of the triangular playing cards! The sturdy card triangles are placed alongside each other so that the sum and the result agree. You need to work out the sums correctly to create the...
  • 2 card games, each with 18 cards
  • numbers in different representations
  • with simple domino rules
  • suitable from 1st or 2nd year of school
€16.50 *
Alpha Numbers Case, 44 pcs. Alpha Numbers Case, 44 pcs.
Buzz, buzz, buzz – little bees buzz around! a small plastic case in the shape and appearance of a bee, which can be opened in the middle to reveal its exciting inner workings. The Alpha numbers case includes 40 plastic blocks printed with lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, dice spots and geometric shapes. The blocks stick firmly in the recesses, but due to their size they can easily...
  • a fantastic, sturdy case with an exciting interior
  • promotes the motivation to learn and can be taken anywhere
  • three-in-one learning activities combined with games, fun and fine motor skills training
€34.90 *
Addition and Subtraction Domino Xl, number range to 20, 60 pcs. Addition and Subtraction Domino Xl, number range to 20, 60 pcs.
This domino game is perfect for helping children learn to add and subtract in the number range up to 20 and to reinforce their knowledge. The dominoes are made from extra strong cardboard, with each one showing an addition (blue) or subtraction (red) task and a solution number. The children bring together the task and solution, thus learning arithmetic through play. You can either play just...
  • have fun learning addition and subtraction for numbers up to 20
  • link task and solution together
  • can be played with separate or mixed task cards
€14.90 *
Educational Game "Plumingo - Plus and Minus To 10 with Overshoot" Educational Game "Plumingo - Plus and Minus To 10 with Overshoot"
You need to pay attention in this arithmetic game! First, a number is rolled and a number card is revealed. Now it's time to turn on the computing turbo! The calculation task from the uncovered card is formed and recited. If the resulting number appears on your own game board, you can cover it up. And on it goes. By the way: if you are lucky enough to roll the dice and get a joker (which acts...
  • breaking down numbers in the number range up to 10
  • one plus one / one minus one tasks in the number range up to 10
  • creating and solving placeholder tasks
  • recognizing pairs of numbers with a sum greater than 10 (in preparation for calculating with tens)
€21.00 *
Demo Flexo Whisper Cube XL, 21x21 cm Demo Flexo Whisper Cube XL, 21x21 cm
This plastic die made from EVA foam and acrylic glass is a fun and quick way for children to learn to identify small quantities at a glance . Since the arrangement of the spots on this die is not fixed , children have to repeatedly work out what value they have thrown. This means they cannot rely on laboriously learning the position of the spots; instead, they have to learn to recognise the...
  • constantly rearrange the spots shown on the die
  • learn to identify quantities at a glance
  • forms the basis for learning basic calculation operations
€92.50 *
Class Set Dienes Decimal Calculation Grid Xl, 198 pcs. in a box Class Set Dienes Decimal Calculation Grid Xl, 198 pcs. in a box
This XL class set of Dienes decimal arithmetic material is particularly comprehensive and helps students grasp the number range up to 9,999 . Whether it's a visual representation of the number range and orders of magnitude or the transitions in tens, hundreds, or thousands: you'll always find the right material here. In addition to a large quantity of unit cubes, ten bars, hundred boards and...
  • comprehensive set for the whole class
  • with Dienes material, flipchart and rotary wheels for decimal place values
  • for visualizing, exploring and calculating in the number range up to 9,999


€109.90 *
Timetex Set of Calculation Panels A3, colourful, 6 pcs. Timetex Set of Calculation Panels A3, colourful, 6 pcs.
These 6 transparent plastic foil calculation panels are ideal for writing with non-permanent marker pens. They are used for calculating in different number ranges and using different calculation methods and different subsets . They allow noting, grouping or sorting . It is also possible to create intersections. Simply write on the film using a marker pen, then wipe off again. For use on the...
  • made of transparent plastic film in different colours
  • for calculating in different number ranges, using various calculation methods and subsets
  • also suitable for group work

TimeTEX Innovation

€24.90 *
Alpha Numbers, magnetic, 99 pcs. Alpha Numbers, magnetic, 99 pcs.
This magnetic set of letters, numbers and arithmetic signs has many uses: it helps children grasp and learn the alphabet, digits and numbers and do their first arithmetic tasks. The characters are made from bright plastic in 6 different colours and can therefore also be used for sorting and counting . The rear magnet will stick to any magnetic surface, such as a steel-enamel board. The letters...
  • upper and lower case letters, numbers and arithmetic symbols
  • for learning the alphabet and numbers and for sorting or counting
  • made from colourful plastic, with magnet on the back


€17.90 *
Dienes Decimal Tens Bars, wooden, 50 pcs. Dienes Decimal Tens Bars, wooden, 50 pcs.
The Dienes decimal material is perfect for visually representing the number range up to 1,000 . This allows the number scale to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10s and 100s to be illustrated. It can also be used to practise adding and subtracting. This set of tens bars is made of wood and has a pleasant feel . These tens bars allow you to build your own set, or top up or expand...
  • for visually illustrating the number range up to 1,000
  • explain orders of magnitude clearly, show transitions, add and subtract
  • 50 tens bars in the Dienes work material
  • for separate sets or to complement existing sets
€22.90 *
Dienes Decimal Hundreds Square, wooden, 5 pcs. Dienes Decimal Hundreds Square, wooden, 5 pcs.
The Dienes decimal material is perfect for visually representing the number range up to 1,000 . This allows the number scale to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10s and 100s to be illustrated. It can also be used to practise adding and subtracting. This set of hundred squares is made of wood and has a pleasant feel . These hundred squares allow you to build your own set, or top...
  • for visually illustrating the number range up to 1,000
  • explain orders of magnitude clearly, show transitions, add and subtract
  • 5 hundred squares in the Dienes work material
  • for separate sets or to complement existing sets
€11.90 *
Dienes Decimal Thousand Cube, wooden, 1 pc. Dienes Decimal Thousand Cube, wooden, 1 pc.
The Dienes decimal material is perfect for visually representing the number range up to 1,000 . This allows the number scale to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10s and 100s to be illustrated. It can also be used to practise adding and subtracting. This thousand cube is made of wood and has a pleasant feel . It can be used to build your own set, or to top up or expand our...
  • for visually illustrating the number range up to 1,000
  • explain orders of magnitude clearly, show transitions, add and subtract
  • 1 one-thousand cube in the Dienes work material
  • for separate sets or to complement existing sets
€14.90 *
Talking Reading Pen with Practice Books Talking Reading Pen with Practice Books
The speaking reading pencil and high-quality, colourful, spiral bound numbers and letters books in English make practising maths and reading in early childhood really fun. The set helps children to practise and learn independently and builds their confidence in reading letters and numbers. The exercise books are in English, so are ideal support for children who are growing up bilingual . On the...
  • independent practice and learning, entertaining and motivating
  • exercise books for numbers and letters in English
  • ideal for independent work, at home or when travelling
€54.90 *
Dienes Decimal Unit Cubes, wooden, 500 pcs. Dienes Decimal Unit Cubes, wooden, 500 pcs.
The Dienes decimal material is perfect for visually representing the number range up to 1,000 . This allows the number scale to be clearly explained and the transitions between 10s and 100s to be illustrated. It can also be used to practise adding and subtracting. This set of single cubes is made of wood and has a pleasant feel . These unit cubes allow you to build your own set or top up or...
  • for visually illustrating the number range up to 1,000
  • explain orders of magnitude clearly, show transitions, add and subtract
  • 500 unit cubes in the Dienes work material
  • for separate sets or to complement existing sets
€24.90 *
Class Set of Calculation Chains Xl blue/red, 25 pcs. in stacking box Class Set of Calculation Chains Xl blue/red, 25 pcs. in stacking box
The calculation chain has a firm place as a mathematics resource in primary school maths lessons. Pupils love working with them and can use them to perform almost all arithmetic tasks independently or in partner/group work. They can also check their own work at the end . The extra-large beads are easier for little mathematicians to use and feel pleasant to the touch . The counting chain...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • calculation aid for primary school teaching
  • large beads, pleasant to the touch
  • made of environmentally friendly RE-Wood®

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€78.90 * €69.90 *
Class Set of Digits 1-10, 8 pcs., in box Class Set of Digits 1-10, 8 pcs., in box
With this set, children will learn the numbers from 1 to 10 and estimate their value. The digits are made from RE-Wood® and are large enough for pupils to handle so they will learn to recognise their appearance . Thanks to the central groove, the number can be traced in various ways. Numbered pointed arrows show pupils which order the various strokes should be made in. By using the balls...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
  • for tracing with numbered directional arrows
  • with 60 red balls for comparing numerical values

Demonstration video

€90.55 * €84.90 *
Class Set of Hundred Pegboards, 8 pcs., in a box Class Set of Hundred Pegboards, 8 pcs., in a box
With these RE-Plastic® sets, children will become proficient in numbers up to 100 . The blue boards depict the numbers 1 to 100, the green bars in the set cover 10 numbers each, and the yellow cubes each cover 1 number. The class set contains 8 one-hundred board sets . They are supplied in a stackable plastic box with lid, which offers practical storage and transportation. Made in Germany!...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • to explore the number range up to 100
  • class set with 8 sets
  • in a stackable plastic box

Demonstration video

€64.55 * €59.90 *
Class Set of Number Line Calculation Tapes 1-100, 25 pcs., in box Class Set of Number Line Calculation Tapes 1-100, 25 pcs., in box
Number line counting strips for clear visualisation of numbers and adjacent numbers , also good for illustrating intervals and differences . The strips are made from white, tear-resistant plastic film, with 5 red and 5 blue marking clips, and thus highly versatile. Each set comes in a plastic box with a lid to keep everything neatly together. The class set includes 24 student number line...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • made of tear-resistant plastic film
  • with red and blue marking clips
  • class set with 24 student calculation tapes and 1 demo calculation tape
€151.60 * €139.00 *
Class Set of Number Line Calculation Tapes 1-1000, 25 pcs., in box Class Set of Number Line Calculation Tapes 1-1000, 25 pcs., in box
Number line counting strips for clear visualisation of numbers and adjacent numbers , also good for illustrating intervals and differences . The strips are made from white, tear-resistant plastic film, with 5 red and 5 blue marking clips, and thus highly versatile. Each set comes in a plastic box with a lid to keep everything neatly together. The class set includes 24 student number line...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • made of tear-resistant plastic film
  • with red and blue marking clips
  • class set with 24 student calculation tapes and 1 demo calculation tape
€161.60 * €149.00 *
Class Set Soma Cubes, 24 pcs., in box Class Set Soma Cubes, 24 pcs., in box
Each set contains 27 individual cubes of seasoned, sanded wood that can be assembled to form the Soma cube. The different aspects of Pestalozzi's head-heart-hand principle are united vividly in the Soma cube. From 27 individual 20x20x20 mm cubes, the 7 different cube figures can be glued together. The whole cube can be put together from these. The class set contains 24 Soma cube sets of 27...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • the 7 figures for the Soma cubes are glued together
  • reinforces the different aspects of the head, heart and hand principle
  • made of wood, pleasant feel (Beech polished)

Demonstration video


€100.95 * €89.90 *
Class Set Calculator Folding Computer, 8 pcs, in box Class Set Calculator Folding Computer, 8 pcs, in box
Using this arithmetic folding computer made of wood, children can work at their laptop like a "grown-up". This comprehensive set means they can learn the numbers and how to do their first arithmetic tasks , compare number values and experiment so they will soon be doing calculations quickly. The folding computer opens just like a proper laptop; instead of a screen, it has a magnetic blackboard...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • for learning to count and perform calculations and to promote arithmetic skills
  • with magnetic board and base (lined), chalks and cleaning sponge
  • 184 magnetic wooden tiles, i.e. 164 numbers plus 20 red/blue reversible tiles

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€175.10 * €149.00 *
Mathematics "Multiplication" Set, 7 pcs. Mathematics "Multiplication" Set, 7 pcs.
This set gives you plenty of tools to help your students master their times tables and multiplication. 2 student set flexible table "Flexitable", multiplications, 5 pcs These ingenious tables made from soft, foldable and highly flexible plastic film can be repeatedly refolded by the pupils. This makes it far more durable than cardboard or paper and guarantees long-lasting joy. for comparing or...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • 2 student set flexible table "Flexitable", multiplications, 5 pcs
  • Learning game ball "Pello" - small times tables
  • Card game "Multiplications", 60 pcs
  • Card game "Small times tables", 60 pcs.
  • Dice set "Mathematics", 12 pcs.
  • Dice set 0-9, ten-sided, 6 pcs
€85.50 * €79.90 *
"Perpetuum" Silkscreen Stamp, "Place Value" "Perpetuum" Silkscreen Stamp, "Place Value"
With the great "Perpetuum" silkscreen stamps by TimeTEX, fingers stay clean and there is no longer any need for ink pads and other equipment. Likewise, there is no more need for test stamping, because every stamp is perfect! The revolutionary aspect of the stamps is that the new printing technology makes ink pads superfluous because the special ink is applied onto the sheet by the stamping die....
  • stamp plate 25 x 67 mm
  • for more than 10,000 stamp impressions
  • compact, handy, lightweight
  • made of sturdy plastic
  • stamp ink green
  • motif: important


Demonstration video


€11.90 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Numbers up to 100,000 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Numbers up to 100,000
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. A colourful mathematical mix of addition, subtraction and multiplication in English...
  • addition, subtraction and multiplication combined
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Division Result TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Division Result
Playfully introduce children to arithmetic with these magic boards. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. 10 division tasks, arranged in ascending order, in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the...
  • arranged in ascending order within the row of numbers
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Counting up to 20 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Counting up to 20
Playfully encourage children to challenge themselves with these magic boards. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Basic calculation tasks involving addition and subtraction in English After a short time, the thermal...
  • basic addition and subtraction tasks colourfully combined
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Arithmetic Fun for Numbers up to 100 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Arithmetic Fun for Numbers up to 100
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. A colourful mathematical mix of addition, subtraction and multiplication in English...
  • addition, subtraction and multiplication combined
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Picture Magic TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Picture Magic
Count and add up various animals. The total is then calculated. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Ages 4 and above. 18 addition exercises in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again. exercises for numbers up...
  • exercises for numbers up to 10
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Small Multiplication Tables (up to 10 x 10) TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Small Multiplication Tables (up to...
Playfully introduce children to arithmetic with these magic boards. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. 10 times tables tasks, arranged in ascending order, in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the...
  • arranged in ascending order within the row of numbers
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" Picture Magic TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" Picture Magic
Count and add up various animals. The total is then calculated. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. For age 4 and above. 18 addition exercises After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again. exercises for numbers up to 10...
  • exercises for numbers up to 10
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Numbers up to 100 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Numbers up to 100
Playfully encourage children to challenge themselves with these magic boards. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Basic calculation tasks involving addition and subtraction in English After a short time, the thermal...
  • basic addition and subtraction tasks colourfully combined
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Numbers up to 1,000 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Numbers up to 1,000
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. A colourful mathematical mix of addition, subtraction and multiplication in English...
  • addition, subtraction and multiplication combined
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Numbers up to 20 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Numbers up to 20
Playfully encourage children to challenge themselves with these magic boards. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Basic calculation tasks involving addition and subtraction in English After a short time, the thermal...
  • basic addition and subtraction tasks colourfully combined
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" My First Arithmetic Game TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" My First Arithmetic Game
Various animals are searched for in a picture, counted and then children note the results of their calculations in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. They can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. And: writing numbers is fun. Basic writing exercises on the back. For age 4 and above. 6 searching and counting tasks...
  • calculating and writing exercises colourfully combined
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Magical Counting TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Magical Counting
Various animals are searched for in a picture, counted and then children note the results of their calculations in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. They can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. And: writing numbers is fun. Basic writing exercises on the back. Ages 4 and above. 8 searching and counting exercises...
  • calculating and writing exercises colourfully combined
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Arithmetic Magic TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" English Arithmetic Magic
Count and add up various animals, fruits and vegetables. The individual items and their total are noted. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. And: writing numbers is fun. Basic writing exercises on the back. Ages 4 and above. 9 addition...
  • calculating and writing exercises colourfully combined
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" Calculate up to 20 TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" Calculate up to 20
Playfully encourage children to challenge themselves with these magic boards. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Basic calculation tasks involving addition and subtraction After a short time, the thermal strip conceals...
  • basic addition and subtraction tasks colourfully combined
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" Small Multiplication Tables (up to 10 x 10) TimeTEX Magic Board "Mathematics" Small Multiplication Tables (up to 10 x 10)
Playfully introduce children to arithmetic with these magic boards. First, they note the result of the calculation with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. 10 columns for times tables tasks, arranged in ascending order After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the...
  • arranged in ascending order within the row of numbers
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 *
1 2 3 From 3


Getting to Know Number Spaces in Elementary School

A number line is one of many ways to represent natural numbers and is infinitely extended. It always extends from left to right. Thus, the number space up to 1000 can be visually represented on a number line up to 1000. This simplifies children's understanding of large natural numbers.

In elementary school, initially only natural numbers are considered with the number line. Therefore, the starting point of the number line up to 1000 for the students is zero and ends at 1000. In grade 1, when the first calculations are made, the number space up to 20 is initially covered, so a small number line is sufficient.

Later, the number line can be extended to include negative numbers. Especially in grades 3 and 4 of elementary school, the number space up to 1000 is covered. Therefore, the number line up to 1000 is perfectly suitable for visualizing more complex calculations. From grade 3 onwards, the ten's transition is mastered. From then on, number lines in ten steps are often used.

At TimeTEX, you will find the appropriate number line for various number spaces & difficulty levels.

How Does a Number Line Work?

The number line is particularly useful for giving children an overview of the number space. However, the number line also provides good orientation within the number space up to 20, 100, or 1000. Especially when a new number space, such as the number space up to 100, is explored, as part of the ten's transition, it is important for children to find their way around well. For example, they should develop a sense of how large the intervals between the individual numbers are and in what relation the natural numbers stand to each other. This strengthens the children's competencies in mathematics.

Initial classifications can be made well within the framework of simple search exercises. Here, the class should search for specific numbers on the number line and represent them in color. As a next step, distances between the numbers on the number line can be read as a first step towards addition and subtraction. These search games are fun and ignite enthusiasm for the number line!

Learning Number Spaces with Number Lines

The number line maps the abstract number spaces for children on a straight line. Thus, the relationship between the numbers is represented. A number line thus enables orientation in number spaces that are no longer countable without aids. Therefore, a number line in elementary school makes it easier for students to understand addition and subtraction tasks. This way, children can practice arithmetic without counting.

Tip: To further facilitate students' understanding and practice of mathematical concepts, the number line can be combined with the Abaco arithmetic aid and the Dienes Material for math. The Dienes Material is used to teach students counting, complementing, comparing numbers, and dividing numbers in a visual way. It enables students to better understand abstract arithmetic processes and contributes to promoting understanding of numbers in children. By combining the number line with the Abaco arithmetic aid and the Dienes Material, students receive additional tools to learn the decimal system playfully, simplify large numbers, and easily perform number decomposition. In addition, they can represent the value of a number in a tangible way. This way, learning and practicing mathematical concepts becomes an interactive and enriching experience for students. Discover also other mathematics teaching aids, such as our times tables games.

The number line makes it easier for teachers to explain mathematical concepts. For example, the number line can be used to show and verify which of two numbers is greater. Plus and minus calculations can also be visualized easily on the number line. Thus, the number line facilitates abstract tasks with large natural numbers, for example, in the number space up to 100, for many elementary school students.

The number line is suitable for various exercises and tasks related to ten's transitions, addition, and subtraction up to multiplication. Therefore, the number line is a good tool for explaining and illustrating mathematics in elementary school.

As you can see, there are many great ways to introduce children to number spaces.

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