- innovative abacus with rotating balls
- visual representation of the 5 number range
- sturdy and stackable
Choice of versions
- for illustrating the number range up to 1,000
- clear illustration to explain number orders and transitions
- made from sustainable Re-Wood®
Demonstration video
- 2 card games, each with 24 cards
- addition and subtraction tasks
- with simple domino rules
- suitable from 1st or 2nd year of school
- aus hochwertigem Kunststoff mit abgerundeten Kanten/Ecken
- je 1 x rot, blau, grün und gelb
- Größe: ca. 21 mm ø, 12-seitig
- II. Wahl Artikel - Auf den Würfeln ist die Zahl "2" spiegelverkehrt abgedruckt.
- große Lernbox mit Rechenplättchen, Rechenstäbchen und Zählstäben
- anschauliche und greifbare Lernerfahrungen
- fördert Zahlenverständnis und logisches Denken
- robuste Holzbox zur Aufbewahrung
- spielerisches Üben im Zahlenraum bis 20
- aus 100% FSC-zertifiziertem Holz
- motiviert Kinder zum Üben von Additions- und Subtraktionsaufgaben
- Stempelplatte 25 x 67 mm
- für mehr als 10.000 Stempelaufdrucke
- kompakt, handlich, leicht
- aus robustem Kunststoff
- Stempelfarbe grün
- Motiv: Stellenwert bis 100
- educational game with lots of fun for the number range up to 10
- practise breaking down numbers and finding number bonds to ten
- as a partner or group game, in class or during free time
- MDF tiles with the numbers 1-20 and 5 arithmetic operators
- with wooden stylus for endless tracing
- for learning numbers, sorting, counting, lining up and calculating
- for illustrating the number range up to 1,000
- clear illustration to explain number orders and transitions
- made of coloured RE-Wood®, in a practical RE-Wood® box with lid
Demonstration video
- comprehensive set, for calculations into the millions
- magnetic Base Ten Blocks Decimal Arithmetic Set with 3D appearance
- for board demonstrations
- magnetic Base Ten Blocks Decimal Arithmetic Set with 3D appearance
- for board demonstrations
- practical addition to the student set
- forming rows of tens and practising crossing tens
- for educational games and reconstructing arithmetic tasks
- with independent checking, also suitable for individual work
TimeTEX innovation
- practise arithmetic in the number range up to 100 or the Times Tables 1-10
- for educational games and reconstructing arithmetic tasks
- with independent checking, also suitable for individual work
TimeTEX innovation
- for illustrating the number range up to 1,000
- clear illustration to explain number orders and transitions
- made of RE-Wood®, in a practical RE-Wood® box with lid
Demonstration video
- Rechenleisten-Puzzle mit den Zahlen bis 20
- mit unseren Wendeplättchen kombinierbar
- den Zahlenraum bis 20 kennen lernen
- Ergänzung zum Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten
- 24 Würfelscheiben mit je 3 Rechenaufgaben
- Kopfrechnen im Zahlenraum bis 20 üben
- fördert aktives, bewegtes Lernen
- Set aus 7 miniLÜK-Heften und Kontrollgerät
- zur Vorbereitung auf die Schule
- Aufgaben zu Mathematik, Sprach- und Leseübungen und Konzentrationstraining
- Set aus 7 miniLÜK-Heften und Kontrollgerät
- zur Vorbereitung auf die Schule
- Aufgaben zu Mathematik, Sprach- und Leseübungen und Konzentrationstraining
- Calculation aids for maths lessons
- Exercise set for the number ranges up to 10 and 20
- For clear and effective practice
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- Comprehensive set for the whole class
- With Dienes material, flipchart and rotary wheels for decimal place values
- For visualizing, exploring and calculating in the number range up to 9,999
- Comprehensive XXL class set in practical plastic box
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- For the 20 number range
- In groups of 5 red/blue, optionally with or without colour change
- Upright frame for compact dimensions
- Class set with 25 abacuses in a practical plastic box
Choice of designs
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- Exploring the number range up to 20
- Various calculation aids in red/white
- Class set of 20 Maths Plus basic sets for pupils
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- Exploring the number range up to 20
- Various calculation aids in red/blue
- Class set of 20 Maths Plus basic sets for pupils
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- Class set with 25 stamp sets in a box
- Wooden stamp with 1 cube, 10 bar, hundred board and thousand cube.
- Great for children to hold
- For calculating or depicting numbers
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- For lots of common arithmetic options
- Can be folded flat, colour-matched to our place value materials
- For learning the number range up to 999,999
- Class set with 24 flipcharts in a practical plastic box
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- A fun way to take the first "calculation steps" and then consolidate times tables 1-10
- Different dice for different levels of difficulty
- Made of plastic with rounded edges/corners
- Class set with 20 sets of dice in a practical plastic box
TimeTEX innovation
Demonstration video
- fördert Verständnis von Mengen und Zahlen im Zahlenraum bis 10
- farbige Karten mit lustigen Motiven
- Spielanleitung mit verschiedenen Spielvorschlägen
- For the 20 number range
- In groups of 5 red/blue, optionally with or without colour change
- Upright frame for compact dimensions
Choice of models
Demonstration video
- 2 sequences of dominoes in 2 different colours
- With all the addition problems for totals 0-10
- Made of wood, pleasant feel
- A fun way to practise addition and subtraction for numbers up to 20
- Link task and solution together
- Made of wood, pleasant feel
- 2 sequences of dominoes in 2 different colours
- With almost all subtraction tasks that are possible with minuends 10 to 0
- Made of wood, pleasant feel
- Practise addition in the number range up to 30
- Contains each addition task for sums from 0 to 30
- On double-sided printed cards, for checking your own work
- Practise subtractions in the number range up to 30
- Contains each subtraction task for the minuends 0 to 30
- On double-sided printed cards, for checking your own work
- Number clips for the numbers 0-100, with text in two colours
- Can be used for hanging on the cord or free-standing
- For exploration and familiarisation with numbers 0-100
- Visual representation of the number range up to 1,000
- With Dienes material and number cards
- In Montessori colours
- Practise times tables from 1-10 through playing
- Link task and solution together
- Made of wood, pleasant feel
- For practising addition and subtraction with carry over
- Promotes attention and concentration
- Funny frog motif illustrates the carry over
- Wooden number cards for the numbers 0-100
- Cards printed on the front, blank on the back
- For exploration and familiarisation with numbers 0-100
- 7 wooden arithmetic symbols for first arithmetic operations
- Beech wood playing board with 10 x 10 indentations
- For familiarisation with the 100 number range and for arithmetic tasks
- Can be filled with felt balls, beads, glass gems etc.
- A fun way to discover the world of numbers
- Visualise quantities, sizes and numerical values
- For counting and checking your own results
- Caterpillar counting chain as a mathematical aid for the number range up to 20
- 20 wooden beads on tear-resistant cord
- With blocks of 5, red/blue
- Explore the number range up to 100 with bubble poppers
- For reinforcing basic arithmetic
- Numbers on the front, blank on the blank
- Also good for reducing stress
- Comprehensive set with 6 Nikitin materials
- Made from durable wood
- To promote concentration, fine motor skills, observation and much more
- For children from age 4
- for complex calculations in the number range up to 100
- tange of uses possible
- prime numbers, least common multiple and greatest common divisor
- suitable for school years 1-6
- 13 calculation aids in one set
- Calculations with numbers up to 20
- In a practical stackable box made from environmentally friendly RE-Wood
TimeTEX Innovation
- Discover and recognise the numbers 1-10
- For comparing numbers and their values
- For arithmetic, sub-division and tracing
- Number value = size in cm = perfect for independent checking
- 6 flaps in different colours
- for practising numbers up to 999,999 and number transitions
- colour-matched to our value materials
TimeTEX Innovation
- ten-sided 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s cubes
- suitable for mathematics lessons up to fourth grade
- with rounded edges/corners
Advisory video
- for practising breaking down numbers
- with pull-out cover
- red beads in wooden box are highly visible
- Learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
- For comparing numbers and their values
- For arithmetic, breaking down and tracing
- Number value = size in cm = perfect for independent checking
- The numbers 1-10 in 4 different colours
- For comparing numbers and their values
- For arithmetic, breaking down and tracing
- Number value = size in cm = perfect for independent checking
- The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
- promotes the development of social and motor skills
- suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
- improves power of concentration and is fun
TimeTEX Innovation
- Number towers with funny faces and colourful ink pads
- For early mathematical support
- In practical sorting box with carrying handle
- Get fit in the number range up to 10
- With addition and subtraction exercises
- Trains more quickly solving arithmetic tasks
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- Everything needed to enter the 20 number range
- The common calculation aids in one set
- In transparent plastic box with quick-release closure handles
- visual representation of the numbers up to 100 in the Montessori colours
- suitable for all arithmetic tasks
- made from environmentally friendly RE-Wood®
- learn the numbers 1-20
- promotes active learning through movement
- wipeable mat
- transparent calculation bars for the number range up to 20
- with transparent red and blue counters
- learn numbers up to 20
- 2 card games, each with 18 cards
- numbers in different representations
- with simple domino rules
- suitable from 1st or 2nd year of school
- a fantastic, sturdy case with an exciting interior
- promotes the motivation to learn and can be taken anywhere
- three-in-one learning activities combined with games, fun and fine motor skills training
- have fun learning addition and subtraction for numbers up to 20
- link task and solution together
- can be played with separate or mixed task cards
- breaking down numbers in the number range up to 10
- one plus one / one minus one tasks in the number range up to 10
- creating and solving placeholder tasks
- recognizing pairs of numbers with a sum greater than 10 (in preparation for calculating with tens)
- constantly rearrange the spots shown on the die
- learn to identify quantities at a glance
- forms the basis for learning basic calculation operations
- comprehensive set for the whole class
- with Dienes material, flipchart and rotary wheels for decimal place values
- for visualizing, exploring and calculating in the number range up to 9,999
- made of transparent plastic film in different colours
- for calculating in different number ranges, using various calculation methods and subsets
- also suitable for group work
TimeTEX Innovation
- upper and lower case letters, numbers and arithmetic symbols
- for learning the alphabet and numbers and for sorting or counting
- made from colourful plastic, with magnet on the back
- for visually illustrating the number range up to 1,000
- explain orders of magnitude clearly, show transitions, add and subtract
- 50 tens bars in the Dienes work material
- for separate sets or to complement existing sets
- for visually illustrating the number range up to 1,000
- explain orders of magnitude clearly, show transitions, add and subtract
- 5 hundred squares in the Dienes work material
- for separate sets or to complement existing sets
- for visually illustrating the number range up to 1,000
- explain orders of magnitude clearly, show transitions, add and subtract
- 1 one-thousand cube in the Dienes work material
- for separate sets or to complement existing sets
- independent practice and learning, entertaining and motivating
- exercise books for numbers and letters in English
- ideal for independent work, at home or when travelling
- for visually illustrating the number range up to 1,000
- explain orders of magnitude clearly, show transitions, add and subtract
- 500 unit cubes in the Dienes work material
- for separate sets or to complement existing sets
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- calculation aid for primary school teaching
- large beads, pleasant to the touch
- made of environmentally friendly RE-Wood®
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- learn and recognise the numbers from 1 to 10
- for tracing with numbered directional arrows
- with 60 red balls for comparing numerical values
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- to explore the number range up to 100
- class set with 8 sets
- in a stackable plastic box
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- made of tear-resistant plastic film
- with red and blue marking clips
- class set with 24 student calculation tapes and 1 demo calculation tape
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- made of tear-resistant plastic film
- with red and blue marking clips
- class set with 24 student calculation tapes and 1 demo calculation tape
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- the 7 figures for the Soma cubes are glued together
- reinforces the different aspects of the head, heart and hand principle
- made of wood, pleasant feel (Beech polished)
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- for learning to count and perform calculations and to promote arithmetic skills
- with magnetic board and base (lined), chalks and cleaning sponge
- 184 magnetic wooden tiles, i.e. 164 numbers plus 20 red/blue reversible tiles
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- 2 student set flexible table "Flexitable", multiplications, 5 pcs
- Learning game ball "Pello" - small times tables
- Card game "Multiplications", 60 pcs
- Card game "Small times tables", 60 pcs.
- Dice set "Mathematics", 12 pcs.
- Dice set 0-9, ten-sided, 6 pcs
- stamp plate 25 x 67 mm
- for more than 10,000 stamp impressions
- compact, handy, lightweight
- made of sturdy plastic
- stamp ink green
- motif: important
Demonstration video
- addition, subtraction and multiplication combined
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arranged in ascending order within the row of numbers
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- basic addition and subtraction tasks colourfully combined
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- addition, subtraction and multiplication combined
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- exercises for numbers up to 10
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arranged in ascending order within the row of numbers
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- exercises for numbers up to 10
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- basic addition and subtraction tasks colourfully combined
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- addition, subtraction and multiplication combined
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- basic addition and subtraction tasks colourfully combined
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- calculating and writing exercises colourfully combined
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- calculating and writing exercises colourfully combined
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- calculating and writing exercises colourfully combined
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- basic addition and subtraction tasks colourfully combined
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arranged in ascending order within the row of numbers
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
Getting to Know Number Spaces in Elementary School
A number line is one of many ways to represent natural numbers and is infinitely extended. It always extends from left to right. Thus, the number space up to 1000 can be visually represented on a number line up to 1000. This simplifies children's understanding of large natural numbers.
In elementary school, initially only natural numbers are considered with the number line. Therefore, the starting point of the number line up to 1000 for the students is zero and ends at 1000. In grade 1, when the first calculations are made, the number space up to 20 is initially covered, so a small number line is sufficient.
Later, the number line can be extended to include negative numbers. Especially in grades 3 and 4 of elementary school, the number space up to 1000 is covered. Therefore, the number line up to 1000 is perfectly suitable for visualizing more complex calculations. From grade 3 onwards, the ten's transition is mastered. From then on, number lines in ten steps are often used.
At TimeTEX, you will find the appropriate number line for various number spaces & difficulty levels.
How Does a Number Line Work?
The number line is particularly useful for giving children an overview of the number space. However, the number line also provides good orientation within the number space up to 20, 100, or 1000. Especially when a new number space, such as the number space up to 100, is explored, as part of the ten's transition, it is important for children to find their way around well. For example, they should develop a sense of how large the intervals between the individual numbers are and in what relation the natural numbers stand to each other. This strengthens the children's competencies in mathematics.
Initial classifications can be made well within the framework of simple search exercises. Here, the class should search for specific numbers on the number line and represent them in color. As a next step, distances between the numbers on the number line can be read as a first step towards addition and subtraction. These search games are fun and ignite enthusiasm for the number line!
Learning Number Spaces with Number Lines
The number line maps the abstract number spaces for children on a straight line. Thus, the relationship between the numbers is represented. A number line thus enables orientation in number spaces that are no longer countable without aids. Therefore, a number line in elementary school makes it easier for students to understand addition and subtraction tasks. This way, children can practice arithmetic without counting.
Tip: To further facilitate students' understanding and practice of mathematical concepts, the number line can be combined with the Abaco arithmetic aid and the Dienes Material for math. The Dienes Material is used to teach students counting, complementing, comparing numbers, and dividing numbers in a visual way. It enables students to better understand abstract arithmetic processes and contributes to promoting understanding of numbers in children. By combining the number line with the Abaco arithmetic aid and the Dienes Material, students receive additional tools to learn the decimal system playfully, simplify large numbers, and easily perform number decomposition. In addition, they can represent the value of a number in a tangible way. This way, learning and practicing mathematical concepts becomes an interactive and enriching experience for students. Discover also other mathematics teaching aids, such as our times tables games.
The number line makes it easier for teachers to explain mathematical concepts. For example, the number line can be used to show and verify which of two numbers is greater. Plus and minus calculations can also be visualized easily on the number line. Thus, the number line facilitates abstract tasks with large natural numbers, for example, in the number space up to 100, for many elementary school students.
The number line is suitable for various exercises and tasks related to ten's transitions, addition, and subtraction up to multiplication. Therefore, the number line is a good tool for explaining and illustrating mathematics in elementary school.
As you can see, there are many great ways to introduce children to number spaces.